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It was time for school lunch and I was walking to the Cafeteria with Justin, Blake and Trina since we had our previous class together. We sat on our usual table with our other friends Krystal, Ryan and Diana here. All we were waiting for was Rachel and Kate.

Me, Blake, Trina, Rachel and Kate were Sophmores, Krystal was a Senior, Justin was a Junior amd Ryan and Diana were Freshman in Highschool.

We had more friends but this was our usually "clique". Diana was actually my cousin, my favorite cousin.

"Hey Rose! did you hear Nash, Cameron and Matthew are here in LA" Krystal told me as soon as everyone was here at the table.

"they're always here and I never get to meet them" I said just slouching "how am I supposed to live my life if my future husband hasn't even met me yet" I joked and they laughed. If you haven't figured it out yet, yes I'm Rose, Rose Griffin.

"that's true, it's because they're all over the place" Diana added

"oh well, next time I guess" Rachel said because she wasn't really into these boys.

We all left out things at the table to just go get some food.

"what do you guys wanna do today?" Blake asked "it's Friday"

"wanna go to Starbucks after school?" Justin asked and of course we all agreed.

"babe, I have like a twenty minute basketball meeting after school" Ryan told Diana, yes they're dating.

"okay just meet us there" Diana told him and we continued talking.


It was after school now and we were already at Starbucks. We ordered the drinks that we wanted and talked about more things, anything that came into mind.

"uhg I wanna meet Matthew Espinosa already" Diana blurted

"you don't need to meet him, you already have me" Ryan just walked in

"how'd you get her" Krystal asked him

"my friends mom dropped me off" he answered and she nodded her head. Sucks for Diana and Ryan because they're the only
two in this group without a license.

"FUCK! GUYS THEY'RE AT SANTA MONICA" Kate yelled out of no where and we all looked at her

"who" Justin asked

"NASH, MATT AND CAMERON" she yelled and my eyes widened

"no fucking way" Trina said and Kate showed us her phone, she was on twitter and showed us the tweet.

"who cares, they're just boys" Blake rolled his eyes at us.

"i agree, they're just boys guys calm down" Rachel sipped her frap

"mhm that's not how you freaking react when we see hotties at the mall bitch" Krystal brought up and everyone laughed "well lets freaking go dudes"

The three boys and Rachel groaned.

"well I don't see a point in going, they probably have girls all over them already" Rachel said "it's probably crowded"

"let's just go in case, because I am not paying to meet them, this is like a once in a life time thing" Kate said and I agreed

"I don't wanna go" Justin whined

"me neither, there would be too many girls touching and squeezing through" Blake added but his eyes widened.

"wait I kinda wanna go now" Justin changed his mind

"fucking freaks" I laughed at them "lets go then" i said standing up and already walking to my car. Ryan and Diana carpooled with me and we made our way to the beach.


Okay guys sorry this is like a boring stupid chapter!
In my opinion I think it was was better before but I just checked this chapter earlier and It was completely empty. All that I wrote was gone so I had
to rewrite this chapter. I don't remember what the original chapter was like completely, but I know most of these parts were in it.

But other than that, the rest of the chapters are okAy I guess! sorry for the new readers because yeah.

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