Chapter 16: Not My Ex

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But now you wanna love me, who knows what you'll find
It won't be easy, but I'm down for the ride
Just remember You're not my ex, no
I know I can be troubled, Lord knows that it's hard
It won't be simple when I give you my heart
Just remember I'm not your ex

Omniscient POV

The silence was doing everything but the right thing for Ryan. Anthony hasn't even showed up to visit her nana yet , he was late or maybe he just wasn't coming. Chris sat against the window doing something on his phone while she took up the chair nearest to the bed. Her hand rested against her grandmother's as her mind ran laps around it'self. She couldn't even began to think about what Tony thought he saw and in the same breath still couldn't wrap her mind around why he cared so much. Cared about her so much. Since they first met he's always looked at her with this look in his eyes. It wasn't pity or lust filled like Jahmal use to give her but almost like he was admiring every feature that made up her face. Every detail every flaw probably picking up on things she didn't even see in herself.

His stare never made her feel uncomfortable but yet nervous in a good way. It always sent chills down her spine as well as knocking the wind away from her lungs. The effect he had over her body was familiar to the one her ex fiance once had before everything went to shit. Maybe that's what scared her the most , stopping her in her tracks when it came to getting to close to this new person. But that night , the first night she stayed in the hotel and the shared a bath she had allowed him closer than any man has ever been and her inner being actually wanted more. Wanted to stay locked away in his arms , to have his lips pressed firmly against her as their tongues fought for dominance while tasting each other. But when he stood in her face she pushed him away like she did everything else but this time she might have just pushed too far.

The sound of heavy foot steps brought both Chris and Ryan's attention towards the open door that was connecting Mary's room to the hospital hallway. Thinking in was the doctor or one of the nurses coming to check her vitals maybe even Anthony deciding to finally make an appearance but was stopped short when they was met with someone totally different. Stuck in shock and fear Ry became paralyzed to the new company they had while her brother stood to his feet taking a firm stance in front of her blocking his view. Heart pounding at a very unhealthy rate while all he did was smile and reassuring smile. Letting her know he could reach other and touch her at any time even if the one she left couldn't.

"Why so tense Christopher I'm only here to check on Sister Mary. Word got back to me at the church that she had fallen ill." His voice brought her chills. She didn't only run away leaving Jahmal behind but also her father.

The man that made it seem like what he was doing was okay even telling her it was her fault. That if she just would have listened and been a good girl it wouldn't have happen and to make matters worst before her nana had gotten worst she had informed her that he had don't the same to her mother.

"Yeah and why you give a fuck. You da only dat threw her out da church when she beat your boy ass. Where he at anyway , cuz I'm looking for dat nigga for more than one reason." Ryan could feel the rage pouring off of Chris as the spat those words. She had actually grown afraid for her father and his life as she silently started to thank God that Anthony wasn't here.

Wrapping her hands around his arm trying to keep her as close to her as possible. This definitely wasn't the place for tempers to first to flare and hands to start being thrown. When Chris pull away from her hold she knew she had some from a control over him. The same control her nana has over him , with a simple touch it spoke volumes. James didn't comment or even flench at the venom thrown his way but in turn allowed his eyes to make their way to his fear filled daughter who was hiding behind the young man he had known her to hate. Even more paralyzed than before now that they were staring into each others. Ryan's eyes filled with tears it was almost like he had the same mind control over her the Jahmal once did and probably still does if he was to be in her face right now. When Chris realized what was going on he brought his arm back and wrapped pushing her smaller body more behind him covering her frame completely.

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