⟡ 12 ⟡

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The school was just as Taehyung remembered. It was modern and big. Very big. So big that Taehyung found himself almost wandering off many times. Had it not been for his parents' guidance, he would've surely ended up somewhere he was not supposed to be.

He tried to take in everything with big eyes before he entered the school building. His sister had told him it had all been about keeping your cool, and establishing stability from the second you entered the building for the first time.

Taehyung was going to stick to that.

As he entered the main hall, his parents were pointed to a short queue in order to get Taehyung's room number, keys and a schedule for the day.

Soon enough, Taehyung found himself entering room number 213, his parents following behind closely.

With no sight of his other roommates yet, Taehyung sighed in relief as he walked over to the bed furthest from the door. He instantly claimed it with his bedding, and placed his bags on the desk connected to the bed.

Soon his parents left the room, and he sat on the chair belonging to his table, waiting for his two roommates to arrive.

The school was an expensive private boarding school, and most students came from rich and influential families, just like Taehyung. He knew his family was privileged, and that he was just like the other children and teens on the school. He also knew that image mattered a lot on the school, as his sister informed him shortly before his leave.

She had also told him about the best toilets to use amongst many other smart tips. The most strange though, had been the different places some students would go to make out. Taehyung had cringed when she told him that. Why would he need to know that.

Suddenly the door to the room opened, and in waltzed a blue eyed blonde boy. He immediately locked eyes with Taehyung, stopping in front of his parents. A grin grew on his face as he walked towards Taehyung, hand outstretched. Taehyung grabbed the hand, and shook it firmly once, giving the boy a small smile.

"Hello, I'm Christopher. I guess you're my new roommate? How many are we going to live in here?" The blonde boy, Christopher, asked as he looked around the room, picking the bed in the middle, next to Taehyung's.

"I'm Taehyung, and I guess so. Three boys, that's what the list said." Taehyung stuck his hands into the pockets of the deep blue pants of his uniform, and stood with a relaxed pose. I Come off as confident, his sisters words rung in his head.

"Wait, how do you pronounce that? Your name, is it ta-hung? tai-jung?" Taehyung smiled, a mild irritation bubbling inside of him. Was the Christopher kid deaf?

"Tae-hyung. It's Korean."

"Ohh, you're from Korea? Do you speak Korean too?"

"Well, I'm not Korean, I'm American. My grandparents are from Korea." Taehyung took a deep breath. "No, but I'm currently learning it."

"Sick. Can you speak some Korean right now?"

Before Taehyung could get the chance to jump over and strangle the kid, the door opened, and in came a tan, brown haired boy. A bag swung over his shoulder, and a huge smile plastered over his face as he looked at his two new roommates.

"Hey, I'm Willam! Nice to meet you two, we're going to live together, right?" Willam was quick to shake both of their hands, before walking over and dropping his bag on his bed. His mother entered the room shortly after, her curly hair styled into a fashionable ponytail. Taehyung smiled at her. She seemed more relaxed than Chistopher's parents.

Within five minutes, Tae's parents had also come back, and parents and students were gathered in the small room, the parents exchanging business cards, Taehyung and his two new roommates sitting on two of the beds, talking.

Despite the unfortunate conversation with Chris, Taehyung was very happy with his two new roommates. He quickly found out that both Chris and Will played soccer, and Will also played the bass in his leisure time. They decided on a game of soccer as soon as introductions were over.

The welcoming of new students and introductions were over quickly. All 50 students were separated from their parents, some having a harder time than others about it, and then split into smaller groups of ten. Within the groups, some irrelevant name game was started, and so they had to change group as soon as they were able to recite all names.

Taehyung stayed in the same group for the whole game, and by the end of the game Taehyung could remember two names, the names being those of his roommates.

After the failed name game, Taehyung was able to gather some students for a game of soccer, and that's how they spent most of the afternoon, until they had to bid their goodbye's to their parents.

The day went by great, Taehyung getting to know a handful of new people over the soccer game. And thankfully most of them were able to pronounce his name correctly. It was first when Taehyung lied down on his bed, that he remembered him. Jeongguk.

Taehyung had promised to tell Jeongguk everything about his first day at his boarding school as soon as he had time, and he hurried over to his desk to retrieve his mobile-phone. Jeongguk didn't have a mobile, and so Taehyung dialed his home-phone.

It was Jeongguk's mother who picked up on the second ring, and Taehyung was quick to greet her over the line, asking her if he could talk to Jeongguk. A few seconds later, the familiar voice of the younger sounded through the phone.

"Jeonggukkie!" Taehyung whisper-yelled into his mobile. An excited squeak came from the other end, as well as a high pitched 'Taetae'.

"How did your first day go? What about your roommates? Are they nice? What are their names? Taee, I want to know everythiiing." Taehyung chuckled at the excitement from the younger, and a soft smile took over his features as he started talking about the day's events.

Ayo hitman TG introduces, 12th chapter.

I hope you enjoyed the small insight in Taehyung's first day at his boarding school. I don't know much about middle school boarding schools, so I based it a bit off of my own boarding school experience. I hope it made some sense (?)

It's only been one chapter, and I already miss Jeongguk. *Sigh*. This chapter is not really building onto the story, but more like a filler/ an introduction of two new important roles in this story.

Trust me, this is just the calm before the storm. (^:

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- ࿎࿎ 𓆉

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