Mayday Im In Trouble!

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Tangled In The Great Escape-Pierce The Veil

Taylor's PoV

"What time did you get in last night?" My curtain was pulled across but I snuggled my head into the bear. "10?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "Where are we?"


"RAD!" I dived in the shower quickly.


"Is everything in order for our entertainment tonight?"

"Oh yes. And it will be our time."

"Not ours, hers." We laughed.

"So we go in there, leave that and run."


"Sounds perfect."

Taylor's POV

I put my faded black jeans on and a Pierce The Veil shirt on with a flannel around my waist. It looked really nice. My hair was in a high ponytail that Dad did.

We got out of the bus and Geoff ran at me, throwing me in his arms.

I felt so paranoid, someone kept looking at me or staring. I don't know what it is but I don't like it at all. I felt sick to my core now.

"BABE!" He threw me over his shoulder.

"OH SHIT WHADDUP?" They all laughed before he put me down. "What up?"

"Josh keeps staring at you."

"Ugh I'll go see him. Back in a second."

"Promise?" He grabbed my hand and spun me back into him.

"Promise." I pecked his lips before walking to the SWS bus. "Hey Josh."

"What do you want?" He growled.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"You. I tell you I love you and you get with Geoff."

"No. You tell me you love me as a friend. I lost all feelings for you it is your own fault."

"MY FAULT!" He exclaimed and shoved me.

"THAT IS WHAT I SAID." I shoved him back and he threw me on the floor.

"OI PRICK!" Someone exclaimed. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!"

"You're finished." I shoved his head against the bus and grabbed him by his hair. Throwing him against the floor.

"YOU LIED TO ME THATS WHY!" He got up and punched my jaw.



"THANKS BABE!" I kneed him in the dick before storming away.

"GET BACK HERE!" He grabbed my hair and threw me on the ground.


I got up, my vision slightly blurred but Geoff was on top of Josh punching him aggressively. I could hardly stand.

"Hey take it easy. I got you." Awsten picked me up. "Otto you get Geoff." He nodded and Awst started walking over to the bus. "I got you, what happened?"

"We were just talking and he flipped."

"Take it easy your heads bleeding." He put the bandage around my head.

There was a bunch of screaming and it killed my head. "Oh shit."

"Hey calm down we'll go to the back and sort your head out. I'll just go stop your dad-"

"What's he doing?" I stood up and fell. "I'm fine."

"Lay down."


I laid on the spare bunk holding the bandage against my head. It was absolutely killing me, considering Dad, Jack, Zack and Geoff were all fighting with Josh. So he might have come if worse than I did.

I eventually went to sleep but it was rough.


I winced in the sunlight and tucked myself against the thing that was holding me. I looked up and Geoff was holding me in a black tank top and jeans.

I was in his Tokyo basketball jersey and jeans. Along with his hoodie too.

"Hey babe, it's showtime. I didn't wanna leave you on your own."

"It's alright." I stood up steadily, able to walk this time. "You can stop worrying I'm fine."

"Look at josh." He laughed and pointed to the blood covered boy.

"TAYLOR!!" A couple of voices exclaimed and I winced holding my head. "Oh shit sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'm all good. Non of you look injured."

"Yes well your boyfriend is absolutely sick at getting his punches in." Dad laughed. "We're on in five! Shit can you get us some beers G?"

"Sure back in 5."

"I'm coming with you!" I grabbed his hand and walked beside him. "How did it go?"

"Well we all took turns. We all held him at some point and got our punches in before security could come."

"Look someone left their bag." I walked toward it and picked it up while he was at the bar. "I think there's something in it."

It was ticking.

Holy shit.

A bomb.

"BABE GET DOWN!" Geoff exclaimed and ran at me.

I threw the bag and he shoved me on the floor, him on top of me.

The last thing I saw was him

That's when everything went wrong.

Alex's POV

I was singing Therapy until there was a huge noise from the back of the stadium. Everyone was screaming and running, security was shoving us backstage and people from the audience with us.

I looked around backstage. Geoff and Taylor.

"ALEX WHERES GEOFF AND TAYLOR!" Otto screamed at me.

I turned around and ran ever so fast, I know Awsten and Zack was following me. I don't know about anyone else.

Oh please be okay.

That's when I saw it.

Her. Him.

She was on the floor unconscious (or at least I hope). He was laid on top of her, both covered in blood.

He sacrificed himself for her.

"SHIT SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I exclaimed and ran to them. "Oh Shit please be okay."



I picked Taylor up and ran over to the emergency point.

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