Chapter 1

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Fanfic Casts:

Lee Dae Hyun: Kim Hyun Joong (SS501, Boys Over Flowers, Playful Kiss, Inspiring Generation)
Yoon Jin Ae: Kim Sa Rang (Secret Garden)
Choi Kyung Mi/Yoon Jin Ae: Song Yoo Ri (Hong Gil Dong)


Here in our world, there are a lot of unexplained phenomena that is happening right before our eyes. In this story, a very rare phenomena called 'Kalachakra' is about to be unveiled. 'Kalachakra' is a person who is reborn over and over again with the memory intact or simply called 'Reincarnated'. In some cases, other 'Kalachakras' aren't reborn but their soul are transferred instead with their full awareness.


Yoon Jin Ae, an heiress to one of South Korea's biggest Brewery Company and she is engaged to the son of their family friend Lee Dae Hyun. Lee Dae Hyun is one of the most celebrated model of his time.
Yoon Jin Ae is a very fine and intelligent woman born to one of the richest family in South Korea. Being so good in numbers, she has a degree in Mathematics and Marketing, reaching an IQ of 168. Sometimes stubborn but sometimes not. Her stubbornness often gets her into trouble but her loving father is always on the line to save her. One night in one of her family's annual party, Mr. Lee a family friend got humiliated by Jin Ae resulting to change her life and eventually will discover something about herself that is beyond explanation.


A very bright morning welcomed Dae Hyun from his sleep. He couldn't open his eyes because of the sun's brightness coming from his room's window. He thought of having another 10 minutes of sleep but the idea of oversleeping kind of erased that 10-min-plan of his. As a model, his looks is his job and his money. He won't afford if something happens to his face let alone a bulgy eye-bags due to oversleeping. He slept well so there's no point of not waking up in time. A very good sleep is all he has as of that moment.

He got up and decided to have a coffee in his room.

"Can I have black coffee please" He said from the intercom. He loves giving orders through their intercom probably their house is too big and he's too lazy to roam around and walk.
"Good Morning Mr. Dae Hyun. Would you like something to add up?" The butler said. "No, thanks" he answered.

Coffee and newspaper. That's his morning thing. Or perhaps a ritual? It goes on and on ever since he became independent. But he really didn't depend on his family. His father trusts him so much that he actually persuaded him to rather let him take in to modeling instead of running their family business.
"Do what you want Dae Hyun. It's not like I don't care but I don't hold full authority of your life" his father said.
His mother though, she is very loving of his husband that every decision he makes, she couldn't interfere even though she has objections.
"Then who's gonna take over our business?" Her mother asked. "Let's think about that in the future. Now is very early for that" his father answered. "What about his studies? He's barely 19, you know" her mother asked thinking Dae Hyun was very young that time to make decisions in his life. "We'll see..." his father shrugged but that's all what he can do as of now. Let his son go.

While taking a sip of his brewed coffee by his window and taking a full look of  nature outside, he heard a noise and he peaked down to see what is happening down in his garage. He look down from his window seeing a woman banged the car door so hard a couple of birds flew away out of fright while looking for food from the ground. The woman rushed to get inside the house ignoring the maid's greetings.
The woman wears a long red furry coat with a white long sleeves inside and shiny black boots. The boots reminds him of cat woman. All shiny and sharp. The boot goes well with her moss-colored skinny pants that elaborated her full long legs. Her black hair wavy but in place giving accessory on her red coat.
He smirked after checking out the woman and shook his head like he actually expected the woman to come. Took another sip from his coffee and sat down on his mini dining table located right in front of his bed giving a European inspired kind of room. He began reading again the newspaper and totally submerged himself about the article saying about North Korea's economy. He doesn't fancy these kinds of reports. In fact he doesn't care a single hair about his own country. Cars, cars and cars. That's what he's all about.

Upon taking another sip of his coffee, the woman suddenly entered his room angry and furious. He was surprised, he looked up to see who entered his room without his permission. He let his sip finished first before crooking his brows to show annoyance but in fact, he knows this will happen. Took down the cup and put his arm together in his chest while sitting.

