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"bro I sent you up here with her last night to help her out, don't tell me you ended up having sex" Cameron asked Sam

"we didn't I swear, you have to believe me" Sam put his hands up in surrender. He looked so scared. "i brought her to the bathroom to throw up and then...and then she, she knocked out against the wall, then, then. i carried her to the bed and she started to fall asleep again and I was sleepy too. I-I just though I should comfort her because she was crying herself to sleep" he explained quickly but carefully

"explain why she isn't wearing any other clothes" Diana looked at him

"she took it off herself in the middle of sleeping, she kept crying and groaning saying it was uncomfortable and hot....she tried to take her bra and panty off but I stopped her" he looked serious "and guys you know I sleep shirtless and you can't expect me to sleep in jeans"

"i believe him" I told everyone

"thank you" Sam said and relief "i would NEVER take advantage of you, or any girl, I promise"

Everyone believed him and left us. We both stood up and he put his shirt and jeans back on. I thanked him for taking care of me last night and he said it was no problem. He left the room and I showered and brushed my teeth. I wore basketball shorts and a solid white t shirt. I sat on my bed and the first thing I thought about was Nash. I picked up my phone and called him but it went straight to voice mail.

None of this would happen probably if I didn't tell Nash that Austin was my boyfriend.


I woke up in the afternoon and I knew Rose was upstairs in her room sleeping. I know that she would have a painful head ache when she wakes up because she drank so much. I grabbed her a cup of cold water and walked upstairs. I stood outside her door taking a deep breath. I wanted to talk to her no mater what, I wanted to fix everything right now, right here. I put my hand on the door knob and slowly turned it so I could check if it was really unlocked. I opened the door fully looking at the floor. Then I looked up at her making eye contact and I smiled at her until I saw that she was crying and her hand was covering her mouth like she was in shock. I started to frown and I looked at her body, she was wearing nothing but a bra that had it's straps on the side of her arm. Her hair was messy. She was crying more and I looked at the person sleeping next to her and I dropped the cup of water when I saw that it was Sam. Of course it was Sam, they were so close when we broke up. Sam woke up and told me it wasn't what it looked like, and they both told me that they didn't have sex. I asked them to explain why they were wearing nothing and Rose couldn't even respond. I started to back away crying and I ran down the stairs and out of her house to my car and I drove away crying while wiping my tears. I was in my room now with the lights off and I got a phone call from Rose forty minutes later but I declined it. I was gonna answer her next call if she tried to call again, but she didn't. She gave up so easily, she doesn't even care. I think I know how she felt now, when she found out I was cheating, when I left her again for Ashley and when I kissed Amy. I felt like all of those three feelings she had combined. The girl that I love had sex with my best friend.

ROSE POV******

I decided to call Austin, to apologize. He answered.

"Hey, great party yesterday" He said all cheery.

"yeah, thanks but, I just wanted to say sorry for telling Nash you were my boyfriend, sorry for trying to bring you into the drama"

"it's okay, he pretended Amy was his girlfriend so he kind of deserved it"

I sighed and I told him I'll see him at school or he could text me later. I grabbed my keys and looked at the floor to see if there was glass, but I guess Sam already cleaned it up. I told them I was gonna go fix things with Nash and they let me. I got into my car and I started it. I sat there thinking about what might happen, about us, if it was completely over now because I have so many hidden feelings right now. I started to let tears fall from all this thinking and I finally back up out of my drive way to Nash's house. I pulled up to his drive way next to his car. I turned off my car and sat there for ten minutes thinking about what to say and expecting what the reactions might be. I took a deep breath and finally walked out of my car, locked and and found myself at his door. I door belled once and waited for five minutes before he opened the door. He was in tears and once we made direct eye contact I nearly broke down. I went in for a hug but once my arms were around him he removed them. I looked at him with a confused look.

"i'm sorry" he said about to close the door but I held it open

"after all of this, after everything trying to get me back, you're giving up now" i asked

"you had sex with my best friend Rose"

"WE DIDN'T HAVE SEX AT ALL" i yelled at him "you can ask him if you want, we didn't do anything" i was the one begging for him back now

"i've been thinking this past hour about you....about us.." he paused to wipe his tears, he stopped crying now "i think we both should just give up, I don't think we're right for each other"

"i think we are Nash, we are" i tried to convince him "w-when you came back to my house to apologize with that whole entire speech I fell in love with you all over again.... I wanted to get back with you but I told myself that I couldn't trust you for a while, I did that because I was hoping that you would fight for me still, I knew, i knew that I wanted to get back into your arms sooner or later and when I saw you kissing Amy I.... I broke down inside the closet, I locked myself in there for an hour trying to get myself together and when I did, I though the only thing that would help me forget about you was drinking so much that I knock out some way, everyone had a good time at my own party and the only thought on my mind was you, Nash I still love you and I want you back" I told him crying but he looked like he had no feelings what so ever. He stood there and looked at me like he felt sorry for me. He looked at me like I was a puppy that lost it's family.

"I'm sorry Rose, i just can't love you anymore"

I just let it in and turned around without saying anything else. I walked slowly to my car hoping that he would stop me. But I was in my car now and his front door was shut. Cameron was here now because he lived here. He looked at me in the car and he wanted to ask what was wrong but I drove away. I went straight to my house and parked inside the garage. I sat in my car waiting for myself to stop crying. After two hours in here my eyes were kind of back to normal and I entered my house. My friends were here and they all helped me clean up all the mess. When we were done it was 8PM. We were all hungry so we left to McDonald's. I had to pretend that I was enjoying myself. I had to put a smile on my face. Cameron and Nash were invited and I had to avoid Nash all I can if I didn't want to break down. It was easy for me to hide my feelings because I'm used to it. I would just talk normally and laugh at almost any joke that was told today. I looked up at Nash and he smiled at me and I just did the same. I got a text message after and it was from him.

Nash: we can still be friends

I didn't reply, I just put my phone away and made myself not look at him anymore at all today.

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