♤ 42 - Wake Up♤

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♤ 𝚆𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚄𝚙 - 𝙴𝙳𝙴𝙽 ♤

"There's a party coming up this weekend."

"A what?"

"A party. You should go Guk, it's been forever since we went to one."

"'Can't be arsed." Jeongguk mumbled into his pillow, homework spread out on his single bed. As much as he didn't feel the need to do it, and really didn't have any braincells left to figure out a single equation more, he knew he would need to turn this assignment in, as he had lacked in that department for the last couple of weeks.

"Come on, it'll be super fun. I know the host personally, and I promise it's all cool people invited."

"Meaning no Taehyung?"

Kiana huffed, muffled barking going on in the background as she hushed the excited puppy. "Let's be real Jeonnie, Taehyung can and will get in at any party he arrives at. But so far it doesn't look like he's coming, but no promises."

Jeongguk groaned and dropped his pen on the bedsheet. Muttering curses under his breath, Kiana dismissed the party invite, and went back to solving the equation at hand.

As he scrambled to the kitchen for a wet cloth, an internal battle went on in his head. On one hand, Taehyung and partying could suck his left nut and he should just stay away from anything like that, as it only caused complications and headaches. Figuratively and literally.

But on the other hand, Jeongguk wouldn't mind drinking all his sorrows away in half a bottle of vodka and potentially pass out in the pool of the host. Considering his options, the other hand seemed more appealing. Screw Taehyung, he could have fun as well.

"Okay, I'm in." He said, as he entered his room again, closing the door behind him with his foot.

A loud squeal could be heard from the other line of the phone, along with a loud clatter and even more barking as Jeongguk started scrubbing the bedsheet.

The scenery passed by in a blur of cool tones and pastel colors, and Jeongguk seemed to focus on nothing and everything at the same time. The radio filled the car with a soft acoustic tune as they drove through the avenue of trees, and Jeongguk felt his cheek get colder by the minute, as he was resting it against the cool surface of the window.

"Jeongguk." His mother spoke in a soft tone suddenly. He answered her by humming softly, keeping his eyes on the occasional wildlife in the forest they were passing. The groceries in the back were vibrating along the smooth bass of the song that just started, and Jeongguk could feel himself daze off.

"Jeongguk." His mother repeated. 

He sat up and looked at her. She kept her eyes on the road, but her brows were lightly furrowed and the lines of her forehead seemed more apparent now. "Yes?" He answered again.

"How are you doing these days?" She asked, halting in her sentence for a short moment as the road left the forest, and the scenery around once again consisted of colors from the entire color spectrum. She held her breath shortly, before speaking up again.

"Taehyung hasn't been over for a long time, and Sooyoung and I are getting a bit worried. Did something happen?" She asked, glancing over at Jeongguk once.

Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek and kept silent for a short while. He could obviously not just reveal everything, but lying to his mother felt even worse. So he just kept it simple, like always.

"I guess we just had a falling out with each other." Jeongguk kept his eyes focused on the big clouds meeting the horizon, as he felt his mother's gaze burning into the side of his skull once in a while.

She didn't ask him about anything more during the rest of the short trip home, and if she heard him sniffling in his room later that evening, she didn't question him about it in the morning.

"I'm off." He muttered before he closed the door behind him, and swung his backpack over the right shoulder and off he was.

Of course their parents would notice if they had a falling out. Jeongguk just prayed that they wouldn't try to force them to talk through a joint BBQ. Glaring at each other across the table and above the roasted sausages and chicken breasts could certainly not be described as a happy get-together. Jeongguk would avoid that at any cost.

He was about to enter the front entrance of the school as he heard a yelp. He arrived early, and decided that he had enough time to check out where the strange noise was coming from. As he rounded the corner of one of the school buildings, he noticed a freshman standing wide-eyed against the wall, and two older students, probably juniors, cornering him against it. 

"I–I swear, I wasn't the one wh–who called the cops yesterday. I just passed the house, nothing else... I promise!"

"Well who the fuck else could it be, dumbass. If you are able to tell us who did it, you can go. But obviously you won't be able to." The freshman looked scared out of his own skin, as one of the juniors' grabbed him by his collar and shook him. 

"You're a fucking pussy, is what you are. And a snitch. And snitches get stitches." Just as the other one was about to raise his hand at the younger, Jeongguk spelled stupid in his head and decided to give meaning to the word.

"You're fucking assholes, that's what you are." He said as he stepped forward.

The blonde boy looked up at Jeongguk, noticing that another had decided to join them. The freshman also looked up at him in terror, and Jeongguk decided that this was not a completely stupid idea, if only he was able to help him. "What did you call me, rat?"

"I said you're an asshole," Jeongguk managed to mutter, before he felt a fist connecting to his left jaw. Time slowed down severely, and as Jeongguk turned his head back to face the two juniors, he not only noticed that the freshman had escaped, but also pure rage in the eyes of the blonde. It was then that he recognized the blonde junior as one of Taehyung's friends, Chris.

Horrified, he scrambled from the scene, looking away and not daring to show any weakness other than retreating. So what if his eyes were brimming with tears. It hurt like a bitch, and who was to tell him, that he could not cry. He had every single damn right in this godforsaken world to cry if he wanted to.

Not only had he interfered in something that was none of his business, he had also angered one of Taehyung's comrades. And he already knew that it wouldn't mean anything but trouble.

Hi babies!

I did not edit this chapter at all (as it is super late in the evening and I have homework and school tomorrow (': ), so sorry for that.

It's been a while, how have you been? Cabin blew up a few days ago, and suddenly it was #5 in fanfic and #10 in bts and I was just like !??!???!?!. I decided all of our souls were in need of an update to cope, so here we are.

This part is coming to an end soon, and I can assure you that the next part is going to be crazier, more emotional, and have you feeling even more confused. But I think you will enjoy (;

School is super hectic, but it's Christmas, so what's not to love! Merry Christmas everybody <3 <3

As always, don't forget to vote and comment since it means the world to an author like me! <3

- ࿎࿎ 𓆉

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