Chapter 25: Loyalty

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It's a secret society
All we ask is trust , all we ask is trust
All we got is us
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty

Omniscient POV

Right now Chris couldn't decide what he was feeling right now. But whatever it was he knew it was mostly feeding off anger not at Tony though. What he felt towards his brody was understanding but in the same breath regret. Regret because he didn't reach out to him before things had gotten this bad. Where the problem came in at was Bird. A homie whose been rocking with him since the beginning dealing with the shop. He offered this man a permit chair if that's what he wanted but that all ends today.

Breeze never tried to down play the role he played when it came to Yungin'. That was his little brother and everybody in the shop knew it. Nah they didn't know his full store because that wasn't their business but they indeed had an idea that he had it bad. Then with Mama Mary dying out of nowhere that just added on. So for Bird to go behind his back a sell pills to someone he looked at as family that was a line he shouldn't have crossed but he was definitely going to know just how much he actually fucked up once Chris reached him.

He should have came to him, told him what Anthony was asking for so he could get it under control but no this nigga to was only worried about putting money into his pocket not the effects that shit was going to have on others lives. But he'll no after tonight if he doesn't leave in a bodybag first. Since the shop was closed for the night Breeze knew exactly where the people he employed were going to be.

Friday's !

These niggas niggas was always looking for a cheap drink and some quick food so they made that their spot almost twice out of a week after leaving work and today was one of those days. It took no time to get from his Condo to the restaurant. Once he pulled in and killed the engine he hopped out the car slamming his door in the process. Rage was starting to boil over as he shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. Making it inside the dim area ignoring the waitress asking him if he wanted a table for one, Chris eyes scanned the room until the landed on a group of familiar faces. He gave her a polite smile as he pointed over to his friends before stepping off. From the faces he could see none of them were Birds but there were three others with their back towards him. The first to notice his unexpected presence was a barber named Dell. He formed up a grin before standing up to his feet causing everybody to turn and look as well. Meeting him half way Dell dapped up his boss but instantly knew something wasn't right. He wasn't his usual self but more firm like a man on a mission.

After greeting everybody the best he could Breeze turned his attention to the man the never got up from his seat and just his luck it was the man he was looking for.

"Wussup Breeze, I thought he wasn't coming out tonight since Tone was coming home ?" Him even utter his brother's name pissed Chris off.

They didn't know the extent to why Anthony had been absent from work only that he's sick and had to be admitted into the hospital. But for some reason he felt like this nigga was trying to be funny, slick talking.

"I wasn't but I came to holla at you."

"Me, for what ?"

"Does it matter nigga ! Get da fuck up." His words came out loud and harsh. Something he really couldn't at the time but he definitely got a lot of people attention.

Bird must have though things were a game because he didn't stand to his feet only laughing before shaking his head saying some shit like you tripping. Ready to take another sip of his prepared drink but Breeze caught him by the collar of his shirt pulling him up from the seat itself. Homie must have felt bold since they were in a public place because he used both of his hands to shove Chris in the chest causing him to take two steps because but no farther. Letting out a bitter laugh before sending a quick jab to the face watching as his once homie doubled over and the other gasp in shock before he gripped him up by the back of his neck dragging him out the building all together.

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