At Least For A Day.

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Sick Little Games-All Time Low

Taylor's PoV

I was beyond pissed now. I didn't wanna see, or speak to absolutely anyone. And for some reason I was just so pissed at Rian, I'd become pissed at Bronte.

She did nothing wrong but part of me just wanted to kill her. I was just so annoyed I couldn't deal. I needed to be on my own.

I stormed into the music studio and locked the door behind me. I closed the curtain on the door window too, including covering up the CCTV camera.

"Hey T, you in here?" Brett asked.

"Who you with?"

"I'm on my own."

I opened the door and Rian stood there holding his phone.

A voice recording.

What a dickhead!

I slammed the door but he put his foot in between. "Come here please. Just let me talk to you. Five minutes I promise."

"Starts now." I set the timer and turned away from him.

"Look I know you think I'm using you to get to Bronte. But that's what it was at the start. Now it isn't. Finding out that I'm your idol makes me so happy Tay and honestly you're the best person I've ever met. I know underneath all your walls of defence and aggression you're a calm loving person at heart. Please just let yourself go. On a bad day, treat the world nicer than it treated you."

"Being Nice gets you hurt Rian. It's easier to be a dick, have no problems what so ever and be a dick."

"But we all have problems. You just gotta face them." He turned me around, he saw my glazed over eyes and hugged me tightly. "Just talk to me."

"I don't need to talk about anything. I've got nothing to talk about."

"Why are you crying then? Tell me."

"No I'm fine." I wiped my eyes and picked my bag up. "I'm going back there."

"Wait please. Alex wants to talk to you. Ten minutes."

I sighed and picked my bag up.

Bronte walked up to me and just wrapped her arms around me. She's never seen me cry before. "Where are you going?"

"I've gotta go see alex. Can she come along?" I looked at Rian. "Please please please!"

"Fine!" He laughed and began to walk.

"You got any WKD?" I whispered in the back seats of the car. She nodded. "Yes!"

"What's so exciting?" He raises an eyebrow in the mirror.

"Nothing." I smiled, looking at Bronte before we both laughed. "When we getting absolutely hammered?"

"As soon as we get out of this and head to yours." She laughed.

"Whatever you two are planning it doesn't sound good."

"Wouldn't worry it won't hurt you." Bronte giggled.


The drive wasn't too long, most of it was Rian talking to Bronte.

Somehow Alex got my number and I ended up texting him too. I don't really know why he wants to talk to me but it's pretty weird.

It's not that I don't like the guy. Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore him but I was just weirded out when he spoke to me that day. And it wasn't a good day so it wasn't my fault I was a prick.

"Taylor we're here." Bronte threw me over her shoulders, causing me to squirm.

"Put me down!"


"Ugh." She sighed and put me down.

"It's been forever man!" Alex hugged me tightly. "Sorry about that day."

"Don't worry I'm sorry too." I hugged him back. "So what'd you wanna talk to me about?"

"I'm adopting you."

"Oh my god really!!!"

"Oh my god yeah I am!!" He laughed. "Are you okay with this?!"

"Yeah!!" I hugged him back before he threw me on his shoulders. "Rians adopting Bronte too."

"OH MY GOD YOURE KIDDING RIGHT!" I heard Bront shout which made me laugh. "OH MY GOD THANKYOU SO MUCH!"

"Told you." I laughed. "Wait so does the shithole know?"

"Yes everything's finalised and you can leave before we fly."

"Where to?"


"Rad. I cannot freaking wait."

"Me too kid."

"So for real you're adopting me?"

"We leave in three days."



"YEAH WE CAN!" She exclaimed and ran at me. "LETS GET ABSOLUTELY HAMMERED!"

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