"What makes you here?" he said giving his half smile and slightly tilting his head.
" How dare you do this!" she said pointing his finger to Dae Hyun.
"What about 'THIS'?"
"This!" throwing a folded bond paper right into his face.

'YJ Brewery Heiress Confirmed Engagement with Model Lee Dae Hyun'

"I can see that you actually made an effort to print this out, ha?" he teased.
"What the hell are you thinking?" she asked.
"About what? About that night when you humiliated my father in front of hundreds of people?"
"Your father for your information bad-mouthed my father in front of hundreds of people" she said back.
"And you actually believed every word my father said?"
"I heard all of it"
"What were you doing that moment Jin Ae-ssi? Aren't you supposed to be entertaining the guests?"
"I overheard it."
"Is that how you entertain the guests then? Peeping out of other people's business?" he mocked.
"Mr. Lee Dae Hyun. That is actually not the point!" annoyed asked by Jin ae.
"Ms. Yoon Jin Ae. The point is, you humiliated my father and you get the consequences. That easy"
"And this is my consequence? Getting married to you?" she asked with a question mark on her face.
Dae Hyun stands up while holding the paper that she threw over his face. He walked slowly stepping closer and he tapped Jin Ae's shoulder.
"You're wiser than I thought Ms. Yoon" he said.
Jin Ae looked up and met his eyes. She can't let out the fact that he is this handsome and yet she's complaining.
"But he's an asshole womanizer" she said to herself.
For Dae Hyun, getting near her is a mistake. The moment he laid eyes on her and locked it up he thought the world had just stopped.
"She's got nice eyes" he said to himself.
But it was Jin Ae who got out from that moment the fastest and snapped out from her imaginations of him kissing her.
"You better clean up this mess or you'll never see that nice face of yours again" she said and quickly turned her back heading out of the room.
Dae Hyun smirked.

How can Dae Hyun fix this knowing Jin Ae just actually overheard his father's conversation without knowing the real score? Nosing at other people's business pisses him off. How could this fine woman did such a low act?
Now he's more determined not to close this engagement. He is more eager than ever. He wants to teach this woman a lesson so bad. So bad.

2 days ago, YJ Brewery held their annual night party on one of the hotels in Seoul. As a family friend, Mr. Lee and his family of course are invited. Dae Hyun escorted his mom in the party. They arrived while having his mom hold his arms and chin up letting know everyone that the party has just began upon their arrival. Mr. Lee and Jin Ae's father are business partners. Mr. Yoon being the owner of the biggest brewery company and Mr. Lee owns the largest hotel chain in Seoul, their partnership is match made in heaven. Every hotel chains in Seoul has a mini bar and cafe and that's Mr. Yoon's role into making Mr. Lee's expanding business in action.
Dae Hyun wearing a tuxedo while his mom in an elegant dark blue long dress supported by gold beads to match up her sophisticated and macho escort.
From the time they arrived, all men and women on that party can't take their eyes off to Dae Hyun and his mother. Every bachelor eyed his mother with an impressive look. They all can't believe that this woman right beside Dae Hyun is already a mother. This hotel by the way is owned by Dae Hyun's family so there's no way people should not be respecting them.

On the other side of the ballroom hall, came Jin Ae wearing pearl white knee high cut dress paired with a flower on the side of her hair. It makes her look more of a vintage woman with a tad bit touch of modern times. She's a head turner. With her long black hair and porcelain white skin. Who would not like her? What makes her more attractive is her wit and intelligence. Jin Ae graduated in Harvard University majored in Mathematics while she got her Marketing degree in Seoul University. Jin Ae doesn't care much about what she accomplished. Actually it pisses her off. Her stepmother likes making her more of a price to own whoever her mother laid eyes on. Just as long he's rich and intelligent enough to continue their business and be a puppet. Jin Ae actually thinks no man who would take the offer of being her husband and puppet at the same time. She thinks only an idiot will accept that. Luckily, Jin Ae haven't found the guy of her dreams yet. Or perhaps she is about to?

