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I wasn't really even tired at all, I felt wide awake. I just didn't wanna break down on the phone from talking about Nash. They always have to bring it back up when I'm trying my best to get over him and make him happy. This is the first time I've ever put a guys happiness before mine, not including my family members. It's just because I'm too much in love right now. In love with a guy that made me so emotional. A guy that made me break down in tears and made me feel broken. I'm being selfish right now, because I'm saying I wanna make Nash happy, but at the same time it's making my friends and some of my other family unhappy because they want me to stay. I'm making a whole bunch of other people unhappy for just one person that probably won't be in my life much longer. A person that told me that he can't love me anymore.

All this thinking and depression made me hungry. I went downstairs to get some snacks but they didn't really have any. It was only 10 PM so I grabbed my car keys and attached the key to the house to my key chain. I went out the door and made sure that I properly locked it. I got into my car and drove to a Walmart.

I was at Walmart now and I grabbed a cart. I got cans and bottles of different drinks to fill the mini fridge. Then I got some snacks like chips and cookies.I also remembered that I didn't have restroom supplies like shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash and yeah. My dad had some at home but they used a different type of brand.

When I was done around the store I paid and loaded my car and went to a gas station. I decided to fill my tank because it was almost empty and I actually bought two large latte's for myself to stay awake. I just wanted to stay awake fixing up this room.

I got back home and I got everything I bought upstairs, quietly. I started to load the fridge with drinks and put the snacks in a empty drawer that was next to it.

The walls in this house were pretty thick so I was able to play my music a little louder without disturbing anyone. I started to dust out and organize things. I was able to put up a couple of 5SOS posters that I copped from Walmart. While I was fixing up my room I was drinking the latte's and eating some snacks. When it hit 2 in the morning, I heard knocks on my door. I opened it and it was my dad.

"you're still awake" he asked

"yeah, I'm fixing the room that's why" i told him

"i'm gonna get ready for work and leave , okay"

"yeah" i replied

"here" my dad handed me money "your allowance, and for you to buy food or something later"

My dad always sent me allowance every month, so it was normal.

"thank you dad" i said kissing him on the cheek before he went to get ready

I was actually able to get Nash off of my mind for the first time in a while. My phone went off from a text and I checked.

Diana: What's your dad's house address

Honestly I don't want anyone coming here to visit me yet. I just wanted to get away again from everyone. I just ignored the text message because she would probably think I'm sleeping. She's the one that should be sleeping, she had school later.

I decided to text every single relative that knew my dads address not to give it to any of my cousins or friends. I said my cousins because Diana could ask one of our cousins to ask for her and there you go, she would get it and give it to our friends and boom, they'd be at the front door. I texted my mom and brother the same thing. I even told my dad not to answer any of them.

They all replied to me around 6 in the morning and I explained to them why. They all agreed. Don't get me wrong, I would want my cousins here but they would bring someone that could drive, which would be one of our friends and I'm trying to get away from them so they wouldn't bring up Nash. But the thing is, my cousins would bring him up too.

I stayed up till about 12 in the afternoon just playing games and being hyper on my own because of the latte's. I was also telling my friends plus Diana that I'm not giving them my address yet, they were all begging for it.


This is harder than I thought. Rose won't give anyone her address over there. Diana would ask her parents or relative but they would all have the same answer of saying no because Rose told them to. Diana even asked Rose's dad and he even said no, because of her.

I don't know why she doesn't want anyone there. She never explained to Diana. She never explained to any of them. After school was over for them we all met up at Taco Bell and we talked.

"why doesn't she wanna give the address" Ryan asked

"i don't know, that's what we're all wondering" Diana answered. They tried calling Rose but she never answered.

Diana called her uncle, Rose's dad to ask what happened to her.

"my uncle said that she barley went to sleep when he came back from work" Diana told us

"and that's what time" Krystal asked

"i don't know, he has a crazy work schedule, probably 12 to 2 in the afternoon"

"we should just go to Las Vegas right now and look for her tomorrow" Ryan suggested

"how are we supposed to find her, she can be anywhere" Johnson asked

"let me ask you all a question, where does she go every single day for a drink" Diana asked and everyone blurted Starbucks. "okay what else does she get almost everyday"

"Frozen Yogurt" I said first like I solved a million dollar puzzle

"exactly, she should be at a Starbucks or FroYo place or something at some time tomorrow" Diana told us all

"but, what if she get's Starbucks before we even get to one?" Rachel asked and we agreed with her

"or maybe we can just go to where my uncle works and look for him and ask" Diana suggested another idea.

"let's do it" Taylor spoke

Everyone went back home to pack enough clothes to stay until Sunday morning. We agreed to meet at the gas station, we took five different cars and filled our tanks. After we got drinks and snacks we headed for the road for five hours.


"how many rooms do we need" Cameron asked when we entered to hotel. We decided that we should we got three hotel rooms that had three rooms in each. They were right next to each other. All the girls got one entire hotel room to their selves and the guys had to share the other two rooms.

"nobody tell Rose that we're here" Sam spoke

"why not" Shawn asked

"we should make it a surprise" Gilinsky told him and we all thought that was a good idea

We went out to eat and buy things at the store because some of the boys wanted to record some youtube videos. We all went into the girls hotel room and stayed in the living room of the hotel room and watched some nexflix on the tv. Carter, Matt, Diana and Ryan were in one room recording, Sam, Jack, Jack, Blake and Justin were in another and Taylor, Dillon, Aaron and Mahogany were in the last room while Cameron and Shawn were recording in the living room. The rest of the people were either talking, playing games or texting while I was sitting on the couch thinking about what Rose might be doing right now.


When it hit midnight my dad and aunt were getting ready to go to work.

"i'm gonna go back to LA till Sunday night" I told them "I forgot some things, and I wanna visit my friends"

"so does that mean you're moving in here" My aunt asked

"i'm still thinking about it, I think I'm just gonna stay here for a while to get things off my mind"

"stay here as long as you have to" my dad told me. "Be safe" he told me and kissed my forehead. I got into the car and started to drive, on my way to LA

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