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Jeongguk stared blankly at the boy, and then blinked twice. Then it clicked. Taehyung was new in town. Jeongguk had heard those rumors about a new kid starting a class above him, but he really didn't pay attention to anything that didn't involve his grade or class.

The other kid, Taehyung, was still holding onto Jeongguk's hand tightly, and Jeongguk had to pull his hand back in an almost violent manner. Taehyung didn't even flinch at it. Jeongguk obviously wasn't the most intimidating person either. He was one of the smallest children in his class.

Taehyung turned around halfway to get a better look at the cabin in the back. He then turned back to Jeongguk and looked at him questioningly.

"Is this your house?"

Jeongguk shook his head quickly. How could anybody live in that tiny cabin? Not even his real house was that size.

"It's my hideout." Jeongguk muttered at the other boy. Nobody else knew about his hideout. Not even his mother or Yugyeom had ever visited. And now this unknown boy came and stepped over his territory with huge muddy combat boots.

Taehyung's expression immediately changed to one big o.

"Wicked!" He whisper-shouted, and walked up to the front door. Jeongguk immediately followed him. He was just about to stop him, but Taehyung had already opened up the door, revealing everything inside.

He really had no manners.

Jeongguk grabbed his arm, and tried to pull him out of the cabin, which he was already halfway inside of, but with no luck. The poor kid was much smaller, and weaker, than the intruder.

Jeongguk was close to saying a bad word, but refrained.

Soon the two boys stood inside of the Cabin. Taehyung looked around with big eyes, and Jeongguk stared at the ground. He knew the building very well already. He had no need to look around.

"Did you buy this? Or did you just find it?" Jeongguk looked up, just to be met with deep brown eyes a bit too close for his liking. He pushed the boy back gently, and this time he budged, moving a bit away from Jeongguk.

"I found it. Supposedly the owners left ten years ago."

"Wicked." Was this all he could say?

Suddenly the bigger boy spoke up again.

"Can I join your hideout?" He couldn't.

"Please?" Jeongguk considered.

"Why?" It was a simple reply, but Jeongguk really needed to know why this strange boy wanted to join his secret hideout.

Taehyung thought about it long and hard (is it even possible to think about an answer for that long?), and finally looked at Jeongguk with pleading eyes, grabbing both of his hands. The smaller boy blinked in shock, but didn't pull his hands away this time.

"I've never been part of a hideout, and this cabin is very cool," Taehyung smiled at him. Not a smirk like earlier, but a real, honest smile. "Please let me join it." He finished.

"Okay." Jeongguk sighed, and Taehyung jumped in anticipation.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Taehyung exclaimed while trying to both hug Jeongguk and jump up and down at the same time. A failed attempt at hugging, but it felt nice nevertheless. Jeongguk smiled as he hugged the other boy.

"I saw that you brought a pillow. Should I bring some stuff too?" He was part of the hideout, so it would be nice if he contributed to it too, Jeongguk thought.

"If you have something to bring."

"I have lots! Almost too much. My parents wont notice if anything's gone, since they're packing out right now." Taehyung answered. Jeongguk nodded at him, suddenly wondering which part of town he was from. Surely it was a neighborhood nearby, since he found the hideout.

Suddenly Jeongguk really wanted to ask Taehyung a question.

"Why did you move here?" The town is completely dead, nobody moves here out of their own free will. He didn't add the last part.

"'m daddy's job. He needed some fresh air." Taehyung mumbled, fumbling to get something out of his pocket.

"Mommy said that he needed something other than a city flat." Taehyung suddenly stopped fumbling, and pulled out a half-eaten candy bar. He looked up at Jeongguk and offered the candy bar, a big smile on his face. Jeongguk smiled and grabbed the sad looking remains. He hadn't tasted a.. Snickers before?

"Where did you live before?" Jeongguk asked, thinking about the word 'flat'. Taehyung pulled out another half-bar, and started munching at it. Didn't the boy know how to finish his foods before moving onto another?

"New York City." Jeongguk's eyes widened. His mother always talked about wanting to go there again. She used to live there when she was a student.

"Their food is very good. We should go there sometime." Taehyung mumbled through a bite of Twix. Suddenly Jeongguk remembered the nuts in his pocket, feeling very heavy. The boy had shared his snack with him, so Jeongguk should return the favor.

"Do you want some peanuts?"

I'm starting to feel attached to baby kookie and baby taetae. help.

Okay, but i literally spent the entire day yesterday, and most of the day today creating the entire storyline for this story. So I may or may not have it all figured out. If only I had the motivation. *sighs*

(Also I may or may not have made an entire playlist for this story, which will be included later oop-)

Also, his chapter is dedicated to my beloved Animez1_3_2 because she deserves the world, and she really anticipated this chapter. I??? love?? you??? a lot??????

Don't forget to vote and comment since it means the world to an author like me! <3

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Cabin - k.th. + j.jg. [TaeKook]Where stories live. Discover now