Out Of Control.

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Time Bomb-All Time Low

Taylor's POV

I'm beyond mad. I'm furious. I spoke to mom and she told me I shouldn't have come. Rian and Zach both tried to find out where I was staying and if I was okay. I told them I was fine and I was safe, that was all that maters.

I'm in some random hotel that's pretty nice and it's right next to the beach. It's an amazing view. I may be drunk but hey I'm still pretty sober.

'Where are you? I'm bringing food :)'-Ashley

'I'll come to you?'

'Nope! I've already got Taco Bell so you better open up :)'

'Fine. I'm here.'

I told her and she said she'd be round in 5. So that gave me five minutes to tidy myself up from the emotional wreck I was. So, let's go bad ass.

I got changed into a short dark blue dress with tights and knee high boots. Maybe I'll go back out and prove them wrong.

The door went and I opened it quickly, to see Jack stood with Ashley. "He followed me for clarification. I wouldn't have brought him here after what he said believe me."

"I believe you." I let her in. "You stay out."

"Tay let me-"

"Actually Ashley! How do you feel about going to a new club?"

She spat her soda out and nodded, handing me some nacho fries. "Yup."

I slammed the door in his face before the two of us danced down the hallway, mocking Adie who he seemed to be happy to defend. I didn't want to.

'Guys! I was told I wasn't even wanted there! They told me to leave and they defended some girl called Adie who was giving jack AND my dad a lap dance! I went fucking mad!'

'Dude send me a video!'-Awsten

'Keep your cool Lor. I have faith in you.'-Ottopus

'Do you want me to fly out? I'll be there in a couple of hours I promise!'-Link :)

'Ill ask if Ashley has it! And I'm trying Otto don't worry. And it's okay G, I'm keeping my calm.'

We walked into the club where they all still swarmed around her, holding an ice pack against her head where she fell. Crazy!

Ashley and I sat at the bar, occasionally staring at the five of them. Of course they weren't happy with either of us but I didn't care and I don't think she did either.

We were having a good time. Drinking, laughing, mocking and telling funny stories about our life experiences. I can tell I'm gonna be good friends with her. She's kind and plus she came to my side when they didn't. Apart from Zachary and Robert, they would have come if I'd have actually told them. They're my friends.


We were beyond wasted. And I mean beyond. I could barely say a sentence without erupting in fits of laughter. Neither could Ashley. She'd begin a sentence, Get side tracked them just start laughing. She fell out of the stool at one point, it was hilarious.

"A drink from the men over there." The bartender handed me and Ashley drinks then pointed to some boys I knew all to familiar.

"Told You I'd fly out." He laughed. "See we're all here! I'm Geoff."

"Ashley." She shook his hand then burst out laughing.

"That's Awsten and that's Otto." Geoff pointed out. "What happened?"

"That girl over there-"I laughed loudly before calming down. "She was giving them a lap dance so I went over and she hit me so I hit her."

"That girl?" Otto pulled a disgusted face at the sight of her. "Ew."

"Ex-" I burped. "Actly."

"Geoff what a wonderful surprise." Jack started over and death glares him. "C'mon babe."

"Babe? You told me to fucking leave!" I laughed.

"Okay I'm gonna take you back, does that sound alright?" Awsten snaked an arm around my waist and tried to help me.

"Get your fucking arms off her!" Jack shoved him backwards.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I shoved him back.

"C'mon Parker." Otto held my hand.

"I said, get your fucking arms off her." My boyfriend stepped toward my friend.

"You're being a dick to her!" Geoff defended and stood infront of us. "Sure I was a terrible boyfriend but I always wanted the best for her, together or not!"

"Considering you cheated on her?" My dad retorted and laughed in his face. "None of us forgot about that."

"Yeah but who was the one who saved her life? Remind me. Me? Oh yeah! Now I'm gonna take her back before any of us do anything we regret."

"Who didn't cheat on her?!"

"Will all of you shut the duck up!" I exclaimed, not quite realising what I had said. "Jack shut up being a dick! Dad it's non of your business because from what i just saw you're in no position to make comments, neither are you Jack."

"After what he did to you? You're going to stand there and tell me you're okay with him after he practically broke you?!"

"You know what? Yeah! Yeah I am! I'm okay with him because wether I liked it or not he stood by my side and he always wanted the best for me!" I screamed and stormed out of the club.

"Babe come back."

"No! I'm sick of it!" I stormed away, not quite knowing where I was going but knowing I'd eventually find my way. He shouldn't have done that.

I'm on the war path and I refuse to injure anyone today.


I sat in yoga pants and a baggy tee crying into a pillow. I'd possibly just ruined the thing I lost a lot for and I couldn't let that happen. But being my stubborn self, I didn't call him. I didn't text him. I didn't text anyone.

Ashley had asked if I was okay and I told her I was fine, I just needed time to myself to calm down. I didn't want anyone to see me in the state I was in.

The door went and I walked over to it, not even thinking to look who it was.

"I came as soon as I found which room yours was." I threw myself into his arms as he hugged me.

"I need a best friend."

"That's why I'm here." He messed with my hair as I silently cried.

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