While entertaining their guests, Jin Ae hates this the most. She hates the fact that all she could do on that party was to give false compliments. Giving compliments she really don't mean and that's what she did all through out the party. While switching places and looking for another person to compliment with, he overheard Mr. Lee saying something bad about his business. Jin Ae was fully aware that his father and Mr. Lee are partners.

"I would really like to put an end with my partnership on this man. He's been caused nothing but pain for the company" said Mr. Lee not knowing Jin Ae at his back cautiously listening to every word that he said.
"In a matter of time, I will get rid of him and his family" added Mr. Lee.

When Jin Ae heard the word 'family' she didn't think twice and took several steps back and turned around quickly and straight punched Mr. Lee. Everyone looked at the incident and looked at Jin Ae being the culprit of the commotion.

"Serves you right! Jerk" said Jin Ae to Mr. Lee.

Jin Ae wasn't contented with what she did, she even get a glass of wine from one of the table nearby and pour it on Mr. Lee's head. So angry, Jin Ae didn't notice her dad coming.

"What the...." looking at Mr. Lee and helped him stand up.
"You shouldn't be helping him dad. Really" Jin Ae warned his dad.
"What's the matter with you Jin Ae. What's your problem?" Mr. Lee asked while wiping blood from his nose.
"Dad, let him go. He's just a piece of junk" Jin Ae said while touching her forehead. She's feeling hot with anger that had rushed up all the way to her face.
"Stop it Jin Ae. Let's go home. NOW!" Mr. Yoon ordered.
Mr. Yoon made sure Mr. Lee could stand up on his own before grabbing Jin Ae in her arms and fled home.
Mrs. Lee and Dae Hyun went to check on Mr. Lee and was shocked of what happened. Dae Hyun so enraged lucky for Jin Ae she wasn't around the moment they arrived.

"Go home now Jin Ae. I don't need you here. Go pick yourself up and we'll talk later" Mr. Yoon said to Jin Ae while she took her to the car. Mr. Yoon stayed and went to talk with Mr. Lee.

"My sincerest apology my friend" said Mr. Yoon to Mr. Lee while Dae Hyun assisting him outside the hotel going to their car. Mr. Lee stopped as if waiting for more explanations Mr. Yoon will come up.
"This is not the right time to talk Dae Ho. Let's talk when things get cold" Mr. Lee said.
Mr. Yoon did nothing but bowed for respect. The fault came up from his side. There's nothing he can do at the moment.

Dae Hyun and his dad already got in the car. Dae Hyun worried, quickly asked his dad, "What was that all about dad?".
"I really don't know son. That girl came in like Manny Pacquiao. I'm telling you. She's scary" his dad answered humorously. Dae Hyun doesn't really saw what happened.

"That girl punched you!?" Dae Hyun surprised.
"She's an amazon" His dad shaking his head. "Unbelievable she is..."
"But why?"
"I have no idea"
"So she's a psycho then?"
"No, no. I was just talking about one of our business partners, you know the one in Jeju who kept asking about one of our hotels. Damn that man. He wants to take over. What? Am I dead now that he wants to take over!? Delusional son of a bitch".
Dae Hyun suddenly came to realize that none of this could've happened if only he didn't insists to be a model instead to become his heir. Frustrated and disappointed to himself. It's all his fault. His dad having all this kind of stress just because his only son doesn't want to take over their business. His dad doesn't care all about this. His dad just don't want to interfere with his life. He is too precious for him.

