Drop A Heart.

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Sugar We're Going Down-Fall Out Boy

Taylor's PoV

I saw josh this morning, we were in the halls as usual. A girl came up to him and kissed him, he kissed her back. Then she followed us everywhere we went.

'Ugh Jack?'

'What's up kid? Xx'

'Slight problem with the josh plan. He's got a girlfriend. Xx'

'Dah shit. Want me to pick you up? Xx'

'Nah I got poetry tonight again. I'll be home at like 6 Xx.'

'Okay, head up! Xx'

I smiled at the dark haired petite girl, until I realised it was Bronte. For fu-

"Taylor!" Josh shook me, snapping me from my thoughts. "I said are you okay?"

"Oh yeah." I walked off, slamming my locker behind me.

I had my script in my bag, along with all my other lessons work. I turned around to see Josh and Bronte having a full on make out session. Ew.

'It's Bronte.'


'Jack that's not necessary, I've got this thing tonight so I'll be home late.'

'Still I can come.'

"Ooh Taylor!" A female voice shouted from in a classroom. I took a step back and walked in. "I- what's wrong?"

"Nothing why?"

"Come on sit down. I haven't got a class until second period." She welcomed me in and closed the door. "Josh problems?"

"How'd you know?"

"You two are too close. Plus he's the highschool sweetheart. What happened?"

"He got with my ex bestfriend that's what."

"Awh come here sweetie." She sat beside me peacefully and pulled a Mountain Dew out of her bag. "You look like you need it."

"Thankyou Miss." I sighed and took a sip. "I officially hate boys."

"Don't give up. Just keep bein-"

"IM HERE WHAT HAP-" He cut himself off and joined me and miss in the chairs. "What happened kid?"

"Bronte that bitch."

"I can talk to Rian and see if they're serious."

"That makes no difference Jack. She's still with him and I'm not gonna kiss a boy with a girlfriend."

"Maybe just risk it." Miss chirped in. "What have you got to loose?"

"The fact his dad is mates with my dad and he usually comes around."

"I say just go for it."

"Can't I just stay in here and go through the script all day?"

"Of course if you want." She smiled. "I'll leave you two to talk."

"What script?"

"Don't say anything to anyone. Mom, dad Rian Zack anyone it stays between us."

"Promise." I showed him the script and he just hugged me. "You're playing lady Macbeth in your favourite play!"

"Yeah." I stroked the back of my neck.

'I've just had a call saying jacks at the school, what did you do? Xx'

'I didn't do anything dad. I just needed help with some math work xx'

'I can help with that!'

'But you were a dick in highschool you told me!! Xx'

'Fine but you still at poetry tonight?'

'Yeah, I'll be home at like 5.'


We were in the hall practicing again. Jack was in the hall but on the top tier so he wasn't noticeable unless you knew he was there.

He stayed with me rehearsing and going through my lines with me. I was really thankful for that because it helped me. Not to mention I got out of a bunch of lessons.

"And we have kiss scene that needs rehearsing between you two."

"You're kidding right?!" We both shot our heads in her direction. Jack was smiling and pointing at me. "No I've got a girlfriend."

"It's for drama purposes. Plus all the other cast members get to see it so you better hurry up and practice." She snapped. "Now follow the script."

"Oh my love, Whatever are we going to do?" I said.

"We must do our duties for our family by killing the king." He walked toward me and pressed his lips against mine.

It wasn't a short one. It was a long one. It was-Oh my god it was absolutely amazing, there was passion and this burning sensation between us two.

He pulled away with a huge grin and blushed cheeks. "I must go my love. Take care of thyself."

"Goodbye love."

"That was perfect! Well done!" She clapped happily. "Taylor well done, josh practice your method."

He walked out in a huge mood, but still grinning. "Honestly Miss Parker that was fantastic. I hope it was for you."

"I'd have enjoyed it better if he didn't have a girlfriend."


I was just laid in bed cuddling my pillow sadly.

My ex bestfriend and my crush?

Bronte and my crush?

Bronte and Josh.

Bronte and Josh.

"Hey kid." Dad laid beside me. "What's got you down?"


"Boys? Josh?" I nodded. "Why what happened?"


"What did she do?"

"She got with him. They kissed right infront of me like I wasn't even there dad."

"Awh come here." He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "You can do much better than him but I do have some news for you if you want it?"

"Go ahead."

He pulled his phone out and played an audio recording. "So Kel, How's josh?"

"He's good. Don't tell Taylor but he really likes her, like he thinks she's beautiful and everything."

"I don't know how she feels about him but I won't tell her."

"So what'd you feel like now?"

"If he likes me why's he with Bronte?"

"I can't solve that for you, sorry kid. But I can get more answers so I wouldn't worry." He hugged me tightly. "I'll let you sleep."



"Can you stay?"

"Of course kid. And you're allowed to come on tour with Waterparks." He wrapped his arms around me and got under the quilt. "Awsten Knight really wants to meet you."

"To be fair before the band started I was internet friends with Geoff."

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