Chapter 26.5

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Twenty Six and a Half

Kyung Mi

What do Josefin meant that they were about to jump? Jump where? Weird.

I walk my way back to Camila's room and I heard footsteps at my back. I looked and see Joo Hyun running towards me.

"Joo Hyun! Why are  you running?"

"Nothing. I kept calling you but it seems like you didn't hear me."

"Oh.. sorry. What's up?

"I was just wondering if we can, you know, have some air outside."

 Oh crap. This boy is head over heels for me.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll just tell Camila." But he captured my arm right when I was about to take a step going towards Camila's room.

"No need. I already told her." 

"Oh...........kay.." What's that about? He looks like he's in a hurry.

We walk back down the hall ang get coffee from the vendor machine.

"I'll get something to eat at the cafeteria. What do you want?" he offered.

"Nothing. Coffee is enough" I lift my coffee showing him this will do.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

I nodded.

Well to be honest. My stomach is not on the mood for food right now. Too many things running on my mind I don't think anything solid is welcome to enter my system. I don't know, maybe because of what had happened to Josefin. Seriously, we never done the possession thing before. But we've got glimpse on how to do it but we never tried. I sit on the metal chairs beside the machine. The bright morning light coming from the door on my left is giving me a glance of hope. Thinking what my twin I have done for this lifetime, I had high hopes everything will be just fine but I'm also aware that reaching that goal will not be a walk in the park.

Playing with my coffee cup, swirling it round and round, the thought of Joo Hyun strikes me. I think he knows what I am. I don't know how but I have a feeling the reason why he's never leaving my side is connected to his deceased girlfriend. After the incident at the park, I think he already has a clue.

A butterfly gracefully swings inside the hall coming from outside. Watching it flying somewhat gives me a reason to relax. I stared at it for a moment. It was so pretty. Light and free. A part of me envies this tiny creature. They are small but free to go wherever they want. Free to do things whatever they want. I wonder if we could ever feel that freedom. Well there's always hope. 

I hope

While I'm enjoying staring at the butterfly, it suddenly moving slow. My heart started racing. I look on my either side. I know this feeling. Shit. No, I'm familiar with this feeling. Since no one is around, thankfully, confirming there's an Eruo coming giving it's sign as the butterfly still flipping it's wings up and down but it's slowmo-ed. I have no other basis around. No movement. No people, No motion. Only the poor little creature. And I'm certain an Eruo is on its way to me now. Oh god where is Joo Hyun. I put my coffee on the vacant seat beside me. I stood up, ready for battle. I'm sure Camila is hybernating right now because of the medications. Well, that is if she really drank them. At this point I'm cursing myself on pursuing Camila to take those meds. Damn it! 

I took one step forward. Shaking like a puppy. I know that once an Eruo find me here, alone, without my overseer, It's all over for my life being a kalachakra. If they caught me now, I'll be like them on my next life. Guaranteed. And I will die a painful death in this lifetime and the hopes for Camila being an angel will all turn into dusts. Seconds later, the bright light coming from the door on my left suddenly darkened. Like an eclipse. A shadow. As soon as the shadow steps inside, the butterfly abruptly return to its normal pace. Fuck. He's getting near. Blinding me with the light, I can only see the shadow. But I'm certain it is indeed the goddamn Eruo. 

I need to run. But fucking where?! I can't go to Camila. She's too weak to fight. Not yet. But if I run, I will only get caught either ways. Atleast, you tried. My innerself is lifting me up. Okay, I'll run. NOW!

I run my ass off to my right. I drifted right straight to the ward receiving area. The duty nurse called trying to stop me from running. I turn to the left and bumped with Joo Hyun. But I have no time to explain so I pick myself up started running again.

"Kyung Mi! Where are you going!" Joo Hyun yelling at my back as his voice is slowly getting weak as I ran away from him. I kept on running, kept looking on my back. It took me three turns god knows where am I going for me to realize no one is following me. Where's the Eruo? I stopped at the main entrance, catching my breath, praying and wishing the Eruo have lost me. I rest my two hands on my knee, still panting. When I finally managed to catch my breath, I stand up straight my back. There's no one around. Maybe it's too early for people to arrive but this is a hospital. It never sleeps. Then the next thing I know, I heard a gun shot. And I felt a hot sensation on my back. My lungs suddenly deflated and I couldn't breathe. I heardJoo Hyun's voice, "NO!", then I collapsed.

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