Chapter 33: War Cry

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Everyone's losing patience
This is a war cry that everyone needs to hear
I can feel in the air that the end is near
Say, "Devil you can't have my mind"
"Devil you can't have my soul"
I belong to god and I'm fighting you off
With the power of the Holy Ghost
I say, "Devil you can't have my mind" (No)
"Devil you can't have my soul"
I belong to god and I'm fighting you off
With the power of the Holy Ghost
This is a war cry

Ryan POV

After making our way to Chris's house having Anthony shower and change the four of us as well as Robyn and Chris's daughter Royalty, who Tony loves half to death, we're making our way towards the church we haven't stepped foot in since nana's funeral. Tony and I were in his car alone while Chris and his family followed behind closely. There was a comfortable silence between us. The only thing being heard is the soft music playing that was coming from the radio. The vibe was different from just yesterday when we were in this same position and I guess that has something to do with his sudden switch in mood towards me this morning or should I say last night. I haven't made Anthony aware that I heard his every word from beginning to end and I plan on keeping it that way. His words were something he planned only for his ears to hear along with our unborn daughter hat I almost feel bad for listening in on a private conversation he was having with himself. Key word almost.

I didn't mean to intrude but when I felt his long fingers brushed across my face I startled me out of my sleep. Something he didn't notice until after our daughter had kicked him in the mouth.

A small smile danced a crossed my lips as a allowed myself to once again star at his side profile. His words last night was something I've been wanting for a very long time so long that it made my heart bleed. Not because he was apologizing, an apology isn't something I wanted from him because he had nothing to a sorry about. It was the emotion in his voice that made me want to cry. I haven't heard anything like that from him since the night I found him on the back porch at nana's house shortly after she had passed. It gave me hope that he was allowing himself to feel again, allowing me to feel him again. Though ourselves individually nor our relationship hadn't been mended together I felt like we were finally taking a stop in the right direction.

As we passed car after car making our way through the business morning commute of Chicago my mind started to wander off to a solace it shouldn't especially now. I could see the broadness of his shoulders through the shirt and I could feel the muscles in his chest as a laid my head upon him last night as my hand roamed the definition in his stomach that wasn't there before. Anthony has always had a slim frame, narrow chest and small waist but now he had put on some weight and it definitely showed. Even his neck and face had gotten thicker. I haven't had the chance to see his new body with my own eyes yet but that something I've been dying for but knowing we're not in that level yet. Then I thought instantly hit me something that made my stomach turn, something I couldn't stop myself from saying. It just came out like word vomit.

"Are you fucking that girl that Chris hired to work the front desk ?" I could tell my sudden question as well as the force behind it caught him off guard as he gave me a quick glance before placing his eyes back in the road.

"Nah...why you ask somethin' like dat?"

"I can tell she likes you and was just wondering if you fucked her."

"Nah I didn't and I'm not." His words came out form but they didn't have to be. I knew he wasn't lying. Anthony wouldn't lie to me he never has. He might have kept things from me but he I asked him directly his answer was always truthful.

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