"If only you could be the one to take over. I can die peacefully now" His dad said.
"Dad, you have a bleeding nose and you're dying?" Dae Hyun asked sarcastically.
His dad laughed out loud and tapped him on the head like a pet dog.
"Just do what you want, son. I will support you" his dad reassured him.
"So what do you want Mr. Yoon to do about what his daughter did? Just let it go? What happened is obviously a misunderstanding"
"I really don't know yet. Everything's too fast and I can't catch up. A goodnight sleep will do though"
Dae Hyun guilty of the incident came up with a plan. He wants to do this to let all of his guilt out of his system. He wants his conscience clean as much as possible.
"How about asking her daughter to marry me?" Dae Hyun asked.
"I really wouldn't want to do that my son. Believe me"
"Why not? I mean. Here I am your only son who couldn't even run our business. Why not merge with YJ Brewery so that I can make it up to you? I'm sure merging with them could be a big leap to the both of us." "My future wife, will do what should I have been doing at least, right?". Dae Hyun defended his point.
"Don't you have a girlfriend? I think I saw her with you at the party some time last month. Where is she?" His dad asked.
"He's not my girlfriend dad. You know my type"
"So you're telling me that Jin Ae is your type that's why you're making this offer?"
"Of course not. I barely know that woman"
"Then why do you want to marry her?"
"It's not marrying her that I'm after. I can always file for a divorce whenever I want to and besides, I'm your son. I've got your blood in me. I want money. More money" Dae Hyun said defensively.
Of course He doesn't want to marry anybody yet. He thinks he's too young for that. But the fact that it's too much not to take an action over his family business, he needs to do his part now. At least in this matter, he's too old not to do it. He just said to himself that this is a win-win situation. If his father said yes, then he got a wife to take care of him plus a more successful business for his family. He's got nothing to lose.
"What if Jin Ae says no?" His dad asked.
"Do they have a choice? She punched you in front of many people for christ's sake, Dad! I bet his father is grilling her right this very moment" Dae Hyun answered.
"I don't know son. I'm feeling that this is wrong"
"Okay. If they say no. What do you want to do then?"
"You really want this, do you?" His father curiously asked Dae Hyun.
"More than anything else" Dae Hyun confidently answered.

While Dae Hyun and his dad is talking about the incident, their car went pass through a night market near Gangnam.
A girl named Kyung Mi eagerly selling light sticks to teenagers who passes by the street.

"Light sticks! Light sticks! Only 1000. 1000 won!" Kyung Mi shouts.

Kyung Mi is an orphan but a kind soul adopted her and treated her like his own. She's a college student and selling light sticks at night as her part-time job. Her adopted father is a construction worker but Kyung Mi wants to finish her studies right away and get a real job to help his father stop working. Being a construction worker on his age makes Kyung Mi worried. She believes that in his age, her father shouldn't be working anymore.
She always go home at midnight after selling the sticks. Tired but contented.

"I should change place on my next trip" Kyung Mi said to herself.
Kyung Mi named her job as her 'trip' because she got to go to different places to sell things. Her current trip in Gangnam took already 2 weeks in time. So she thought it's time to transfer places now.

"What about Seoul?" she said.
The thought of 'Seoul' made her excited. She thought she can get a lot of opportunities in that place.
"Let's see" she concluded.
She arrived at their house unlocking the door carefully and quietly because his father might be sleeping already.
Kyung Mi found her father snoring. She immediately change the position of his head to stop snoring.
Their house is slightly dilapidated but still can go on maybe at least 5 years. It has a small screen door made only for two people. One glass window to cover them up during winter. Inside has one small dining table with three chairs and one floor bed for her and her father. She has one mirror with table for her girl needs. The rest are for his father's things at work.

Before sleeping, she planned to go to Seoul tomorrow to sell her sticks. She's still got plenty to sell so she have to work double.

The next morning.

"How about your studies Kyung Mi?" her father asked.
"I will be absent but don't worry it's only for today" she answered.
"No, stay there. Stay at your aunt's house. I will call her so she can fetch you up"
"Right pop, thanks!"
"But be sure to get home the day after tomorrow" his dad said.
"Sure" she answered.

Kyung Mi is a cheerful and bubbly woman but sometimes hyperactive. When she was a kid, her father will stop feeding her rice because of her too much energy. Kyung Mi is also curious to everything that surrounds her. One of her friends told her that curiosity means intelligence. This made her more curious over so many things. She's an animal lover. She feeds every cats and dogs she sees on the street. That's how she loves them. One of her childhood dreams is to buy a big lot and put all the street cats there for her to take care with. She even wants to be a veterinarian when she was about 8 years old. But due to poverty she can only afford a 2 year course in a university.

She went straight to the bus stop and patiently waited for the bus going to Seoul. This is gonna be a good day.

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