Ill Take You Out.

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Six Feet Under The Stars-All Time Low

Taylor's PoV

"Hey Tay?" Someone stroked my hair softly which made me smile. "Are you okay? What happened with Rian?"

"Long story."

"Fair point. How you doing?"

"Seen better days Jack." I snuffled my head into his shoulder. "Boys are dicks."

"They also have dicks." He said which made Me laugh. "I know a really cute boy-"


"Okay fast." He pulled me in for a much bigger, tighter hug. "C'mon just chill yeah? It'll probably sort itself out."

I tucked my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms back around me.

"Taylor? Are you okay I'm so sorry."

"Go away Rian." Jack told him before I could even open my mouth. "She's asleep."

"Please just let me in."


There was a peaceful silence before I soon fell asleep with jack. He had put on a Tim burton film on and it helped me get to sleep a lot easier.

Lisa's POV

Alex was shouting at Rian once he came down from her room.

He was her idol, she looked up to him and he didn't care. He ruined her perspective of celebrities. She doesn't want to see him anymore, she doesn't wanna see Bronte anymore.

I felt so sorry for her. She's gone through enough and the music was all she had. But it doesn't mean a thing anymore.

"Wait wheres Jack?!"

"He's upstairs with Taylor."

"Oh." Was all alex said before sitting down next to me. "Rian better apologise."

"If he doesn't she'll kick his ass."

"Sounds about right."

"She's calmed down now, she's fast asleep." He smiled and jumped down the stairs.

"Thanks jack." We both smiled. "Is she okay?"

"She's better, she told me about some boy called Josh I think his name was."

"Yeah from the school. He seemed to really like her."

"Yeah I cant tell you what I know, breaks the trust." He told us.

At least he was being trustworthy to her. She can trust him.

"When's she start?"

"Next week."

"I'm gonna go check on her." I stood up and walked up the stairs.

Her bedroom was painted a greyish colour, with fairy lights and posters everywhere. She had the fall out boy logo on her bedding and this cute teddy. I don't know who got her it but it's cute.

There was a guitar in the corner of her room which was a metallic black with two red stripes through it. I think it was a fender but I'm not sure.

I sat on the swivel chair in her desk, admiring her bedroom decor. She moved and her sleeves came up, old scars. And there wasn't just a couple. There was a load of them, all going in different directions. I pulled her sleeve down for her, and tucked her in peacefully.

There was a photo on her bedside table of her and two boys. It had 'Brett and Tyler❤️' written on the frame neatly.

The second one was a photo of a man and a woman which was her mother and father. They both had black hair and blue eyes, it was adorable. The photo was taken on a beach I think, they were all holding hands. She was smaller then (looking like she was about 5) and she was wearing a All Time Low shirt. But not all of the band. Just with Rian on.

"Lisa?" She yawned and sat up, holding the bear. "What time is it?"

"It's 11, go back to sleep sweetie we've got a big day tomorrow."


"Because you and I are having a girls day out. Starbucks, getting our nails done, gossiping. We can do anything it'll be great I promise, and you won't have to get up early."

"Rad." She laid back down and fell back over to sleep.

I headed back downstairs, jack was in the spare bedroom. As always. Alex was in bed with a bottle of champagne.

"She okay? She asleep?"

"Yeah to both of them."

"Good." He presses his lips against mine. "I love you."

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