Chapter 19: Heaven

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I fought for you
The hardest, it made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving
But heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
Heaven couldn't wait for you
No heaven couldn't wait for you
So go on, go home

Omniscient POV

This past week and a half has felt like months maybe even years. After receiving the tragic news of the death of the woman that meant the word to them , Mary's children took their time making their way through the hospital doors. This really wasn't something they were rushing to see. With Ryan being the only relative the doctors had called her to take on the belonging the had been left behind as well as to identify the body. Even though everyone on Mary's care taking staff knew their faces since no one was there at the time of her passing it was standard procedure. She couldn't face it alone so she asked the two men in her life to tag along which they didn't hesitate to do. Both interlocking their hands with one of hers as the stood on either side , the morgue was located in the basement of the hospital. Kept cold and was always uncomfortable quiet. Standing , waiting next to the small square door of many that was placed nearly along the wall to the left of the entrance. A label that read off a brunch of random number was centered in the middle.

"Are you three ready ?" The doctor asked but received no response in return which he didn't take personal. He knew this was a tough time for these young ones and right now they just needed proof that it was their loved one that had been taken.

The cold air from the door opening since chills up Ryan's spine Chris , his focus stayed on the floor while Anthony stood emotionless. Apart of each of them prayed that this was just a case of mistaken identity but when the thin white sheet was pulled back only revealing the face all hope was lost. Christopher instantly let Ry's hand go quickly stepping away from the table walking towards the farthest corner in the closed in area. His sobs could be heard through the quietness but nobody moved to comfort him. Comfort wasn't something he wanted , what he wanted was something none of them could give him. Feeling the doctors eyes burning into her face Ryan didn't look up from her nana as the tears ran smoothly down each of her cheeks. The only thing she could give him was a simply nod confirming what he had already known. Unable to take it anymore she released herself from Tony's hold stepping away leaving him there alone. The sight of a dead body didn't bother him. He had seen plenty before back in New Orleans , hat fact this was somebody he had close to his heart didn't move him much either. With the images of finding his own mama lifeless body still fresh in his mind he felt like couldn't anything shake him.

Leaning down placing a soft kiss on her forehead the coldness of her skin made his chest tighten up. This was real and this was something each and every one of them will have to deal with in their own way. It was make or break them and for Mama Mary's sake so she can rest in total paradise he prayed for the first option. After whispering a few words in her ear as he did every time he entered and left her room upstairs Tony gathered the what was left of his family and took their leave. Days had gone by and with that they had learned that woman they grieved hard for had left the, everything equally. Leaving each of them a share of money of their own , a percentage of the house to do with as they please and whatever split up between them. She wanted to make sure they were straight even when she was no longer around. Mary was truly a Angel sent from God himself that changed the lives of three young adults who will forever be indebted to her. And last she left each of them a personal note addressed to them and for their eyes alone. With them being separated in different parts of the house at the time Chris , Anthony , and Ryan read their letters and silently cried to themselves.

To My Oldest Christopher,

                                 I know you may be sadden by my leaving but I hope you cry more tears of joy more than anything. My physical being may be no longer you but I will forever be in your heart taking every step of your next journey with you. As I've done since we first met. You are a bright young man who comes from a difficult pass but you never let that keep you from smiling. Your strength is what has gotten you this far in life , I was only there to hold your hand whenever you needed me. Which hasn't been much in the pass couple years. Though it is always hard for a mother to let her child go out into the world on their own I want you to know that I've always been proud of you. So proud and honored to be the person you put your trust in looking for help and guidance. But now I think I need your help with something , a favor to ask. Being the oldest I ask you to make sure my Anthony stays on track when it comes to himself. I'm not to worried about Ryan because I know he has her but Anthony has been through a lot that he has yet to tell either of you. He's quick to give but even quicker to blame himself when things go wrong. Don't let him become distant or lose himself because he's blinded by grief. You are his father now. The family you all need is right in front of you. Be strong as you always been my child and remember I'm never that far away all you need to do is pray.

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