Chapter 5: You Deserve

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Omniscient POV

Everything and everybody sitting in the dinning room at the table was quiet. Nobody spoke a word as the tension was so thick it could be cut with a butter knife. It was obvious that certain people were uncomfortable by the presence of the two young men sitting to the right of Mary. While Chris sat completely unbothered eating from the plate that was made for him Anthony couldn't help but to feel nervous. The familiar feeling of eyes on him caused him to lowing his head as always making sure he couldn't see the stares he was relieving.

Nobody spoke to each other which wasn't really new. Even when it was just the four of them , before adding the new faces thee wasn't much conversation. Mary would usually ask her granddaughter how her week at work had gone while ignoring her fiance but since Ryan couldn't respect her company she thought it would be best to not say anything at all. Tired of the quietness Pastor Fenty spoke first trying to spark up a conversation with the young man he hasn't seen in a whole.

"So Christopher how you been ?"

Wiping his mouth before placing his fork down looking up from his plate Chris's eyes darted over to the man who had just used his government knowing how he felt about it. Him and Pastor Fenty never really had any problems though. He always looked out as much as he could and showed him respect like Mama Mary didn't but he still didn't allow him to get too close. It was just something about him that Breezy didn't like something in his vibe or demeanor that didn't sit right with him but he never spoke on it.

"I been good. Just chilling working staying out of trouble."

"How the barbershop ?"

"Its cool. Getting a lot of new customers dats how I met Ant over there. Mama sent him to my shop to get a new cut." Pointing over to Yungin as he spoke. He peeped that nobody beside him and Mary had acknowledged the presence of the young man sitting next to him almost acting like he wasn't even here.

Tony mentally cussed his new friend out for putting the spot light on him. He wanted this dinner to be over before it even began. Already done with his food he wanted to excuse himself from the table and head to his room but out of respect for the woman who has opened up her home to him he stayed.

"Oh yes Anthony isn't it ?"

"Yes ma'am...I mean sir."

Chris laughed under his breath at the mistake being made as Mary had given him a certain look that caused him to quickly close his mouth. She could sense the fear radiating off the body of the boy sitting beside her as she laid her hand on his shoulder. His eyes quickly lifted from his lap looking over at her. Noticing her giving him a unspoken pep talk , almost like she was telling him to relax. Her touch was gentle and smooth as it ran from his shoulder to his neck and up to his now fresh line up. Admiring the work of her other son. Even though his body was still tense Mama Mary touch made him lift slightly better.

Giving her a small smile before looking over at the three people that sat across from him. He ignored the looks he was getting from Ryan and Jahmal putting his sights on the Pastor himself.

"My fault sir I meant no disrespect."

"None taken. Have you met my daughter Ryan and her fiancé Jahmal."

The pastor being Ryan's father was new information to him. Which made his eyebrows frown up in confusion but he quickly covered it with a closed lipped smile. Ready to answer the question thrown his way but a voice of another cut him off. The voice and presence of a man he didn't know well but he a lone made his skin crawl and body cringe.

"Yes Pastor. We've met on more than one occasion unfortunately. He's a homeless man that Mary here has taken in once again. It looks like the charity case that she found in Christopher wasn't enough."

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