♤ 27 - Addict ♤

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♤ 𝙰𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝 - 𝙲𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙾 ♤

As the car rolled over the curves of the landscape, air clearing for every mile and the sky turning darker by the minute, the GPS announced that they were only few minutes from the destination.

Taehyung's father drove down a side-road leading into a semi-forest, and soon a large cabin came into sight. It was placed on top of a hill, with a huge yard in front cleared of trees. Although the building covered most of what was behind the house, it was obvious that the hill continued.

Suddenly the driving came to a halt, and Jeongguk could hear a door opening. He snapped his head upwards at the sound, and saw that the others were already leaving the car. He hurried to gather his belongings and followed on Taehyung's tail.

"I think only one family other than us has arrived already. My aunt, uncle and two older cousins." Jeongguk nodded at that, looking anxiously at the mansion. Taehyung noticed Jeongguk's stiff behavior, and placed his hand on the younger's shoulder reassuringly.

"Hey, it's alright. They are quite nice, I'm sure they'll love you."

Jeongguk gave Taehyung a small smile in return. I surely hope so, he thought.

As they entered the house, Taehyung kicked his shoes off by some shelves, and Jeongguk decided to do the same. They walked into what seemed to be the living room, and Jeongguk gaped at the room.

"D'you like it?" Taehyung asked, excitement hidden in his voice.

"It's wonderful, truly."

Taehyung grabbed his hand, and squeezed it soothingly, removing it far too quickly for Jeongguk's liking, only to realize that a man was approaching them. Jeongguk instantly stiffened again.

"Hello Taehyung, it's been such a long time since I last saw you. You've grown quite a bit haven't you?" The older man spoke, smiling at Taehyung.

"A few inches, yeah, how have you been?"

"I've been just fine. I've started feeling better since moving here permanently. The city air was probably just getting to me. Now, who's this?" The man gestured and looked at Jeongguk, and the boy tried his best to seem friendly. This was Taehyung's family after all, and he had to give them a good first expression.

"I'm Jeongguk, Taehyung's friend. it's very nice to meet you." Jeongguk spoke, trying to be very polite. Because that was what old people liked, right? A simple way directly into the adoration chambers of the mans heart?

"Ah, the friend I heard about. I am Taehyung's grandfather, you can just call me Mr. Kim." Jeongguk nodded and shook Mr. Kim's hand.

"We have to go unpack now, Guk. Do I have the same bedroom as usual, Granddad?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, of course Taehyung. Please go unpack, dinner should be ready in an hour."

Luckily for Jeongguk, the weekend was nowhere near as awkward as he expected. Nothing much happened on the first day, since it was mostly just a day of relaxation and settling in. Taehyung had told him that everything happened Saturday.

The dinner was amazing, but seeing the house, Jeongguk didn't really expect less. For the main, it was one of the finer Greenland halibuts, caught by Taehyung's grandfather himself and prepared by a hired cook in the kitchen, seasoned with great care. On the side, a fine selection of potato dishes accompanied the fish. And of course it was all finished off with a pointed cabbage salad, and fine sauce. This was wrapped up by a crème brûlée of best quality.

Cabin - k.th. + j.jg. [TaeKook]Where stories live. Discover now