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It was a early Friday afternoon. Everyone left back to Los Angeles , except for Rose and Nash. Nash wanted to stay with Rose, and everyone else didn't have any more clothes to last them. Ruben was asleep, because he had work later on. Nash was cuddling with Rose on her bed, that that in her room, which was in the condo. While they were cuddling they were also watching TV

"babe?" Rose whispered for Nash to hear her, she was a bit shy to talk. He looked down so that his eyes met her. She was already looking at him

"yes?" he asked "what's wrong" he noticed that something was bothering her, he could tell by the look on her face

"I'm sorry"

"for what" Nash was confused

"for always running away"

"babe, I ran away as many times as you did, we had our faults"

"but I know I was being so hard and stupid"

"if anything, i'm the stupid one, I let you go more than once, and you know that" Nash told her and she began to cry again. Nash sat up and made her sit up with him "babe, babe" he said "why are you crying" he started to hug her and she hugged him back

"I'm just.."

"just what, tell me please" Nash said because he wanted her to get it out, instead of crying about it

"you still love me"

"of course I do babe, I always have and always will, no matter what" he told her "what's wrong, what are you thinking, tell me please" she just cried into his chest "Rose"

"i don't want you to leave"

"I'm not going to leave" Nash cried now, it was just that she wasn't telling her what was wrong and he was so worried about it "tell me what's wrong"

"i'm fine" she cried

"don't fucking lie to me right now" Nash cried to her "just tell me what's wrong, Rose, tell me" He told her. It was just so hard for Rose to talk about it right now. She was so sensitive at the moment. She just kept crying. "okay, just calm down and tell me when you're ready.... I just want you to trust me, I want you to tell me what's wrong"

She sat there crying for ten minutes before she could get anything out of her mouth again. She cried out loud because it hurt her throat to cry quietly.

"I'm just crying because I'm surprised kind of that you stayed, so many times we let each other get away, but we always end up back with each other, and I'm afraid of it happening again, I'm so fucking scared that you'll stop loving me and I can't get that out of my mind, I'm so fucking scared that you'll get tired of me, I'm so fucking scared that I won't be good enough anymore" she cried so much "I'm just so fucking scared of getting my heart broken again, It's not that I don't trust you, It's just that people change Nash, feelings fade sometimes and I don't want that to happen"

"ROSE!" Nash yelled at her "I fucking love you so fucking much, stop thinking negatively, stop thinking I would leave you again because I won't!" he cried more because all of that just hit him. He just realized how bad he was. He just realized what an amazing person he was with. He felt now, that he didn't appreciate it enough. "one more time you think a bad though, and cry without telling me, I'm gonna be so mad at you babe, you always have to tell me what's wrong, we need to communicate" he wiped her tears away for her "I'm staying right her babe, by your side"

He hugged her tightly. They both didn't want to let go.

"look at me" Nash told her while releasing from the hug. She was almost done crying. She smiled and looked him in the eyes. "i love you....okay" Nash told her, making sure she understood.

"i love you" she said back and hugged him again

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