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"ROSE" i was yelling still "I LOVE YOU" I started to hug her lifeless body trying to shake her awake.

"NASH" Cameron yelled "NASH" he yelled again, everyone started to pull me off. "NASH!"

I opened my eyes and tears were in my eyes.

"WHERE'S ROSE! WHERE IS SHE" I yelled at him and he looked confused "WHERE IS SHE" my tears were falling again

"she's at school Nash, calm down what happened" he looked at me.

I realized that was all a dream. I was sweating so much that it went through my shirt. I got into the shower. I was crying with joy but sadness thanking god that nothing happened to Rose. She's okay. She's perfectly fine.

"what happened bro, why were you yelling in your sleep" Cameron asked me

" i had a dream" i answered


I explained every single detail to him. Just explaining this dream made me tear up a little, it made me sweat and made my heart pump faster.

"it's okay Nash" he said

"the dream seemed so real" I cried

"she's safe and perfectly fine at school, I'm texting her right now" Cameron assured me

"texting her about what" i looked at him squinting a bit jealous

"nothing bro, dude we're just friends, best friends and you know that...don't go to her or me complaining and everything because you've been assuming things lately" he told me "i'm just being completely honest here, when ever you assume something that's not true you end up pissing Rose off , you take it too far sometimes"

"i'm sorry man, she just makes me go crazy" i admitted "love crazy"

"it's okay" he said standing up "well let's go, you can leave now" he looked excited. I checked out of the hospital and Cameron took me home.

I took a proper and long shower once we got home. Once I was done I dried myself off and decided today was the day I'm getting Rose back, or at least try.

I put on a button up because she loved it when I wore these. I styled my hair the usual way, put on some pants and shoes. It was 1:32PM now and I had an hour and thirty minutes before Rose gets out of school. I went to buy her some flowers and some starburst instead of chocolate because she loved those, we both do. When it was 2:45 i decided I should get her Starbucks, but I came across a Frozen Yogurt place and I was stuck trying to pick which in to buy because she liked both. As timed passed I was driving to her school with both Starbucks and FroYo, I couldn't choose. It was 2:55 now and I was waiting at the spot where her and her friends always talk after school. I waited there with the flowers, candy, Starbucks and FroYo.

When their bell rang I started to sweat and get nervous. I started to get nervous butterflies in my stomach. I could feel myself shaking. There were people looking at me and some fans standing around. Some girls stared and gave awwwe stares.

The group that Rose is always with in school came walking towards me. I nervously smiled because I thought Rose would be behind them.

"what are you doing here" Diana asked

"look I love your cousin and nothing will stop me from getting her back" i told her and she smiled

"you're a keeper" Diana told me and I nodded my head.

"so...where's Rose" i asked then and they all shrugged their shoulders

"after fifth, she went to talk to the junior consoler" Blake told me

"but we don't know what about" Justin added

"she should be out soon" Trina told me. We stayed there for a while, waiting for her but one it hit 3:30 they started go get worried or started to wonder where she is.

"i'll check inside the office" Rachel said and Kate went with her. They came back ten minutes later.

"she's not in school grounds anymore, well that's what the counselor told us" Kate told us all. "she said that she left after fifth"

"she said she can't tell is the rest of the information, student privacy" Rachel told us and we all were wondering where she was now. I asked them all to call her and not to tell her what I was gonna do because I wanted it to be a surprise

"she's not answering me" Diana spoke first

"me neither" Blake said putting his phone away

"she's probably home" Trina suggested. We all agreed to that and went to her house. Diana door belled and Rose's mom, Tess answered

"come in" she smiled at all of us

"auntie, where's Rose" Diana asked

"she's probably on her way to Las Vegas already" Tess said looking at the time "didn't she tell you"

"no, no she didn't" Blake said with his eyebrows pulled together

"why wouldn't she tell us" Trina brought up the question everyone was thinking

"she probably didn't wanna tell you guys YET" Tess told us

"what exactly didn't she wanna tell us?" i asked

"that she dropped out of public school, for online schooling, and that she took her biggest luggage bag to her dads house, in Vegas, and she could be staying there for.... who knows how long" she looked at us with our jaws nearly falling off "she might even officially move there"

"w-what" i asked stuttering because I had heart aches. She was being serious about getting out of my life, she was serious about leaving me alone. But that's not what I wanted, I want her here, with me.

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