♤ 43 ♤

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The bass was already booming loudly and shaking the ground even a couple hundred feet away from the house when Jeongguk arrived at the party fashionably late, as he would like to call it.

It wasn't that Jeongguk wanted to spend half of the evenings of his weekend in between hundreds of teenagers in a house with a fire hazard around 30-ish people, but Kiana managed to persuade him with puppy eyes, along with the privilege of petting an actual puppy. Who was Jeongguk to say no to that.

And so he landed his ass in a situation he would rather not be in.

As he got closer to the house, he thought of multiple excuses to tell Kiana to go back home and spend his evening under warm covers, watching Netflix via. Yugyeom's account. Wouldn't that just be ideal.

But just as fate had decided, things were not going to go so smoothly.

"Gukkie!" A loud whine sounded from Jeongguk's left, followed by the sound of Trashcans colliding with the ground and a person tumbling along with them. Jeongguk looked at the still body, mortified, awaiting a response and getting ready to dial 911, but didn't even manage to pull out his phone before the pile of human sprung to life and went to hug the life out of him.

"I can't believe you skipped out on our pre! Just when my parents finally let me host, you tell me that you are too busy feeding your pet rock. What kinda excuse is that!" Kiana went off, as Jeongguk just tried to hide his head in his hands. He really didn't think that excuse through.

Along with Kiana being a lot more noisy, she also smelled faintly of alcohol and Jeongguk knew he had to prepare himself to deal with a clingy and too-emotional-for-her-own-good Kiana. Except for if he found somebody else to let her fall into conversation with or if..

If he used one of his made up excuses.

"Whoop, someone is calling, gotta go. Goodbye for now." You're a genius, Jeongguk, he thought to himself before grabbing for his phone in his jacket and finding nothing, realizing that he left his phone at home.

"You're an idiot, Jeongguk." Kiana laughed. So much for good ideas. "You can go inside, I'm staying out here."

And so he did.

Entering the house did nothing to muffle the bass as it only got louder, now accompanied by recognizable music. Jeongguk felt the music stream through his body and a sudden urge to grab the first cup of liquor he could find and let himself free in the crowd overtook his senses and soon he found himself in the kitchen, vodka in one hand and orange juice in the other.

Just as he had finished his masterpiece of a vodka juice, certain that he had skills to become a bartender, and filled his cup with ice cubes, he went to leave the kitchen again but only made it so far before he collided with a human body. So much for mixing the perfect drink.

"My vodka!" he shrieked in utter horror as he watched his drink spill all over the chest of the unknown boy in slow-motion, the boy's Hawaii shirt getting drenched and the white tee underneath turning a pastel yellow.

"Nice to meet you too," the boy chuckled, and it was only just then that Jeongguk realized how horribly immature his reaction had been, and the fact that he had ruined the clothes of a complete stranger. Something seemed to click inside of him and seconds after his eyes widened, a string of apologies leaving his mouth. He was too busy grabbing for any material to dry off the stain to even bother looking at the poor dude in front of him.

"I am so sorry, that was horrible of me. Please let me pay for the cleaning bill, no, let me pay for two whole new shirts." Jeongguk rambled on, now trying to dry off the t-shirt with some paper towels from the kitchen.

"Hey, hey, it's all good. You can just help me find a toilet so that I can wash it off with some soap?" The other man, seemingly shorter than Jeongguk himself and asian too, said giving him a wide smile. Jeongguk pondered how one could possibly be so positive whilst being drenched in vodka juice.

Jeongguk nodded and swallowed a lump in his throat, still feeling very guilty about spilling his beverage (as well as feeling a tiny bit disappointed over losing his drink), as he followed the other boy out of the kitchen and into the hallway, away from the crowded living room.

It was as they walked down the hallway that Jeongguk realized he had never seen this boy before, not even at school. Who is he? Jeongguk thought to himself as he entered what seemed to be a bathroom. He shut the door behind them as the stranger turned on the faucet and started scrubbing his Hawaii shirt in the basin.

"I'm sorry, but who are you? I don't think I've ever seen you around."

"Hm? Oh, that's because I'm not from here. I'm visiting some family and my cousin decided to drag me here in order to let me see what Missoula truly is like. No offense, but I'm not really that impressed. The parties in New York are more impressive and way bigger. But it's nice and cozy and different, so I think I could get used to it here." The stranger giggled and smiled at Jeongguk, before continuing the difficult task at hand as he went on to ramble on about his life in New York. Jeongguk didn't even think he said his name yet.

But then Jeongguk's heart skipped a beat. The boy was from New York and Jeongguk only knew one other New Yorker living in Missoula. And so he had to make sure. Had to make sure he was not related to him.

"I'm sorry," Jeongguk cut of the boy now enthusiastically rambling on about the weather conditions "What did you say your name was again?"

"Oh, I completely forgot to tell you! I am Jimin Park."

Jimin Park, Jeongguk thought. Doesn't really sound like he is related to Taehyung.

"A'right, I am Jeongguk. Jeongguk Jeon." He answered, looking at the shirt being scrubbed, deep in thought. "Who is your cousin?" He then spoke before Jimin even managed to get another word out.

"Kristin Park. You might know her? She's a senior at the high school downtown." Jeongguk's entire body relaxed. He was not related to Taehyung.

Thank god, something inside of him whispered.

"Well, I think this is mostly clean now. Think they'll mind if I lay it here to dry?" Jimin asked, laying the shirt on the heated floor and then stood back up to look at Jeongguk, who shook his head in response.

"Great, I'll be off then. Don't worry about my shirt, I'll just find something else." Jimin smiled, before continuing. "I guess I'll see you around?"

Jeongguk nodded again, and with that Jimin Park was off.

But not for long.

Happy new year darlings!

I hope you had a nice and safe new years eve. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update earlier than this, but I hope this will be a nice start to the new year. <3

How old will you be in the new year? I will turn 17 (in 9 days actually wup wup). I hope that this year I will grow into a better and more selfless person, and I also hope that I will somehow manage to get my updating schedule back on track. :D

Also congratulations to Jongin and Jennie! I hope they will be happy together, and that people will be respectful towards them. I also hope that any other couple that may get revealed or will make things official in 2019 will be able to just love each other without anybody giving them shit for it. I hope 2019 will be a year for love and for celebrating love. <3

As always, don't forget to like and comment if you feel like it. It truly makes my heart burst ((;

- ࿎࿎ 𓆉

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