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Rose POV*****

I went to sleep right after Nash's visit, but was woken up again later because I had to drop my cousins off to school. I went straight to bed when I got home from dropping them off. A couple hours later I got a call and I answered it with my eyes closed and I just put it in my ear.

"hello" i mumbled

"why didn't you come to school again bitch, it's barley April we have like two months of school left"Krystal asked me

"because I didn't sleep enough, I'm dead" i said back "bye" i hung up because I was sleepy as hell. My phone rang again. "what do you want bitch"

"i'm sorry, what did I do" Nash spoke into the phone

"i thought you were my friend" i mumbled more because my face was on my pillow

"can I come over"

"no, I'm at school" i lied

"it sounds like you're in bed and you barley woke up, and you told me earlier today that you weren't going to school" i hung up and started to laugh and knocked out.

I woke up and it was 12:34 PM and there were already knocks and doorbells at the door. I took my time going downstairs because I knew it would be Nash. I opened it.

"i said you couldn't come here, i'm at school" i kind of smiled. He started to laugh with his hands in his pockets while rocking back and forth with his feet.

"can i come in"

"not really, bye" i closed the door. I looked at the peep hole and he still stood there. He sat on the porch. I opened the window enough for him to hear me talk. "besides don't you have friends to go hang out with" he turned around.

"look Rose, you never let me explain. When we were texting yesterday I was eating so much that I got tired and fell asleep while I was waiting for your text and I woke up late" he explained "i'm sorry, please go on this one date with me" he looked me in the eyes through the window "and i'm not giving up until you say yes. I'm not leaving either" i wanted to test him. I closed the window and I could see him sigh. I closed the curtains and went upstairs to go shower up and get changed. I put on black tights, a rainbow tie dye shirt and black sandals. I was done drying my hair and everything and I looked at the time. It took me two hours to do all that because I took my time.

I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys and walked out the front door. Nash stood up and smiled.

"lets go" i looked at him

"where" he was confused

"on the date, right now" he smiled again and ran for the car he brought here to open my door and I just took my sweet time walking.

"hurry up" he started to chuckle

"don't rush me" i said. He ran back to me and decided to carry me into the car.

Nash POV****

"where do you wanna go" i looked at her while driving

"you're the one that asked me on this date, so you can decide" she replied. I nodded my head. "hey, but first can we go pick up my cousins and drop them home, i forgot i was supposed to pick them up" she looked like she felt bad for asking "they're in middle school"

"yeah sure where is it" she gave me the directions "what about your other cousin Diana"

"i'll tell her to get a ride from one of our friends"

"so you wanna go to the movies" i asked her once her cousins got into the car

"yeah, sure" she answered "we need to drop them off first"

"can we come" her cousin asked

"no Maria, it's a date" she looked back at her

"we'll sit down on the other side of the theater and then you guys can make out when ever you want" her other cousin tried to persuade her

"shut up Clarence we're not gonna make out" she gave him evil eyes

"Can we please come" Maria asked again

"i don't know" Rose looked at me

"yeah sure, you guys can come no problem" i gladly answered. Rose smiled at me. Both of her cousins cheered.


We got to the movies and I took them to watch Oculus it's supposed to be a horror movie so if she gets scared she can grab onto me and I have an excuse to cuddle with her....maybe.

We went to the lines for some popcorn and drinks.

"Can i get two large popcorns and four large drinks" i told the cashier and she gave us the popcorn and our choice of drinks. Rose pulled out her wallet.

"no, it's a date i'm paying" i gave the money to the cashier already.

"but these two are not included in the date so i'll pay for them" she suggested

"you don't have to, I'm not gonna let you pay for anything on this date"

she smiled at me again, I'm doing great. We got into the theater and it was empty because it was only the afternoon and highschoolers get out later at 3.

Rose and I sat in the middle of the theater together and her cousins sat way in the front of us. I shared one large popcorn with Rose and the two shared the other.

While we were watching she wasn't even getting scared at all. Her cousins on the other hand were screaming a little.

"i hate this part" she told me in the middle of the movie

"you watched this already" i asked

"yeah with Diana, my mom and brother we were the only ones watching it too"

"you should have told me, we could have watched a different movie"

"well you seemed like you really wanted to watch it, probably because you thought i would be scared and grab you" she looked at me and I blushed. "no way, you seriously thought i would be scared" she started to laugh and her cousins started to shush her because she laughed so hard.

"isn't that what girls always do" I asked

"probably the girls you've brought to movie dates, but i don't do that"

"i've never brought a girl to a movie date, unless you consider Cameron a girl"

"wow, i feel special" she said sarcastically and giggled at me. We looked into each others eyes and I closed my eyes to go in for a kiss. We slowly inched to each other and we started to kiss a little. We broke from the kiss and she smiled and I put an arm around her. I leaned her head on my chest and I got a text. I forgot to put my phone on silent.

I looked at the text and it was a text from my girlfriend Ashley.

Ashley: Hey babe, what are you doing

I texted her back near the left side of my lap so Rose probably wouldn't see.

Me: I'm busy right now, i'll text you later

Ashley: okay 😘

I looked at Rose and I could see her eyes wonder off my phone. She leaned off of me and sat up straight. I think she saw.

Rose POV****

I heard Nash's text tone come on after I leaned on his chest. He brought it out and tried to hide the screen and it made me curious so I looked. All I could see was the name of the texter it was named Ashley. I don't know if that was just a friend or something. I just leaned off of him because I felt kind of jealous, even though we weren't actually officially dating.

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