♤ 41 - All I Think About Is You ♤

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♤ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙸 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝙸𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 - 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚕 𝙴𝚕𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚝 ♤

The smaller hand holding his felt like a heavy weight dragging him down. It felt wrong and there was nothing he could do about it. With eyes of curious students following him down the hall, he could do nothing but pretend to smile, and give off the illusion, that his life was picture perfect.

Although it wasn't.

Taehyung felt a constant itch in his throat, but he was too scared to speak out, as well as he felt an ache in his heart, and he was afraid that it would give out sometime soon.

Nothing in this world would ever be able to compensate for what he did to Jeongguk. The look on the younger male's face had been heartbreaking all those days ago, and Taehyung nearly ran after him if it hadn't been for Chris' gaze constantly burning holes into the back of his head. 

Instead, all he could do was suppress his own feelings and give in to the societal cycle, hoping that Jeongguk would be able to make it out of it.

And so he lost all contact with his first love. 

The occasional worried texts and voicemails didn't tick into his phone anymore, and Taehyung no longer came home to Jeongguk sitting on his bed in his room, greeting him as a surprise. Instead, a void bloomed in his heart, getting bigger day by day expecting it to take over his entire being soon.

And Taehyung couldn't do anything, but watch as his inner chaos unfolded as he downed his nth beverage of the evening, a couple more beer resting in the pocket of his jacket.

"Dude, you're completely gone."

Taehyung looked to where the voice was coming from, gaze swimming as he tried to focus on a certain feature of the guy speaking. He didn't succeed, yet he tried to remain as civil as he could with half a bottle of vodka flooding his system. 

However, he had done this many times before being a master of handling the alcohol in his blood, and he managed to tell the guy off, assuring him that he was completely well and conscious inside of his head, thank you very much.

The guy walked off, clearly having forgotten about the current state of Taehyung, which, to Taehyung, wasn't the biggest disaster in the history of disasters. He instead, decided to look around and find out where the closest exit was because, damn, the smell of teenage hormones and weed was getting to him. 

As he got his body to follow instructions from his brain, and finally stood on his own two feet again, he waddled into the puddle of interacting people, somehow sure that this was the quickest way to the exit. Follow the stream, his brain chimed in, and so he did.

Along the way, a person grabbed him by his shoulder and spun him around to face however was rude enough to disturb a man on a mission.

"T! Where are you going babe?" Ew. Recognizing the piercing voice as none other than the girl who took part in his private game of 'fucking up life as much as possible', playing the leading role as his girlfriend. 

"Chloe," he choked, blinking a few times and trying to focus even harder. He began doubting that he had only had alcohol. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, nearing him and pressing up against him. 

"Where are you going?" She muttered, and pressed a kiss to his neck, inching closer to his lips. Taehyung let his hands rest on whichever available surface, which turned out to be the girl in front of him. She kissed his lips, and he responded, knowing that his mind screamed at him for kissing the wrong person.

He pulled away, and looked at her with a startled expression. wrong person, wrong person, wrong person, his brain repeated like a broken record.

"I have to take a shit." He blurted out, before bolting for the door. Heart hammering in his chest, he continued down the corridor, and entered the outside through the back-door.

Only when he took a drag of the outside air, his eyes managed to focus on the backyard in front of him. He was alone.

As he stumbled to the far end of the yard, he managed to find a garden chair to settle in. He let his body fall into it, not caring whether the chair would fall backwards or not, and emptied his lungs of air. 

It had been two weeks since the last time a call from Jeongguk had entered his phone, and even longer since he got the last voicemail. Yet he was sure that if a voicemail would get views, this one would already be on the trending page.

He scrolled through his phone, not caring for the newest notifications from friends and foe, drowning his phone in unimportant flexes and shit. The only thing anybody ever cared about anymore was doing the most scandalous things via snapchat and earning the talk of the town, or flaunting their most recent gift from papa to their thousands of instagram followers. His life had gone from carelessly running around in the woods and eating dirt (let's be real, who hasn't), to followers over actual relatives and drinking your brains out. 

He wanted to disappear for a while. If it was possible to just sleep for two weeks straight, Taehyung would grab the opportunity. But this was real life, and every single action had consequences. He had experienced that way too often, costing him his most important person.

He would cry, but his eyes wouldn't give out. Instead he grabbed the beer he had saved for later, opened it quickly, and started drinking it quicker. 

No matter how bitter you become, beer still tastes like shit, he thought as he downed the rest.

Although he knew he would wake up in the middle of night, still intoxicated from the beverages flooding his brain, crying his eyes out, and hoping that the alcohol would be washed out along with the saltwater, and he finally would get a clear mind. Hoping that the tears would somehow travel along his bedsheet and type a message on his phone to Jeongguk.

He was a coward, and he knew it. As much as he tried to convince himself that this was definitely the best option for the both of them, his sobering mind seemed to disagree. The more sober he got, the worse the idea was, and by now he had already drunk half his body weight in tequila to keep the hostile thoughts away.

He knew his plan was genius, but only as long as he was drunk. As soon as sober Taehyung woke up in tears, he was seconds away from running to Jeongguk, begging for forgiveness. He had to stay drunk. 

Hi babies!

I'm sorry for my absence, high school is keeping me super busy, and has messed up my sleep schedule, making me go to bed at 9PM (when my creativity blooms after 12AM :( ). I'm sorry that the chapters are so infrequent, and I hope that I'll be able to establish some sort of update schedule like before.

On another track, I finally started in my actual class that I'll be part of for the next 2.5 years, and I couldn't be happier. I have a-level Chinese, Physics and Math (wish me luck (': ) so I'll be constantly challenging my brain (which I hope results in a more creative me).

How are you guys doing? I know we're all starving with the absence of the boys in twitter, so I hope this chapter will keep you well fed <3 <3

Also christmas is coming!! Please use this section as a place to comment your christmas wish-list. (: []>* (this is a santa hat)

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