Chapter 33

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Thirty Three

It's been a hard day for Josefin knowing she couldn't do much anything about their situation. Being with Camila sure did things a little harder than she expected. She can't believe how Camila handling things and be composed and as relaxed as she could. It's tuesday, and tomorrow's the big day. She have to talk to Dae Hyun and by means of 'have' , she considered this the most thrilling days of her lives like her life depends on it. Well, technically her soul having peace if this turned out to be successful depends on it. Heck, all of her lives she can't even imagine something like this is happening and this is her last! WTF.

"Let me further elaborate the situation to you, Camila" Josefin said while they're having coffee on Camila and Joselin's place.

"You don't need to say it over a hundred times. I can totally understand the whole issue." Camila answered right after giving Josefin a long sigh.

"Then how come you're acting like we have all the time in the world?! The clock is ticking."

"Where is Joselin, by the way?" Camila wondered.

"You tell me. You're the expert here." Pfftt...

Suddenly they both heard the door opened and almost gave them a heart attack. Josefin stood up almost spilling her coffee.

"Kyung Mi?" a guy's voice.

Shit. Does this guy ever quit?!

Joo Hyun went straight to the backyard where Camila and Josefin are.

"Hey Kyung Mi... Hi Camila" Joo Hyun cheerfully greeted them.

The fuck with this guy?

Josefin rolled her eyes and gets back to her coffee turning her back against them.

"Joo Hyun, you shouldn't be here. Go home" Camila irritatingly said to Joo Hyun while pinching her nose bridge.

"Well, I just figured you might need any of my help given what had happened the other day"

"We don't need your help, trust me." Josefin answered while on her back still. She let out a mocking smile.

"I know what's happening here. Kyung Mi told me everything about it last night."

Josefin on mid-drinking her coffee nearly spit it. She turned around and looked at Joo Hyun like he grew a fucking horn on his head.

"Yup. We met last night. We talked"

Camila still not convinced what Joo Hyun have said. Oh you wanna play, huh?

"That's completely a lie Joo Hyun, I was with Kyung Mi the whole time last night" Camila lets out a nervous smile, pointing to Josefin.

Josefin stood up "Ye..yeah.. I was with Camila the whole time. There's no way I'd gone to your place"

Where the fuck are you Joselin!

"Well, for starters..." Joo Hyun slowly walked to Josefin both hands inside his pocket, "I know that you're not really Kyung Mi"


Josefin shocked as hell.

"Yup. I know everything now." Joo Hyun added.

"Wh..what makes you say that?" Josefin nervously asked him.

"I told you, Kyung Mi told me everything."

Camila interrupted "By"

"She talked to me in my dreams"


"And she's in trouble"

"WHAT?!" Camila and Josefin shouted in unison.

"Yeah. She said she's in a place that kinda look like a limbo or something."

"The place between life and death" Camila added.

"Yes. You're right"

Camila's pulse suddenly racing "She's not supposed to be there...."

"What do you mean, Camila?" Josefin crooked her brows as if Camila's been speaking spanish.

"Kalachakras are not supposed to be in places like that" Joo Hyun answered Josefin seeing Camila losing her face color.

"I knew this possession thing isn't a good idea..." Camila said.

"What exactly will happen to Joselin if that's the case?"

"She'll fall into oblivion and will never be found. Ever."

"How's that possible?"

"It's just one of the rules. God never agrees on possessing a body. Considering the body is a temple of God so possessing is a forbidden act every soul should abide."

"You knew this all along and you didn't stop me possessing Joselin's body?"

"I was too late to stop you, you know that Josefin. Don't blame me here."

"Oh fuck. We're screwed."

"Not yet" Joo Hyun finally talked.

Tears began to fall on Josefin's face.

"How can we save her from there? Shit. This is all my fault."

Just when Josefin started to panic, Joo Hyun held her in her shoulders "We need the Shaman"

No way.

"How much time are we talking about here?" Camila asked.

"24 hours"


Possession (Starring SS501's Kim Hyun Joong)Where stories live. Discover now