Chapter 17: The Letter

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There's an emptiness that only few ever feel
And I somehow missed the meaning of love that is real
And it compliments my scars that will never heal
Maybe I didn't deserve you
Maybe I just couldn't cure you
They told me that I didn't hurt you
Why do I feel like I turned you?
Maybe I don't understand it
Tell me is this how you planned it?
Did you see us so stranded
Maybe I'm too much to manage

Omniscient POV

The feeling of arms wrapped tightly around her waste from behind was definitely something Ryan wasn't use to waking up to. Even when she had been living with a man for so long. His hold was so tight like he was trying to keep her from leaving but she had to. She had to get up because she had to pee. Waiting as long as she could before starting to slowly remove his arms from around her trying not to wake him from his peaceful sleep. It took her a few tries a way more time than she really had since he kept stirring but once she was free she quickly tip toes herself in the bathroom relieving herself as quietly as she could. But with the room being a dead quiet every drop that hit the water belong sounded louder than it actually was. Once she was finished and wiped herself properly Ry stood in front her the mirror staring at her reflection while washing her hands. Her neck was covered in purple like bruises but not for the reasons she had grown use to. Lips still slightly swollen and red from every kiss and bite Anthony gave them the night before.

Blush washed over her with a rush and hint of embarrassment. Her first time was with a man that she wasn't married to like she had originally planned and oddly she was okay with that because it was everything she always wanted to it be. He took his time with her , making sure she was comfortable and putting her needs first. She could still kiss the trail of wet kisses he placed along her inner thighs before french kissing her other set of lips. What happen last number was more than just sex to her ,she had given Anthony apart of herself that she swore to keep until her wedding night. Opening herself up in a way she never had and there was no going back now. The only thing she could do was pray that the feeling he told her he had was real. Making her way back into the room where Tony was still in the same position she had left him in. On his back with one hand on his stomach and the other on placed behind his head with his face turned away from her. Both of them were still as naked as the day they were born after their second and third round they had in the tub and shower she slipped back into the bed but keeping her body propped up on her elbow while her other hands lightly traced the outline of his tattoos along his chest with the pad her finger. Admiring the smooth and cleanness of his skin watching his chest rise and fall at a slow pace.

Unable to stop herself threw her leg over positioning herself over top over his lower stomach. Hands flat against the same pillow he laid his head on Ryan leaned over kissing a soft kiss on cheek then ear before making contact with the sensitive skin of his neck. He didn't show no signs of waking up until her tongue replaced her lip. A low growl left his lips as he shifted a little under her weight. Still sleep Anthony removed his hand from his head placing it mindlessly on top of her bare thigh. Her kisses and licks turned into biting and sucking wanting to mark him the same way he did her. Feeling his member growing thick under her Ry smiled to herself before letting out a surprised yelp. She didn't even no he was fully awake until his arms quickly around her frame lifting up. Now they were chest to chest wrapped in each others embrace lips pressed against each together letting their tongues go to war with one another. Breaking away only because his phone started ringing somewhere in the pile of clothes they made last night.

"Grab my phone for me baybeh." Without really giving it a second thought Ryan hopped up and out of the bed giving a nice view he would mind waking up to every morning.

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