Chapter 7

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After Jin Ae left his father's office, she went straight home to change. Attending a car show is up on her schedule for the day. She kept thinking Dae Hyun while driving back home. She doesn't know why is she annoyed over the idea that Dae Hyun held her hand.

What's so wrong about that?

It's because he's an asshole.

But I'm sure he didn't do that for nothing.

Are you saying he likes me, then?

No, no. Impossible.

But why not?

He just held your hand. Nothing happened beyond that, wasn't it?

While arguing with herself she suddenly realized that Dae Hyun could be on that car show. Of course he's a car collector and for the past years she'd been invited on that occasion, he was there and she's certain he'll be there again.


Why the hell he keeps on popping everywhere I go! Damn! Damn! Damn!

Every elite families in the country should attend this kind of events to expand their influence and connections. In Jin Ae's family, she's in charge in this part. She attends all the social events her family is invited to. In last year's car show event, Jin Ae attended it but she doesn't know Dae Hyun that time. The car show is not only a showcase of cars but also a showcase of famous couples and dates. Last year, her date was his cousin who by the way left her at the middle of the party and hang out with the car models. She suddenly remembered her cousin. She grabbed her phone.

"Hey, Sang Min! Are you gonna pick me up later?" Jin Ae called her cousin.

"Hi Jin Ae! What's up later?" Sang Min answered.

"What do you mean? You forgot?" Jin Ae asked.

"Oh yeah! The car show! Uhmmmm look, I can't go today. I have... uhhmm something" Sang Min answered stuttering.

"Great! Just great! Are you planning to ditch me again?" Jin Ae annoyed.

"No! No! I mean, I was gonna call you today. I'm just a little busy. You know." Sang Min said.

"Whatever" Jin Ae hang up and threw her phone at the back seat.

What's wrong with this day!?

She took a deep breath as she drives entering her condo building. It's past 3 in the afternoon and the car show will start at 7 tonight. She doesn't have a date and she's pissed.

Jin Ae arrived at her condo unit. She needs a cold shower badly. When she unlocked her door entering her crib, she noticed something different. She saw a guy's shoes at the door step. She carefully looked around the living room and when she stepped at her kitchen, she almost fell on the floor startled by what she just saw. Lee Dae Hyun sitting at her dinning table like a boss. He's not wearing his tuxedo anymore, he's now wearing black shirt, black jacket and black jeans.

"What the are you doing here?! How did you get in!?" Jin Ae startled, "God, you almost gave me a heart attack" she added.

"You left me" Dae Hyun said still like a boss, shaking his head.

"What are you saying?" Jin Ae asked.

"Uhmm..You left me at the event this morning?" Dae Hyun said. Jin Ae rolled her eyes, "You're not even invited there" she said "How can I leave someone who is not invited? And besides, how did you get in here?" she added.

Her tone is getting higher as she paced around the room. She's checking if everything's in place.

"Are you kidding me? What are you checking at? Do you think I'll rob your place down?" Dae Hyun stood up from the dinning table and followed Jin Ae. "How can I be sure? You're a stranger" she said back. Dae Hyun smirked as he looked at Jin Ae's pictures hanging on the wall, "Ha, I'm your fiance....." as soon as he said the word 'Fiance' Jin Ae turned around and faced Dae Hyun.

"We're not yet married so stop acting like my husband already" Jin Ae said in his face.

"But we're getting there so what's the point of this?" Dae Hyun said.

"What's the point of what!?" Jin Ae answered. They are now talking face to face. Dae Hyun picked something inside his jacket. He handed over the long stem rose that he was supposed to give to her at the event. From the stare on his face, she slowly looked down on the flower.

Don''t take it! Don't take it!

Jin Ae just stared at the flower. She can't decide whether to take it or not. Dae Hyun still holding the flower in front of her, "See you at the car show later?" Dae Hyun whispered. Jin Ae's world stopped all over again. She can hear her heart almost popping out from her breast. They are so close with each other. The only thing that separates them is the long stem rose. Jin Ae still looking at the rose. She doesn't know what to answer, her mind is not working this time. When Dae Hyun didn't received an answer from her, he slowly lifted her chin up but Jin Ae turned her face to her side. She knows where this is going and she'll regret if she won't stop.

She stutters as she looked away  "I...I'm not going. I have uhmmm..something" she said as she remembered what her cousin gave her as an excuse a while ago. Dae Hyun took a deep breath "Alrighty then...." he said while he goes back at the kitchen area. He put the flower down at the table and left her house. He doesn't know what got in to him when Jin Ae said she's not going. As he went down through the elevator, he kept thinking why didn't he insist for her to attend the car show later.

What's wrong with me?  He wondered.


Kyung Mi's aunt noticed something noisy at her sala area. She was doing the laundry when the man arrived. She continues washing the clothes as she heard another knock but ignored it not until she heard a lady shouting from outside.

"What's wrong?!" Her aunt ran where the man and Kyung Mi is at. Camila is still knocking while Kyung Mi's aunt arrived at the sala area. The man worried Camila might catch him so he ran to open the door and went out. When the door opened, Camila went immediately at Kyung Mi, "Are you okay?!" she asked. Kyung Mi startled of what she felt. "What's happening here? Kyung Mi?" her aunt asked and looked at Kyung Mi. "Hey, snap out of it" Camila whispered at her worrying her aunt might noticed that something was wrong. Kyung Mi shook her head and faced her aunt "Oh auntie. Nothing. That was nothing, I was just... Uhmm the man got the wrong girl and my friend here Camila" she put her arms around Camila and added "Just came by from the province to visit me! God how I missed you Camila!" and she hugged her. Camila went with the flow and added "Oh yes! It's been awhile!". Kyung Mi's aunt was convinced and went back to do her laundry.

"Are you okay?" Camila quickly asked Kyung Mi as her aunt left them alone.

"Yeah" Kyung Mi answered. She was shaking.

"Phew. Good thing I didn't left. I followed him the moment I sense his chakra" Camila said. "I thought you figured it out already, how come you didn't call me?"

"How can I call you? I don't know your number!" Kyung Mi answered, still shaking, "And what do you mean you thought I figured it out? How am I supposed to know that he's evil?!" she added. Camila suddenly was shocked by what Kyung Mi answered. "You can't sense him?" Camila asked. "Of course I can't. I'm not like you!" Kyung Mi answered with panic.

"You should've sensed him. You can do that!" Camila said.

"I can't! I just remembered what you said about them that they might be around to kill me now that you've found me. I totally was stunned when I thought of that while talking to that man" Kyung Mi explained. Camila looked surprised that Kyung Mi can't sense them. "Oh god..." Camila sat down at the sofa and drank the coffee that was supposed to be for the man.

"I can't believe everything has changed. You're not supposed to be like this Joselin" Camila said.

"What should I supposed to be then?" Kyung Mi worried.

"You really can't remember? Even sensing them?" Camila asked.

Kyung Mi shook her head.

"This is bad".

Possession (Starring SS501's Kim Hyun Joong)Where stories live. Discover now