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Rose POV****

I was still sleeping but I felt Nash's lips pecking mine over and over again. I slowly opened my eyes and were met with his baby blue eyes. He was hovered over me and finally stopped pecking my lips.

"good morning baby" he told me with a wide smile

"good morning cutie" i said back poking his dimple that always made me smile

Nash got up and he was in only his boxers and I remembered that I was completely naked. I looked at my phone for the time and it was 5:48PM. I got up and he already had his basketball shorts and tanktop on and I was barley finding new clothes so I could shower.

"can I shower with you" he asked smiling at me

"no not really, you can go after me"

"but we can save water" he chuckled "do i still have to leave the room when you come out to change, i'm already looking at you completely naked" he reminded me

"then you can stay in the room"

"come on let's save some water" he begged and I started to roll my eyes at him. I started to walk to my shower and I could feel him staring at me still. I turned around

"coming" i asked and he came running to me already stripping. He ran past me and got into the shower before I could and turned it on

"i'm waiting" he told me and I got into the shower with him. I got my hair wet and he started to massage the shampoo into my hair. I turned around to face him after I washed it off and he started to kiss me.

"you look like a third grader when your hair is flat" i laughed at him

"well you look.... you.... you still look pretty"

That made me smile.

We almost finished up showering all we needed to do was scrub our bodies with soap.

"wanna go for round two" he asked

"of what" i was confused

"the sticky" he laughed

"in the shower?"

"why not" he asked laughing

"everyone is probably awake already, i don't really want them hearing all the noise" i admitted

"so you're saying if they were all gone we can"

"maybe" i teased

We finished up showering and changed into new clothes. Once we were done we headed downstairs and everyone was awake already. My "brothers" bought food and they saved us some. We ate and they left, leaving my other friends and cousin in my house.

"so when are you guys leaving" Nash eagerly asked them all

"when we want" Sam told him "why, do you want us to leave?"

"no you guys can stay how ever long you want" i told them all

"but can you guys leave in thirty minutes" Nash asked again

"why do you want us out of the house so badly" Krystal asked scrunching her eyebrows

"no reason" he lied

Everyone eventually left after an hour and it was only me, Nash, Diana and Ryan in my house.

"when are you two leaving" Nash asked Diana and Ryan

"when I want" Diana told me "i leave when Rose forces me to, and she'd never do that"

Nash looked at me and I nodded my head because I wouldn't force her to leave. Twenty minutes later Nash and I were cuddling and watching TV in the upstairs living room and Diana came up.

"Rose can you drop me home" She asked me

"yes she will" Nash said immediately

"why" i asked her because she never voluntarily wants to go home

"my mom said i have to go home because I haven't been home in a while, I'm always here"

"come on let's go drop her off" Nash was happy

"where's Ryan" i asked

"downstairs can you drop him off too"

"of course we will" Nash stood up and grabbed my hand to get up. We all got into my car and Nash drove.

After we dropped them off I told him to go to Walmart so I could buy some snacks and food.

"we can do that tomorrow" he complained

"but I wanna get it over with today" i looked at him "please"


He drove to there and I made him push the cart. We went through every single food aisle and filled the cart with snacks, frozen food, canned food, real food and drinks and desserts.

"can we go now" he complained as we were passing the clothes section of Walmart.

"i need pads, I ran out" i said walking next to him. We got to the pad section and the condom section was right next to it, in the same aisle.

Nash POV****

"you do know if we ever have sex again we're gonna need condoms, we aren't having unprotected sex again" she told me not looking at me but at the pads. Yeah, when we had sex we didn't use a condom because we were just too excited. Of course I rushed and grabbed a box of condoms that had the most in it. I threw the box in the cart and she looked at me.

"what, you said we needed condoms" i told her

"you're paying for that though" she told me and threw the pads on top of the condoms

She was finally done and we went to go pay. She forced me to go in a different line to go pay because she didn't want the cashier to stare at us because we were young. Not that young, she's 16 and I'm 17.


When we were done paying for everything we got it loaded in her car and I drove back to her house. We got everything in the house and she made sure every single door was locked because no one else was home. I helped her put the stuff away and it took us an hour. It was already midnight when we finished up.

"so" she said holding the box of condoms in her hands while sitting on top if the island

"so" i said back smiling at her, knowing that she did wanna have some fun

"i'm tired, let's go to sleep" she said lazily.


"carry me to my bed, I'm really exhausted" she begged. She held her arms out waiting for me to carry her so I did. Her arms were now wrapped around my neck with her head side by side with mine and her legs wrapped around, above my hips.

"I love you Rose" i whispered into her ear as I was walking up the stairs

"I love you Nash" she said back and she hugged me tighter

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