After Studio

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Shawn POV

I was really busy in the studio the past two weeks because I was working on my next album. I had the feeling I was just there and not at home with my girlfriend anymore. I had to get up early and I came home late at night every day. Mostly y/n were already sleeping then. I missed her, so today I told Andrew that I would take a break over the next week to just relax and spend some time with my girl. After some more recording of some songs I decided to finish earlier today and went home. I texted y/n that I would come home earlier and then drove off. When I came home I walked trought the door and already smelled the food y/n was cooking. I took off my shoes and walked to the kitchen, seeing y/n standing in sweatpants and one of my shirts at the counter. I immediately start to smile and walk over to her. I layed my arms around her from behind and leaved a small kiss in her neck. “Hey honey“ I whispered into her ear. “that smells really good“, “thanks, I hope you're hungy“ she smiled at me. “I'm starving“ I laughed as she placed two plates of food on the table and then kissed me. “I missed you the last days“ she said and immediately I felt bad about that. “I know, I'm sorry. I missed you too so I told Andrew I will take a break for the next week to just relax and be with you. Sounds good?“ I smiled at her “sounds perfect. How about a movie night tonight?“ she asked and I nodded excited. After we finished our food we walked up to the living room where i sat on the couch while y/n was putting on a movie. She then came to me and cuddled up in the pillows and rested her head on my chest. I smiled and stroke over her hair when I felt my eyes getting heavier by the second. I kissed her head and then I fell asleep after a long day.

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