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Shawn's pov:

I sat in my office, working on my new song when my little daughter Rosie came running inside.

“Hi daddy.“ She giggled and I lifted her onto my lap.

“Hey princess!“

“Can we go visit mummy today?“

“Of course. Do you want to bring her some flowers?“ She nodded and jumped from my lap. I watched her running into the backyard to pick some flowers.

Half an hour later we sat in the car on the way to Y/n. Rosie sat in the back, singing along to one of my songs that was playing on the radio. I smiled and finally parked the car as we arrived. We got out of the car and walked to the entrace. Rosie held onto my hand, the flowers in the other one as we walked the long path to Y/n. We arrived shortly after and Rosie let go of my hand.

“Hello mummy, I brought you flowers!“ She said and laid the flowers down on the grave.

“Daddy was on the radio in the car. And I was singing with him the other night.“ She continued telling Y/n about her day as I sat down on the ground. I sat Rosie onto my lap and read the words written on the big stone. “Y/n Mendes, born July 9, 2000, died May 30, 2027“. I wiped away a fallen tear and smiled sadly. She died just two days after Rosie was born.

“Look daddy! It's mummy!“ Rosie whispered at me and pointed to the white bird that sat down on the stone in front of us. The bird was the same as always and Rosie strongly believed that it was her mom who was watching over her. I smiled and kissed her head softly.

Two hours later the sun was almost down so we decided to head back home soon. I gave my car keys to Rosie and she went back to the car after saying bye to Y/n. She knew I needed some minutes alone here.

As soon as I was alone I let out the tears that I held back the whole time and couldn't hold in any longer.

“She's so much like you. And she gets more and more beautiful every day.“ I paused for a moment.

“I'm scared Y/n. I'm scared that one day a boy comes and breaks her heart. Or takes her away from me. I don't want that. I know it sounds selfish but I don't want her to grow up. She's everything I have left. She's my little girl and I can't lose her too. I don't know what to do.“

A sob escaped my lips as I whispered softly “ I need you. And I miss you. So much. It breaks my heart that you can't be with us.“ I wiped away the tears and stood up again.

“I love you! Forever, my angel! I'm coming back soon, I promise!“ I smiled lightly, blowing a kiss.

“I love you Y/n!“ I whispered again before I turned around, going back home.

Why am I doing this to myself😭

BUT I have some good news: my new book “Gap Yearis finally out so check it out if you want!😊

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now