Our Hopes Never Fade.

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Wake Up-Black Veil Brides

Taylor's POV

I was on our bus and thankfully we were nearly at the first venue. The small bunk was extremely comfortable and I didn't really wanna move out of it.

'@Alexalltimelow; Nice to have my little girl on tour with us! Love you @TaylorxG and congrats on taking the scholarship, me and your Ma are very proud of you. Xx'

"WHERES TAYLOR?!" I heard a voice shout outside of the bus. I immediately dived off to see Geoff looking for me. "OH MY GOD TAYLOR!"

"GOOFBALL!" I hugged him. "It's been forever man!"

"I know! D'ya know there's another band too?"

"Who?" I looked up at him and he pointed to the bus next to ours.

A couple of people walked out before Kellin walked out. Which can only mean-Josh.

I rolled my eyes before letting go of Geoff, due to the others coming to talk to us.

"What's this about a scholarship?" Awsten asked from behind me.


"You took the scholarship?" Josh chirped up.

"Mhm I'll be gone soon."

"But I thought we were both gonna skip college?"

"People change." I returned back to Awsten and hugged him. "I'm off to college in three months."

"I'm proud of you kiddo." He messed my hair up. "Who's that josh kid?"

"Some boy."

"Oh, crush but got with your best mate?"

"You're too good at this I swear!" I laughed.

"They broke up though didn't they?"

"Yeah but he's asking out this cheerleader."

"What a dick." He shouted, I covered his mouth but he licked my hand. "Woah what have you sprayed? It's really nice!"

"Oh my god don't lick my hand you weirdo!"

"So what is it then?"

"Just hollister."

"Gotta get me some of that."

"OTTO!" I grabbed him and dived on his back.

"What did I say no diving on my back!"

"Oh sorry grandad." I groaned and got on Awstens who wasn't bothered. "When's the show start I need a double chocolate chip frappe."

"Oh my god lets go to Starbucks!" Awsten ran and the other boys from the band followed.

'Why are you being so off with me? Have I done something wrong?!'-Jishwa.

We sat in Starbucks at a table drinking in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, but more a comfortable peaceful one. I didn't mind and the boys didn't seem to either. It changes from them shouting 24/7.

'Will you talk to me please?'-Jishwas

'Please T. I mean it what did I do?'

I slowly finished my drink sadly, and the boys had finished theirs.

"CAN I CARRY YOU?!" Geoff shouted and picked me up (in the bridal style). He started to walk. "OH MY GOD SHES SO LIGHT!"

"I KNOW RIGHT PASS ME HER!" Awsten yelled and G threw me to him. Thankfully he caught me. "GEOFF CATCH!"


"NO OKAY! LAST TIME!" Geoff caught me and carried on walking like nothing happened.

'Will you ever talk to me? I don't know what I did but I'm sorry.'

"That josh?"


He snuggled my head into the crook of his neck comfortably. I wrapped one of my arms around his neck and my other one left on my knee. He lifted his hand up from under my leg and intertwined our hands together. He kissed my head lightly while walking.

'@underscoregeoff; think I missed you too much. It was too long @TaylorxG. Love you xo'



I was in the back of the bus while everyone was at the sound check. Dad said that although I wasn't going on stage to wear something 'rad'.

I did a livestream while I was doing my makeup. "Wait what do I say during this shit?"


"Awsten come to the bus. Bring coffee and I'll give you 20 bucks."

'@underscoregeoff; IM ON MY WAY!'

"Doors open G." I admitted and finished my eyeliner. "Eyeliner tape hurts."

'Can you tell me what I did? Please.'

'@underscoregeoff; come find me, I'm hidden in the bus x'

"Where you at G?" I stood up, taking my phone with me.

He wasn't in the bunks I checked. So I was just walking to the front of the bus and he wasn't there. So I headed back to the back. "SURPRISE!" He jumped out from behind me, picking me up. "You didn't find me." He whispered.

"Put me down!" I laughed. "How was soundcheck?"

"Okay, show starts soon. Have you spoke to ya know who?"

"Nope." I shook my head and put all my things away. "GEOFF SAY BYE!"

"BYE!" He waved at the camera before I turned off the camera. "He was talking to your dad about you."

"You are taking the piss right?" He shook his head and I slouched down next to him. "The hell was he saying?"

"Stuff like Oh can you ask what I've done wrong and tell her I wanna talk to her. All that shit."


"Are you coming to the show?"

"Yup, Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Good." He kissed my head lightly. "Want me to carry you as always?"

"Probably. Is it cold outside?"


"Lemme get my jacket."

"Nope." He grabbed my hand, putting his blue Adidas jacket on me. "You look phenomenal."

"Thankyou." I blushed. He leaned in toward me but I turned my head.

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