Chapter 34

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Thirty Four

It's been a long night for Joselin. She met this soul who know ways to somehow contact a human through their dreams.

"Jigs, are you sure this will work?" 

"Done it a hundred times" Jigs is a lost soul. He's been wandering around the limbo for god knows how long.

"Then why are you still here?" Joselin needs to be sure about this. If this really works then how come he hasn't crossed over yet?

"You mean why haven't I crossed over to the heavens yet?"

"Tell me, Jigs"

"There are lots of kinds of crossing over Joselin. Crossing over the human world, to the heavens, to the hell, to here, the limbo... you name it."

"Okay. Why haven't you crossed over the human world yet?

"I've already told you. No one wants me back"

"Then go to the heavens"

"I might as well go to the hell than there."

Joselin threw him a questioning look, "Believe me, you don't wanna know" Jigs answered.

Sigh. Fine.

"Okay. tell me how this cross over thing works"

Jigs requested them to transfer to another spot since it's kind of crowded where they were talking.

"What do you mean crowded? There's no one here"

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Experience my love. Experience."

Jigs continued, "If you stay here long enough, you'll be able to see what I'm seeing here"

The limbo, Joselin described it like the outer space. Dark, mass of gasses colored violet and red. Sometimes green, sometimes yellow. But there's nothing above or below. Only the two of them. Floating.

As soon as  they found a secured spot, Jigs told Joselin to have a sit. Joselin found this a little weird 'coz really, how can you sit with nothing to sit down to. She doesn't even know how are they floating like ghosts.

"Okay, this thing that you are gonna do is called "channeling". I've made that name up, you know I'm genius like that"

Jigs is a soul like her. He's got this convincing aura that you would be having a hard time saying no. But sometimes he's so full of himself that Joselin couldn't help but roll her eyes on him. Souls have no face or body. When they aren't in the human world, they are just a living thing floating. No forms or whatsoever. But what Joselin can imagine if ever Jigs had a face, it's gonna be Justin Bieber.

"You have to give your 100% concentration on this. It consumes a lot of energy so by the time you're finished, you would be panting like a dying horse"

That's why you need me sitting, ha?

"So who do you want to channel?"

Good question, Joselin has to choose between Camila or Josefin.

"I think I would go for my twin, Josefin"

"You have a twin?!"

"Uhmm. Yeah."

"A Kalachakra too?" Joselin nodded.

"Damn. A twin souls. Awesome!"

"No it's not" Joselin disagreed.

"Why not?" Jigs asked but before any of this, he remembered something, "Oh wait. I forgot to tell you. You can't channel a fellow Kalachakra.

"WTF. WHY NOT?!" This is fucking unfair! 

"It's because it's not allowed"

"Says who?"

"Says me!"

"Screw you Jigs. I have no time for this, you know that!"

"Okay. Okay. You do know that there are lots of laws in our world, right? This is one of those things. God doesn't want souls to be here in the first place so it beats the purpose of having those rules if we lost souls can contact a soul from the human world."

"I don't get it"

"Damn it Joselin I didn't know you are this dumb"

"Spit it out Jigs, I've got no time left for your bullshits"

"It's a punishment! Why do you think you're here?"

"Because my twin possessed me"

"Exactly. Dang, use that head sometimes Joselin. It could help"

"But it wasn't me who did the possessing thing. I was the victim here" Ugh. Josefin you should be the one lost here. 

"I know I know that your twin did the possessing and this was her idea but she still got a body. She's not dead yet. Well, technically"

Damn it

"So who have you got in mind to channel?"

"I supposed it's not allowed to contact an overseer too?

"A hundred times NOPE"


"Are you kidding me? Of course overseers are like angels. Angels are God's warriors. You don't expect them to disobey their father."

Then it hit her, "Is this channeling thingy illegal?"

"You got it babe"

I knew it. This sounded fishy. But she doesn't have much choice left. She needs to comeback. To help her twin and to get her life back. And she doesn't want to stay here for life.

"Okay. There's this friend of mine."

"Ooooohh a boyfriend!!!"

"Shut up"

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