♤ 39 - Somebody That I Used To Know ♤

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♤ 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚄𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚘 𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚠 - 𝙶𝚘𝚝𝚢𝚎, 𝙺𝚒𝚖𝚋𝚛𝚊 ♤

It was Tuesday, a week after Jeongguk returned to school.

The days had gone by relatively slowly, and he had a hard time concentrating on even the simplest of tasks. Kiana grew more and more worried as the week passed, but so did Jeongguk.

He didn't want to seem too desperate. He had sent 7 messages to Taehyung after all, and all of them had gone read but unanswered.

Jeongguk sighed as he looked down at the display of his phone. This is just depressing to look at, he thought before shutting it down as he swung his backpack over his shoulder, and took off for school. After few minutes a cheerful voice greeted him.

"Jeongguk! Let's go," Kiana ran across the road, and joined Jeongguk on the sidewalk. Ever since it happened, Kiana had been super cautious around Jeongguk, even walking with him to school every day (even though Jeongguk knew that she used to take the bus).

Every day was dedicated to a new topic with Kiana rambling excitedly away about the ripe fruits at the supermarket, or a new marvel movie in the cinema, but it went in though one of Jeongguk's ears, and out through the other. Today was no different, but Kiana seemed to notice.

"Listen. I know Taehyung is being the biggest dickhead out there right now, but please just try to focus on something else. Since he is obviously intentionally leaving you on read, you shouldn't waste your time with him" Kiana rambled, and she looked worriedly at Jeongguk. Sighing, she continued: "I don't want you to hurt yourself more than he is already doing."

Jeongguk nodded, glancing at Kiana. "You're right."

The two entered the school, and Jeongguk was about to go to his locker, but he instantly got suffocated as his throat met with Kiana's outstretched arm. Uttering a 'mpfff' sound followed by a choked 'watch it', he nearly stumbled backwards, managing to grab for Kiana's jacket in order to not make a whole scene out of himself.

"Goddammit Kiana! You'll be the death of me someday." He groaned, grabbing his neck and caressing it feeling remorse for his body and the forcefulness it was met with on the daily.

"Jeongguk shut up for a second and look." Jeongguk was about to be offended, but he looked up to be met with the same jerk who left him on read for 10 days, standing by his locker and joking around with his friends as if nothing had happened.

He even had the nerve to be laughing.

After Jeongguk had spent days crying and feeling like he was being suffocated by his heart, waiting for it to stop beating any second, here Taehyung was, showing up out of nowhere, acting like nothing happened. 

Homicide is an option, his brain chimed in.

"Do you see this shit," Kiana spoke, and Jeongguk was about ready to shovel her down.

No, I obviously don't have human eyes in my skull, he wanted to snap, but his mouth was left unmoving, gaping at the scenery in front of him. As he finally gained control over his body, he realized he had to talk to Taehyung somehow.

With only minutes left until the first lesson of the day, Jeongguk tried to get Taehyung's attention by waving at him and calling his name once, twice, getting no reaction out of the older.

"Do you want me to beat his ass?" Kiana whispered, and Jeongguk was for once considering.

"I got this." He muttered, as he stepped closer to the crowd of juniors.

And then it happened. If he blinked, he would have missed it. Taehyung and his eyes linked, and in the span of a second everything played over in his mind. You finally saw me, Jeongguk thought, and was about to call out Taehyung's name again, but before any words left Jeongguk's mouth, Taehyung's eyes shifted and redirected.

Jeongguk was baffled, a bit offended, and very disappointed. What happened to Taehyung? The answer became apparent sooner than later, maybe a bit very very much too soon for Jeongguk's liking.

And it was in the form of a certain cheerful Chloe Jones.

Quickly, she managed to bounce from across the hall to Taehyung's side, and wrapped her arms around his bicep, laughing at something he said.

Jeongguk's mouth went dry, and he felt like if he could throw up his heart, he would. Quickly Kiana was by his side, dragging him back down the hall.

"Let's go Guk, I'm truly disgusted by Taehyung."

"Who is she? Honestly Kiana, who is she? Why is he talking to her?" Jeongguk rambled, mind panicking and blasting warning sirens. He couldn't stop his thoughts from running all the places they shouldn't be running, and suddenly he found himself pull out of Kiana's grip.

He turned around, and was about to confront Taehyung, but suddenly the entire hall began cheering and whooping around him. Confused and startled, his mind went to his only safe-place, Taehyung, but he realized too late how terrible of an idea that was,

as he noticed that Taehyung was the source of all of the students' yelling and cheering.

His eyes locked on the two, as Chloe's hand was placed on the warmth of Taehyung's cheeks, and her arm hung around his neck, the two intertwined by their lips.

When he thought that his heart had gone to hell and back, Jeongguk's heart broke all over again. With the subtle touch of Taehyung's hand on her waist, and the eagerness in her touch, Jeongguk felt his tear ducts coming to life, and he spun around to run away.

Time slowed down, and his knee's buckled underneath him. It felt like his entire world was breaking apart, and he wanted nothing more than to lock himself away in a basement and down in his own tears.

A steady hand grabbed him just before he fell down, and pulled him up and away.

"I'll fucking kill him." Kiana muttered to herself, helping a now full on crying Jeongguk out of the school. 


I'm sorry that I disappear for two weeks and then dump this dumpster fire on you with no explanation whatsoever ):

Honestly wow, Tae is #1 ass on this planet, can you believe this? (Honestly, Tae in the story can go choke.) Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts (;

School is hectic, and I'm sorry that I barely update. You and this baby have not been abandoned! I'll try to update more frequently, sorry to leave you hanging.

Don't forget to vote and comment since it means the world to an author like me! <3

- ࿎࿎ 𓆉

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