The Girl With The Book

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I sat on the grass below the tree I always come to. The sun shone brightly at the blue sky above. In the distance were kids running around laughing. But I couldn't hear anything of this. Because I wasn't there. Well, mentally at least.

My back rested against the tree, my book laying on my knees. Word for word, page for page I took into me. My eyes scanning the lines, never stopping.

This was my favorite part of the day. Sitting in the park near my house and flying away into fictional stories. Diving into the character's mind, living their life. Even though it's only a book.

But that's the thing. It's not just a book. It's a story, a world. A whole universe you can travel to. Escape for a while from your own life.

Books were my safe place. Where I was happy. Where I didn't have to think about what others think of me. And where I felt free. But nobody understood. To them I was just the weird girl. The quiet nerd that had no friends. The girl that had a new book with her every single day because she would read them in only a day or two.

"Hey!" Someone said and I jumped, looking up.

"Uh, hello." I mumbled and adjusted the glasses on my nose.

"Can I sit?" the guy asked but I didn't answer. I didn't know what to do. Why was he talking to me?

He shrugged and kept looking at me.

"You know, I come here almost every day. And every time I see you sitting on the sme spot, reading. But never the same book."

"A-Are you stalking me?" I frowned. My heart started to beat faster. What if he was a dangerous stalker? What if I can't come back here to my favorite place and read?

"No. Okay, maybe. But I'm not a creepy stalker that wants to kill you or something." He shook his head no.

"How do I know?" I was still sceptical. His smile faltered a little.

Okay, stop that, Y/n! I shouldn't have read that horror story last night! I thought to myself.

"Look. I just see you sitting here every day. And I think you are really beautiful but I wasn't confident enough to talk to you. But I will just go if you don't want me here." He sighed and turned around.

Thats when I looked at him a little closer for the first time. His brown curls were held back with a black headband. He was tall and had a well trained body. He wore some sport shorts and shirt and looked a little bit sweaty. Like he was on a run just some minutes ago.

I bit my lip. And sighed.

"Wait." I called after him so he stopped walking and turned to me again.

"U-Uh do you maybe want to sit?" I pointed next to me. He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I'm Y/n by the way."

"Shawn!" He smiled and held out his hand for me once he sat down. I took it and shook his hand, smiling softly.

"What are you reading?" he pointed at my book.

I had to think about the people at school. Sometimes they asked about my books. But not because they cared but because so they could make fun of me. So I started to ignore them.

"Uh- It's nothing. Doesn't matter." I mumbled softly. I heard him sigh quietly and looked down again, closing my eyes. I expected him to stand up and go. Like everyone else always does. But then I heard him talking next to me.

"Okay. Then tell me about yourself. Why do you love books so much?"

"Why are you still talking to me?" I frowned and looked back up at him.

"Because, Y/n I think you are very beautiful and I want to get to know you!" he said. I couldn't help but smile a little at his words. My cheeks were now burning hot.

"Promise me you won't laugh at me?"

"Why would I?" He asked

"Okay so I'm 18 and I live just a few streets away from here. I love books and reading and everything that has do do with that. I'm kinda obsessed with it. That's why everyone thinks I'm weird and I have no friends. Oh and I also write my own stories but they're not really good." After I finished I looked over at Shawn who was smiling at me.

"You forgot something." I looked at him confused.

"You do have friends." he explained.

"What are you talking about? You don't know that!"

"Yes, because I am your friend now!" he grinned and I smiled.

"Okay but first you have to tell me something about you!" I said and felt a small wave of confidence rush over me.

"Okay so I'm Shawn. I'm 20 and I'm obsessed with music. I love playing guitar. I sing and write songs. And I have a younger sister. Alright so, now we're friends!" He grinned and I laughed, nodding my head yes. I really liked him. Even though we just met today.

We sat there for a few more hours until the sun started to set.

"I should go home now. My mom is probably waiting for me." I slowly got up.

"Alright me too." we stood in front of each other for a moment not knowing what to say.

"Will I see you again?" he then asked softly. I nodded.

"I'll be here again tomorrow!"

"Same tree?"


"Okay. Then I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Y/n!" Shawn smiled.

"Bye Shawn!" I waved my hand at him before I turned around and walked home.

I pressed my book tightly onto my chest and looked down at the ground, smiling softly. I have a friend!

Okay I want to say a few things...

1) thank you SO much for 50K reads, that's amazing! I never thought that so many people would read this book haha❤️

2) Please let me know what you think about this because honestly I feel like this is one of the best things I've ever written...

3) I'm currently on the way to Munich to see Shawn tonight and I'm so excited!!! 😭❤️

Okay that's all, have a nice day😘

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