Chapter 14

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"I need a job" Kyung Mi said on a Saturday while hanging clothes with Camila. Camila shot her with a look. "I'm serious" Kyung Mi defended.

"You don't need a job" Camila said.

"I don't get it. Why can't I?" Kyung Mi frowned, "Is this my life will be? Just running away from the eruos? Can't my life be any normal than this?" she added. Frustrated. Camila took a deep sigh as Kyung Mi is glaring at her waiting for an answer. a reasonable answer. She can't believe all of a sudden her normal and free life became like this. Trapped. For Kyung Mi, ever since Camila came to her life, she feels succumbed and suffocated all at the same time. This is unfair. Kyung Mi finished the clothes and went inside the house leaving Camila. She just wanted to be alone this time. Camila on the other hand felt Kyung Mi's need. She sighed.

Kyung Mi headed to her aunt's room and opened her desktop. She's looking for a job. She needs this. The money the school is giving her is not enough let alone for her necessary needs. Ehwa University volunteered to give her full scholarship as her aunt declared only her as dependent. Kyung Mi's thankful for this but she thinks it's just not enough.  A part-time job will do. That's all she is considering right now. She googled for part-time jobs near Seoul and the first on the list is as a home-cleaner. She wrote it on a scratch and put it on her pocket as she heard Camila's footsteps nearing her. She immediately closed the window and checked her Daum email instead.

"What ya doing?" Camila cheerfully asked Kyung Mi.

"Nothing. Just checking mails" Kyung Mi answered. Aloof. Camila can feel the tension. Kyung Mi just sitting, faking her attention to the email. Camila took a chair and sat beside her.

"Joselin, I want you to know that this whole thing is your destiny. It means, it's the way it should be and we can't do anything about it".

Kyung Mi bit her lip and still reading her emails. Tears starts falling.

"I'm sorry if it feels unfair this way. But this is your life should be. God gave you this because he knows you can handle it. You are one of the few that can keep the balance between good and evil". Camila continued, "And that is why I'm here. To keep you intact and - " Kyung Mi didn't let Camila finished her sentence and instead, " - And what? To keep my life miserable that..that I can't even look for a job just like what normal people do?" Kyung Mi burst with tears. "This is insane Camila. People I love die, one by one and you keep saying this is what God want?" Kyung Mi now facing Camila both sitting, "What else does he wants from me then?". Camila didn't answer. Looking down like a daughter being scolded by her mother. Camila shook her head "I..I wish things are different, Joselin. But I can't change who you are. I'm just a guide". Kyung Mi wiping her tears, willing to win this conversation with Camila, "Okay. Just for the sake of this conversation. What happens if I get caught by the eruos. Is it end of the world? What happens if I just surrender myself to them?". Camila stunned by her questions. She didn't quite expect that anger is filling Kyung Mi's heart that she sounded like she wants to surrender this early. "Joselin, you don't want to surrender to eruos. Believe me. It''s unthinkable". From the look of Kyung Mi's eyes, it seems like she already know what could happen if she surrenders and it gave Camila goosebumps.

"Why are you suddenly asking me this?" Camila narrowing her eyes. As if Kyung Mi is hiding something and she wants to fish that out.

Kyung Mi shook her head "It's just.... *sigh* It's just frustrating my life is like this. Always like this"

Camila crooked her brows in question "What do you mean always like this?"

Kyung Mi swallowed hard. "Just like what you said. It's my destiny". She stood and walked out of the room, leaving Camila alone.

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