Alcohol Never Lies.

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Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea-Fall Out Boy

Taylor's POV

I grabbed my backpack and quickly thanked the cab driver before walking to the parking area for where their buses were parked. The buses were all parked in the car park area so I was going to surprise my boyfriend and my father.

I told Rian I was coming here and he said he'd put me on the list so I could get through security thankfully. It would been ever so awkward if they would have put their hand up and turned me away. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?

Hawaii had treated me well and i had only been here for a matter of hours. Getting through security was tiring, they searched me a lot but I wasn't bothered. The flight was steady and we hardly hit any turbulence thankfully.

'I'm at the front, I missed ya T!'

'I missed ya too Ri!'

I walked up to the car park to see him grinning largely before hugging me. "I love the hair."

"Why Thankyou Mr. Dawson." I laughed as we walked in. "Is she pretty?"

"You got nothing to worry about T."

"Be honest now, without lying."

"She's pretty but not like you." He admitted then pointed over to the buses. "That's her."

A blonde girl stood laughing with Zach but her arms around him and Jack. She had a very petite figure, her hair was past her waist and her blue eyes shone.


I snapped a photo from behind Rian and sent it to the Waterparks groupchat who immediately replied with

'Who's that? Why she got your man?'

Zach noticed me and ran toward me quickly before picking me up. "You came!"

"You bet I did!" I smirked as he put me down and I walked over to Jack who planted a kiss on my head. "Hey."


"Who's she?" The girl spat and looked at my boyfriend. "I'm Andie."

"I'm Taylor."

"Taylor." She coughed. "You were on Broadway weren't you?"

"Yup." I smiled as she shook my hand. "How've y'all been?"

"Y'all? What have you done while we were gone? Hang out with Awsten?"

"Yeah! We went to Disney for Halloween!"

"Well we have been fine for asking. Missed you a lot though."

"Taylor!" My dad exclaimed and jumped off of the bus, running at me. "I knew you'd come along!"

"Well I'm here for a week then I've got an audition."

"Ooo what for?"

"Mean girls. Regina George." The girl who went by 'Andie' scoffed. "Something funny?"


"Thought not." I smirked devilishly.

"Why didn't you tell me?! You knew I'd have come back for it!" Jack threw me in the air and kissed me quickly.

"You're on tour."

'Y'all whos that girl and if you're gonna fight get someone to send me a video of it please?'

'If I was gonna fight y'all would be first to know, trust me :)'

'Is she nice?'

'Ugh god no. I didn't want her to be. If she was I think I'd have died.'


The show had finished and we were all sat in a bar because We're having drinks as a celebration of some sort. Andie was being nice for some reason, which weirded me out but I still returned the politeness. Hey two can play at that game.

I'll win.

I was in a black shirt and a green leather jacket over it with my black ripped jeans on. I wasn't going to dress up because there's another girl around, I'm gonna remain being myself and if they don't like it it's not my problem?

Despite everyone being fascinated by Andie there was another girl called Ashley who was their photographer and she was so lovely. She was polite, funny, kind and she had the best sense of humour. We got along so well.

"So Broadway, you're best friends with Adie I presume?" She asked and I laughed, both of us glancing over to see her dancing with the four of the band members.

"Oh extremely!" I sarcastically replied with jazz hands and she laughed. "No apparently her and Jack have history so I'm just sat here making sure she don't make a move on my man. If she does...well you'll see." I admitted. "What about you?"

"I hate her. She looks down her nose at me like I'm a rat or something. I'd love to punch her in that stupid smug face of hers."

"I volunteer! I volunteer!" We both chuckled and took a shot. "I have a feeling we're gonna be best friends."

"Me too T."

"Also if she calls you anything tell me immediately and I'll punch her." I responded and she looked over to them before spitting the whiskey everywhere.


She was giving my dad a fucking lap dance. The one that's married. Does she not see the rock on his finger? God what a bitch! As soon as I stood up, she moved onto Jack and remained Eye contact with me. Ashley stood up behind me, muttering things to try and stop me but there wasn't any chance I'd stop now.

I stormed over to her and she shoved me backwards, turning to the guys and laughing with them. "Who does she think she is?"

I grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the floor. "I'm Taylor mother fucking Gaskarth! Don't fucking lay another hand on me or my boyfriend or my father or Ashley or I'll send you to the ER myself."

"Babe lay off." Jack defended her and held me back, moving me away from her. "Calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down?!" I retorted. "Dad really? You're married!"

"Just back off."

"Dad I'm trying to help save your marriage." I looked at him and Jack helping her up.

"Just Leave Okay?!" The two exclaimed as Rian shook his head.

"They're drunk. They don't mean it."

"No. They mean it. I don't care I'm gone. Tell Jack to start looking for a new house." I turned away. "I'll see you soon yeah?"

"I really hope so. Do you have somewhere to stay?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah." I lied. I was gonna find somewhere.

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