Chapter 26: Tru

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Anthony POV

This is the part I will hate the most when it comes to the deal I made agreed to when it came to getting my life back on track. It wasn't stay with Breeze or having to pee in a cup once a week. It was the therapy. Sitting in one spot for an hour and a half telling a person I didn't know how fucked up I truly was. This will be a first session and to say a nigga nervous is a understatement. Right now I'm sitting in a rather big office that had a couch that I was currently sitting on , a coffee table that seperated me from the other chair that I guess my therapist will be sitting in, as well as a desk sitting in the far corner ask to the window. The place was to home vibe to it. Most likely to make patients comfortable but that shit wasn't doing nothing for me.

The clock hanging up on the nearby wall read eight fifty-seven in the which meant my session starts in three minutes. I had gotten here thirty minutes early thanks to Robyn who had to take me since my brody had to get to work. I told her she could leave and I'll call her when I'm through but she quickly declined saying that she'll wait for me in the lobby. I knew Chris told her to stay scared that I was going to make a run for it and be honest I probably would have if I was given the chance.

The room was quiet. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart racing in my chest as well as the ticking from the second hand moving on the wall clock. My palms are sweats , knees so weak that it I was to stand I probably would hit the floor. Being out the hospital so every bit of sixteen days now, I feel like each day I am sober is a step in the right direction. It's hard I came even lie and say everything came naturally because it didn't. There were times I've laid in the bed thinking of all the places Breeze couldn't possibly hid my medication. Something to just take the edge off but ever had the balls enough to go look for them. I wanted to do better. I don't want to disappoint my family anymore or myself. But I got you say my niece little miss royalty it one of the biggest reasons I try as hard as I do. She doesn't understand what I'm actually going through. The only thing her parents tell her is the I'm sick and they are helping me feel better. Her smile brights up my darkness every time she rushes into my room once she's returned home from school. Everyday she brings me a new picture she drew in class. They all are hanging up on my wall so I could see them every time I wake up. She made me want a child...a daughter. Just so someone who is apart of me can look at me like I'm some type of superhero. But right now my life isn't stable enough to even try to form any type of relationship with anybody let along have a kid. My heart still belongs to another even though she doesn't deserve.

The sound of the door closing loudly behind me caused me to jump. Back straight and hands a crossed over one another. Not know what to inspect I kept my head facing straight a head waiting for whoever to come into my line a view.

"Good Morning Mr. Carter. How are you ?" The voice came from a lady. It was calm and relaxed with a hint of comfort in it. I didn't respond write away but waited until she was standing directly across from me in front of the free chair.

My gaze roamed her frame as I took in her features. She's a black queen, older lady probably in her late forty earlier fifty if even that old. Her stare was intense. Something I definitely wasn't usual to but for some reason it made me relax a little more. There was something about her though that seem for familiar but I was more than positive I didn't know her before today.

"GudMornin' I'm doin' okay." Once I finally acknowledge her presence with a greeting a small smile break across her face before taking her seat.

"Just okay ?" She asked causing me to shift in my seat. Her question was simple but it made me comfortable. She must have noticed because she quickly took it back. "It's alright I understand. It's our first day so even the simple questions seem like you're being interrogated...but let me properly introduce myself my name is Dr. Riley Jacobs and we are going to practically bestie by the time this three months are up."

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