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Rose POV******

i was just starting to wake up. It was cold and I could feel the sunlight on my shut eyes. I felt an arm under my head. I opened my eyes and saw the roof of the playground and the clouds in the sky. I turned to my left and I was cuddled in Nash's arm. I quickly sat up and all the guys were either sitting or laying down while sleeping. I checked my phone and it was 8:42 AM. I combed my hair through with my hands and put it up with the hair tie I had around my wrist. I dragged my hands through my face and started to shake Nash awake. I should've woken up one of the other boys first because now it would probably be weird.

"good morning" he said sitting up with me

"morning" i half smiled

"you fell asleep next to me, we were gonna take you home but we ended up falling asleep too" he chuckled. "i miss waking up with you in my arms" moments like this he always comes in for a kiss and I'd always let him and by doing that, I'm hurting myself.

"okay... we should wake them up now" i said after pushing his lips away. I didn't let him answer I just woke up Matt and Carter while he woke up Sam and Cameron.

"enjoy sleeping" Carter asked me because I guess he knew I fell asleep with Nash

"yeah, real comfortable" i spat back sarcastically "i don't even remember falling asleep" i admitted

"well you were sitting next to Nash and then you were cold so he put his arm around you and you just fell asleep almost instantly" Matt explained and I raised an eyebrow because I honestly forgot what happened.

They dropped me home and my brother was in the living room. I haven't told him the reason why Nash and I broke up, well he still thinks I'm dating him, that's what I thought.

"where were you" my brother asked me after I sat down

"i went to the movies lastnight and fell asleep in the parks playgroup" i said like it was not a big deal

"who were you with"

"Cameron, Sam, Matt, Carter and Nash" i told him and he scrunched his eyebrows

"why was Nash with you, Brian told me that you guys broke up again because his unloyal ass left you for that other girl"

Yeah, I should've known his friends would tell him already.

"because his friends are my friends" i said mumbling "i don't know"

"i don't want you getting back with him" he told me

"don't worry about that, I don't think I ever will" i stood up and went to my room because I was tired. I took a long shower and fell asleep instantly after getting my clothes on.


Nash POV*****

I wanted to go to Rose's house just to hang out with her one on one. I don't know why I would think she would want to do that but I went anyways. I doorbelled at her door and Mark answered the door.

"what are you doing here" he asked harshly

"i wanted to hang out with Rose" i told him and half smiled with fear

"I don't want you hanging out with her alone, i don't want you trying to make a move on her again because I know for a fact that you left her because your girlfriend that dumped you, wanted you back, I don't want you playing games with my little sister, Grier" he looked at me he was clenching his jaw and his fist were tightened and you could see his veins.

"i just want to be friends with her"

"just friends?" he asked "just friends with someone that had so many feelings for you but you left her" he shook his head "i don't think you just want to be just friends with her, I think you're just confused" i stood there not knowing what to say I just kept my head down "guys like you are the reason why my sister has some trust issues with some guys" I nodded my head a little because I knew it was true "and she's sleeping anyways, I'm not waking her up for you"

"c-can you tell her that, that I stopped by"

"probably" he said and closed the door

Rose POV****

I woke up three hours later and there was a doorbell. I didn't go get the door because I knew my brother was there. I was hungry so I went down and my brother just closed the door.

"who was that" i asked

"Nash" he went back to sit down on the couch

"why was he here" i scrunched my eyebrows together

"he wanted to hang out with you"

I just shrugged my shoulders and went to eat cereal. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that I had a text from Nash.

Nash: hey, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out

Me: with who else

Nash: just me and you, did you brother tell you I stopped by

Me: yeah, he told me you stopped by, and I don't know about hanging out, just us

Nash: can we just hang out, just as friends

Me: i told you so many times about how I feel when you say "just as friends"

I ended up lying to him saying that I was hanging out with my cousins for the rest of the day, I told him that I wanted to hang out with just family.


Nash POV****

I got over the fact that Rose doesn't want to be friends, and I should just give up on loving her. Mark is probably right, I am confused. I don't love Rose, I love Ashley. The past week I haven't talked to Rose or even hung out with her. When ever the boys and Mahogany go hang out with her, I just stay where ever by myself or hang out with people that aren't hanging with her. Rose seemed happy without me, so it's okay.

It was the morning and I woke up and saw that I had a text message from Ashley. Just seeing her name made me smile to myself. I was already in a good mood for most of right now.

Ashley: I can't handle long distance, and I think I've found someone else. I'm sorry Nash but it's over

I started to cry and I threw my phone to the wall and started to cuss at the world. Cameron came into my room to check up on me.

"yo, what the hell happened" he asked because I was crying

"SHE BROKE UP WITH ME" i yelled at him and stood up to get my phone and show him the text message.

"good" he whispered to himself

"GOOD? GOOD? WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU" i was so pissed off at him

"i'm sorry" he apologize and hugged me. I pushed him out of the hug


"don't you mean Ashley" he told me

"THAT'S WHAT I SAID" i was taking out all my anger on him

"you just told me you love Rose"

Wow wow wow, okay Hey everyone!
and i know this is late but HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Also I'd like to thank readers that have been here since 2014 and readers that just got here! 😘😘😘😘😭

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