Waste My Time.

454 18 0

Fat Lip-Sum 41

Trigger Waring-Past Suicide Mention, Abuse

Taylor's PoV

I yawned and looked up at the stars on my ceiling. I smiled to myself.

I stood up, stretching. It was 12PM. Oh my god I missed breakfast! I walked down the two sets of stairs and Alex stood in the kitchen with Jack.

"Morning sleepyhead. You feeling okay?" He asked. I nodded and sat down. "Sleep okay?"

"Best night sleep ever."

"At least you enjoyed it."

"Hey Taylor I'm jack."

"Hey Jack I'm Taylor." We hugged awkwardly before he slid me a Gatorade. "Thanks." I downed it quickly.

"I was thinking we could go out today to get some more stuff. Band tees and jeans?"

"Can Bronte come?"

"Brontes Sick!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yeah well she's my best friend so you don't get her." I looked him up and down then headed to make coffee.

"Sassy I like it." Jack laughed.

"But Yeah she can." Alex told me. "We're going at 1 so go get changed."

I walked up the stairs but then stopped, I heard them talk about me.

"So she likes it here then?"

"She thinks it's a mansion!"

"She didn't have much, don't laugh at her."

"I know but it's just cute. And I read her file too."


"I know all about her parents, hospital visits mental heath."

"Yeah well be careful, don't say anything insensitive." Jack defended me.

"I will don't worry." Alex held his hands up.

I walked upstairs in ultimate shame, hanging my head low.

He found out. I never wanted them to find out what happened those three times. I was embarrassed, I was ashamed. I never told anyone why I did it but they just stamped it on my records and got my 'head checked' as they put it.

The first time was when I first started high school. It was rough as hell.

I got bullied, I got shoved, I got punched, I got thrown around. I was told on multiple occasions to go 'slit my wrists and die'. And one day it got to the point where I did. I ended up in hospital and Bronte stayed with me the whole time. She never left my side at all and I owe her everything to this day.

The second time was because of the people in the orphanage. The people who ran it. I don't know their names but they hated me, the feeling was mutual. So they decided to hit me. Multiple times actually.

After that, everyone else in the orphanage joined in. And what happened? I relapsed. Although I promise Bronte after the second time I never would, it didn't work.

This is why I'm as defensive as I am, why I defend Bronte and do anything for her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wouldn't be here without her.

"Hey can I come in?" Jack asked at my door.


"Are you okay?" He sat beside me, wrapping his arms around me. "What's got you down?"

"Nothing." I shrugged and stood up. He grabbed my arm and sat me on his lap. "What do you want?"

"I want to know what's wrong. I care about you deeply."

"Only because you read my file." He looked in shock. "Please it isn't like I didn't hear you."

"I do care about you. And Alex does."

"That's why he laughed."

"Hey he never laughed like that."

"Bullshit. I heard."

"Then you'll have heard that he laughed because he was surprised how big you thought the place was. Kay? Now why do you look like you're going to cry."

"Just missing home."

"It's okay." He hugged me. "And don't lie to me but we can tell Alex that it's that."

"Ugh." I groaned at how he knew I was lying.

I stood up and walked downstairs.

'Bronte you coming out with Alex n I?'

'I can't sorry I'm having a movie day with Cass.'

'Okay maybe tomorrow?'

'I'm getting my hair done again with Cass.'

'Oh maybe another time then.'

"Are you ready to go shopping?" Alex smiled and put a jacket on.

"Yeah. Do you have any CD's?"

"Yeah but depends what you want on?"

"I wouldn't worry." I pulled a Blink-182 album out of my backpack. "I got us covered. Enema of the state."

"Do you carry that everywhere with you?" He asked as we got in the car.

"Yeah incase people have shit music taste."

"You do make me laugh child."

"Kay." I shrugged.

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