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School had started less than a month ago, and the days had gone by slowly. Way too slowly in Jeongguk's opinion, and all he really wanted to was to get out of the classroom and run to his personal hideout. He had spent the summer cleaning up the place, and getting it to look somewhat decent.

It was a small wooden cabin situated right next to the huge lake by his city. He lived close to it, and had found it during one of this adventures in the beginning of the summer vacation. His mother had finally allowed him into the forest on his own, and of course he was going to take advantage of that.

He spent the entire day from dawn to dusk walking around and looking at the trees, trying to determine whether or not god had copy pasted the trees in order to create the landscape. They looked too alike to be handmade one by one, but his mother had in the evening explained that god spent time making every single tree unique, just like he did with people. Jeongguk was very content with that explanation.

As the school bells chimed in his classroom, the previously quiet classroom got disrupted by random clatter and chit chat between the young students as they stood up and gathered their stuff in order to leave the last class of the day.

Jeongguk quickly gathered what little stuff he had, and swung his too-big backpack over his shoulder. As he left the room and was about to retrieve his raincoat, he felt small hands covering his sight. Smiling, he removed the hands and turned around to look at the tiny chuckling boy in front of him.

"Yugyeom," he giggled at the smaller boy, as he grabbed one of his hands.

They lived in the same neighborhood, so they often walked home together and today was no exception. It was a habit that they developed ever since starting at the same elementary school last year, and it was a habit that Jeongguk had no problem with whatsoever.

The eight and seven year-old went home hand-in-hand, talking about the new classes they had gotten.

Jeongguk learned that Yugyeom was especially fond of The Arts, and Jeongguk had to agree, although he also liked PE quite a lot. He wasn't very good at it, but he liked playing soccer. Yugyeom on the other hand didn't like PE much, even though he played soccer in his leisure time. Jeongguk really wanted to join Yugyeom's soccer team, but his mother told him that she didn't have the funds for it. Jeongguk accepted the answer with an outwards smile, and told his mother that he would be fine with just PE.

Soon the two boys parted ways, and Jeongguk continued a block down the road before he stood in front of his home.

It was nothing special. it was small, as his classmates would say, with five rooms in total. Bathroom, a combined kitchen and dining room, a small living room and two bedrooms. Jeongguk had moved into his own room over the summer, and was still getting used to it. Sure it was nice having your own room, but he missed the peaceful breathing of his mother as he fell asleep.

As he opened the front door and called for his mother, he received no reply. She was still working. Not really being a surprise to Jeongguk anymore with the extra shifts she started covering.

Jeongguk walked to the kitchen, to place his backpack down and take his lunchpack out. As he put the lunchpack away, he eyed the cabinet above the sink. It was the snack cabinet, and Jeongguk knew that he should keep away from it. But surely it didn't matter where his snacks were kept, as long as he ate them in the end?

He ended up deciding to bring a small pack of peanuts with him to the cabin, along with a pillow from his own room (he had two so he would be fine). The floor in the cabin was somewhat cold, and it hurt his butt when he sat down on it for too long.

He quickly left the house, not forgetting to lock the door, and headed for the forest. With the pillow underneath his small arm, and the peanuts in his left coat pocket he entered the forest, already having memorized the way to the cabin.

As the cabin came into sight, he was almost about to run to it, before his legs the motion stopped abruptly.

As he looked towards the entrance, a figure was sitting in front of it. Was he seeing things? Had someone found his hideout? The young boy was about to burst into tears at the idea of somebody having discovered his cabin. Perhaps it was old owners who wanted the cabin back?

Instead of sitting down on the ground and crying in defeat, Jeongguk decided that he should handle the situation like a big boy would: By confronting the intruder (this is not a very good idea, please don't do it at home).

As he waddled closer to the cabin, he noticed that the figure sitting in front of the cabin looked to be around the same age as him. Maybe a tad older. A sudden wave of confidence flooded his mind, and he took the final steps towards the unknown boy.

"What are you doing in front of my cabin?"

The boy suddenly looked up at Jeongguk, the bored impression long gone. He looked almost shocked, as if caught in the middle of stealing cookies, but the expression slowly faded into a more relaxed smirk. Jeongguk shuffled on his feet, as he held onto his pillow harder.

"Your cabin?" The boy answered.

If you could even call it an answer. Jeongguk refused to see it as a real reply and puffed at the boy, as he cockily smiled at Jeongguk. It was the smirk that drove Jeongguk further, and he snapped the reply at the unknown boy.

"Yes this is my cabin, I found it first. Who are you?"

The boy suddenly stood up, and walked towards Jeongguk. He was at least two inches taller than Jeongguk, and Jeongguk's newfound confidence quickly dimmed. He gulped as he stepped a step backwards, away from the boy who was now approaching him. He was surely going to get slapped for talking back. He closed his eyes and held on to his pillow for dear life.

But the slap never came.

He opened one eye, only to see a hand outstretched towards him. He followed the arm that the hand was attached to, and looked up at the face of the boy. Instead of wearing the angry expression that Jeongguk expected, he was grinning widely. Jeongguk gasped at him, not even sure what he was gasping at.

Jeongguk warily grabbed the hand after studying the smiling face closely. The boy didn't seem hostile at all, and he trusted him not to hurt Jeongguk. The two shook hands, and soon the boy opened his mouth.

"I'm Taehyung and I just moved here with my mom and dad!"

Omg first chapter done. I was too excited while writing this chapter, I absolutely adore child!Jungkook. I hope you like the story so far :p

Don't forget to vote and comment since it means the world to an author like me! <3

- ࿎࿎ 𓆉

Cabin - k.th. + j.jg. [TaeKook]Where stories live. Discover now