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Two weeks have passed and school is up again. Today was my first day at school as a Junior in high school now. I was bored out of my mind until lunch started. I haven't checked my phone all day and I wasn't gonna check it now. I was with my friends.

"did you see what Nash tweeted" Diana asked me and I shook my head

"do you wanna know what he tweeted" Blake asked me and I shook my head again

"guys can you stop talking about Nash" i begged "we still follow each other on social media stuff, I'll probably get across later"

"you're so lucky Rose" Amber a friend told me as she passed by the table. I just had a what the fuck face. Through out lunch friends and other people have been passing by our table telling me how lucky I was and how much they wanted to be me.

"okay what the fuck is going on" I asked looking at my friends

"we asked you if you wanted to see what Nash tweeted but you said no" Rachel said. I pulled out my phone and there were twitter notifications on my screen. I opened Nash's twitter and saw what he posted.

@NashGrier: @RoseGriffin I love you and I already told you before that I'm not letting anything or anyone change my mind.

Right after that there was a picture of us kissing. My jaw just dropped. The world never knew about us dating. And now the world think's we're dating I guess. I just tweeted back.

@RoseGriffin: @NashGrier we've been over.

The bell rung and we all threw our trays away. I was walking with Diana, Blake and Kate because our classes were in the same direction. The others went their ways.

"so you're seriously over him, like completely" Kate asked me. I nodded my head with a smile.

"i don't get why he had to post that up, now his fans are gonna hate me if I don't take him back" i said "they're gonna attack me with hate and make me look like the bad guy" i complained

"that's kind of true" Blake agreed

"not kind of, it's completely true" Diana said "they're gonna blame her for breaking little Nash's heart, and it's not even her fault"

We had to get to our classes before the late bell rings. I got inside my class and it felt like the whole class was staring at me. I looked up from the floor and they were staring at me. I just scrunched my eyebrows together and went straight for a empty seat.

"sup best friend" no he wasn't really my best friend he was just a guy that was in my class last year. One that always just randomly talked to me. He was kind of the the class clown, and a football player.

"Sup Austin" i said sitting back at my chair with my arms crossed while waiting for the class to start.
"so are you dating Nash Grier" he asked and heads started to turn to hear my answer

"no, we broke up two months ago" i told him shrugging my shoulders and everyone's jaw dropped and they finally turned around because the bell rung.

"why did he tweet that an hour ago then" he asked with his eyebrows pulled together. He was leaned out of his seat to listen

"because I won't take him back"

"why not"

"long story" i told him

"i've got time" he said. I'm not telling him the whole story, we're not even really friends. He just talks to me like when he's forced or when he sits next to me.

"no you don't" i told him and the teacher finally spoke. The teacher took role and he just told us what every teacher tells us on the first day of school about rules and how the class is gonna go. After the teacher explained everything, there was twenty minutes left of class. He let us enjoy ourselves.
"how about the story" he leaned over to me

"i feel uncomfortable telling it to someone I barley know and around other people" i told him and he nodded his head

"okay, how about after school we go get some food and we can get to know each other and you tell me the story"

"okay last year, you had no intensions of trying to be my actual friend and now that you know I dated Nash Grier, you wanna be my friend?" i asked looking at him

"no, i felt like I annoyed you so much last year, everyone say's you're cool and chill, so why not be friends" he asked "we can have like a friendly play date after school" he said "like a date, but just as friends" he looked at me almost like if he was asking If I understood.

"yeah okay"

"but do you have a car because, um I got a ride to school from Steven this morning" he asked rubbing the back of his head like he was embarrassed

"yeah, I do, I'll tell my cousin to get a ride home from one of our friends"

The bell finally rung and there were two more classes to go. Austin ended up having the next class with me along with Trina, Kate and Rachel. Me and the three girls sat together while Austin sat with his buddies. This class flew by and the last class was choir. It was us three girls, plus Justin, Blake, Ryan and Diana in that class along with some of our other friends and students. The choir teacher already knew all of our names except for the new comers like freshman. He took role and we went straight to warm ups and singing. When there was ten minutes left if class the teacher just let us talk.

"can one of you give Diana a ride home or something" i asked when we were in a circle

"why" Diana asked me

"i'm gonna go on a date after school" i told them

"on a date? Already?" Ryan asked me

"it's not a real date, it's a getting to know each other kind of date, JUST AS FRIENDS" i told them

"with who" Trina asked me while raising her eyebrow


"Halls?" Blake asked


"Austin Halls that football player?"
Kate asked me with her eyes widened

"didn't you say he was kind of annoying" Rachel looked at me

"yeah, but he apologized for being annoying last year and he wants to be friends so yeah"

The bell rung and Blake agreed to drop Diana home and Ryan went along with them. I met up with Austin in the parking lot and we walked to my car. We put our backpacks in my back seat and he offered to drive. We had a small conversation in the car while he drove to Panda Express. We got our food and he payed for mine. We sat down at a booth. Normally I would be awkward and shy towards people at first, but it was alright. He was actually really cool.

"so do you still wanna know the story" i asked him after hours of talking

"yeah" he sat up preparing to listen.
I explained the whole entire story and he was glued onto it. He was actually paying attention the whole time. He had a look of sympathy.

"I'm so sorry" he told me and I shook my head

"it's okay, I think I'm pretty much over him" i told him

"who's this?" a guys voice came up

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