⟡ 11 ⟡

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It was summer once again. Children ran through the streets, while parents were busy tanning in their front yard. All of the semi-exotic birds had returned from the south, and were sat in the trees, making their presence known to the entire world with their singing.

Jeongguk and Taehyung were running around in Taehyung's backyard, having spent most of the morning and noon at his house. Suddenly Taehyung stopped abruptly, and turned towards Jeongguk. Jeongguk was close to colliding with Taehyung, but managed to stop first.

"You can't just stop like that! I could've knocked you over Tae!" The smaller exclaimed, waving his hands around. Taehyung chuckled, and started walking back towards the house, Jeongguk following on Tae's heels.

"I just remembered what I wanted to do, Gukkie! Come on." Jeongguk didn't question him further, as they both entered the mansion. "Besides don't worry about knocking me over. You're too small for that."

Jeongguk pouted at that, and tried to knock into Taehyung to push the older forward, resulting in absolutely nothing, except for a few grunts from Taehyung.

"See I told ya."

"I swear I'll be able to knock you over when I get older."

"Sure Gukkie." Taehyung chuckled. They both entered Taehyung's room at the same time, but Taehyung scrambled over to his bed, and started gathering his blankets and pillows.

"What are you doing?" The younger questioned. Taehyung looked at him, his eyes shining as he handed Jeongguk some pillows.

"A pillow fort dummy!"

Jeongguk gasped at Taehyung. They had never gotten around to doing that, so now was a great opportunity. Taehyung ran downstairs, and placed the pillows in the living room. Jeongguk met him halfway down the stairs, as Taehyung was on his way up.

When Jeongguk reached the living room, he placed the pillows next to the blankets and pillows Taehyung put on the floor, before turning towards the stairs.

"Where should we make it!" Jeongguk yelled, folding his hands around his mouth to make his voice stronger. A few seconds passed before a 'what?' was yelled back from the other side of the house.

"The pillow fort, where should we make it?" Soon the older appeared, arms full of feathery pillows and soft blankets once again, and a smile plastered all over his face. Jeongguk instantly returned the smile, and jumped up to help with the pillows.

"Uhm, how about.. Here?" Taehyung gestured for the two modern chairs situated in front of the big windows to the backyard. "We just have to move them a bit, so that they are next to each other."

Jeongguk nodded, and started moving the pillows to where Taehyung was stood, as Taehyung started moving the chairs. Within fifteen minutes, a pillow fort stood proudly in all it's pride.

Jeongguk giggled up at Taehyung, as he looked at the older. Taehyung smiled back, and grabbed Jeongguk's hand, leading him into the fort. As they both entered, Taehyung gestured for Jeongguk to sit down.

"Wait here, I'll get us snacks. Anything you want?"

"A snickers please."

Taehyung ruffled his hand messily through Jeongguk's hair, before he stood up again.

"Good boy." He smiled, before disappearing out of the fort, muttering to himself, "a snickers it is."

As the weather got colder and the sky turned darker, Jeongguk and Taehyung were hidden beneath the blankets of their pillow fort, cuddling up next to each other, a big bowl of popcorn between them.

Snickers wrappings were spread all over the floor, the younger munching on the last piece, as he happily wiggled his feet forwards and backwards. Taehyung chuckled a single time, before filling his mouth with popcorn again.

It was quiet in the tiny fort, but the silence was comfortable. Neither of Taehyung's parents had returned home, his only relative home being his sister who was sat in her room, doing whatever teens did.

Suddenly Jeongguk rolled onto his back, and stared up into the ceiling of the blue blanket. Taehyung took the opportunity to study the younger's face closely. His dark brown hair rested on his forehead, fringe cut above his eyebrows and not getting in the way of his eyes.

His eyelashes were long and dark, protecting his big brown irises. His nose curved in an elegant manner, ending above his lips. His very pink and plump lips, Taehyung might add.

He then gulped, and rolled onto his back as well, looking away from Jeongguk.

"Tae?" Jeongguk suddenly muttered.

"Guk?" He answered.

"You're leaving in nine days."

"I know."

"How're ya feeling?" A long silence followed as Taehyung pondered over the question. How did he feel about it? Anxious? Excited?

"I'm not sure," Taehyung muttered. "Guess I'm scared."

Taehyung looked over at Jeongguk, just to be met with the same gaze he had seen many times. Concerned, but with a childish carelessness. Then Jeongguk's hand found Taehyung's, and the older was quick to intertwine their fingers.

There they lied, hands intertwined and engulfed by the blanket, munching on popcorn and left with half-answers. But it was nice. It was comfortable.

"Don't be." Jeongguk answered after a while, smiling faintly at Taehyung. "I'm sure you're gonna find a lot of friends."

"Sure. But what if I don't?"

"I know you will."

Taehyung nodded at that.

"But none of them will ever be as good a friend as you Gukkie." Jeongguk giggled at that, and soon his face was enveloped by a huge grin.

"Best friends forever." Jeongguk muttered, squeezing Tae's hand.

"Best friends forever."

Taehyung's father found the two cuddling between the blankets an hour later, hands still intertwined.

Hello wonderful people! I just decided to update, since I'm impatient and want teen TaeKook soon. (but also bcz im a sucker for child taekook and i need more, but you didn't hear that from me)

Life update from the author(LUFTA): I just recently pre-ordered LY: Tear, and I'm so excited for it aaaa. I also found out that I got into my top priority high school, and I'm very??? happy??

Hoping you're having a great day/night where you are right now. If not, I hope it will turn out for the better soon, and something/someone will be able to put on a smile on your face (maybe the amount of fluff here will be a little help? <3)

Just in case you forgot, don't forget to vote and comment since it means the world to an author like me! x

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