Fumble All Around.

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Where You Are-Mayday Parade

Taylor's POV

I calmed down and I was invited to the show. My dad wanted to talk to me and apparently so did Jack. If I'm honest I doubt it but I want to go because it needs sorting out.

People always say never go to bed angry and last night surprisingly I didn't. After I welcomed my best friend into my hotel room, we watched Netflix and slept. Not in a Netflix and chill way you idiot. In a we had separate beds and napped. That's what. We watched a couple of episodes of The Vampire Diaries to cheer me up then just watched Scary Movie.

'Please come down to the show! It's soundcheck now and I miss my gal! X'-Ashley x

'I'm coming I promise Ash! I just stopped for Starbucks, I'm brining you a coffee though :) x'

I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the car and walked into the venue. It wasn't as large as what they play in the UK&Europe but it's still good to play smaller venues because to them it's far more intimate.

Ashley ran up to me and gasped at my outfit which made me look at her oddly. I was wearing my black leather jacket, black crop top and leather look jeans. I looked pretty bad ass if I do say so myself.

I handed her the coffee cup that was hers and saw Jack gawping at me as we walked toward the stage. My dad gave an awkward smile as Rian and Zach gave genuine large smiles. I returned all of them.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked and sat on the drum riser and Rian nodded at me.

"I just wanted to say sorry for last night." My dad led with and sat opposite me. "I'm sorry for being snappy. I'm sorry for taking her side over yours-"

"Who's side?"

"The woman of the hour."

"You look better!" She smirked. "Don't like the bandana though."

"Don't like you breathing but yet here we are, Adie." I devilishly replied with as Ashley let out a gasp. "It's okay dad I forgive you."

"Babe I'm real sorry. I shouldn't have done it and I swear I have no attraction to her what so ever. You make me so happy and you're the only girl I want. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled as we kissed and I practically felt Andie give me a Death Stare.

"Stay for the show?"

"Of course." I nodded and let them continue their sound check. Ashley and I both sat in the middle of the floor while she took photos for them. "Hey Adie?"

"Yeah Broadway?"

"I hope we can be friends. Maybe I wouldn't wanna hurt you as much."

"Feelings mutual."

"I wouldn't test her, she'd kick your ass." One Of the boys told her as I erupted in fits of laughter.

'@ashleyosbourne: best gal! Here's some drunk photos from last night that I have no memory of @TaylorxPG.'

The photos were absolutely dreadful. And I mean dreadful. One of them was literally us two with linked arms drinking, another one was of me on the floor laughing my ass of at something I don't even remember.

If we're honest the things I remember from last night are getting changed, going to the club, having a small interference with her, Geoff coming to see me after and then this morning.

I must have gotten really really drunk last night. When I drink I usually remember it very well, Jesus I must have been extremely drunk! Apparently I snapped a lot according to Awsten and apparently I scared Otto? (Non of this brings anything back but I let them believe so).


The lovely Adie had become very sweet toward me for some reason. She was offering to make me drinks, go out and get some food and to do my hair. I'd rather die than any of those happen to me. Honestly. She probably wants to put something in it so I miss the show or I end up passing out so she can make it look like I died or something. Yeah she's one crazy bitch.

Well at least I think anyway.

I hadn't seen Ash since she went out to take photos so I was sorting myself out then I was gonna go stand side stage and watch. I promised I wouldn't miss it so I don't intend on missing it.

"CAN WE BRING TAYLOR ON STAGE PLEASE?" A voice echoed from on the stage as I was just finishing up what I was working on in a room backstage.

"T! Parker it's me I can't let you do it!" A voice echoed from the door and I quickly turned to see someone.

"G? What do you mean? I'm literally going to see them."

"I can't. He's gonna propose and I couldn't let it happen without telling you how I feel. I'm sorry I've never gotten over you-"

"Geoff I-"

"Hear me out please!" He grabbed his speaker and hooked his phone up to it, playing my favourite song in the background. "I've always loved you Taylor. I'm aware I was a terrible person, I was the fucking worst. I'm so sorry I did it and I shouldn't have ever done it. I regret every single thing I did wrong and all I want is a chance to make it right. I've never ever spoken to Kellin or anyone from Sleeping With Sirens ever since. I can barely cope. I'm holding it together by our friendship. Please T. I never stopped loving you. Even when I was told to try and get back out there. Nobody compared to my best friend. Nobody compares to you Taylor. I'm in love with you. I have been since January 1st two thousand and eight. You're amazing. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met, you're perfect. You're indescribable. I try to fumble words together to describe you but all I land on is perfect. I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart. Yes, I was born to take care of you. Every single day of my life. You are the one for me. I am the man for you. You we're made for me. You're my ecstasy. If I was given every opportunity. I'd kill for your love." He sang and held my hands. "I'm in love with you, madly Taylor Parker. And if you love me back we can leave here and start a fresh somewhere new."

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