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Your point of view:

I grabbed my mug of hot chocolate and my phone and opened the glass door that led to the balcony. I stepped out into the chill night and sat down on a chair.

I breathed in the fresh air and turned on some music. It was quietly playing in the background while I took another sip of my cocoa.

My eyes wandered over the lights of the city. I watched a plane passing by on the dark sky and imagined my boyfriend sitting in there on his way home from tour until I lost it out of my sight.

The song in the background came to an end and never be alone started playing. I blushed as I remembered the night he told me he wrote that song for me, and all the other nights he sang it to me over the phone because I missed him while he was away.

I looked up into the sky above and watched the stars. They looked so beautiful tonight. A smile crept onto my face as Shawn softly sang in the background.

"When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars..."

'what are you doing right now?' I typed into my phone and sent it to Shawn. Just seconds later I received an answer.

'I'm looking at the stars right now, wbu?'

'same!' I giggled and looked up again. As I felt my phone vibrate again my leg I read his message.

'that's why they shine so bright tonight...' my cheeks grew hot and I grinned at my cheesy boyfriend.

'aaawwww YOU'RE SO CUTE I LOVE YOU!!' I texted back. I let my phone rest on my lap as I watched the stars again. Suddenly a shooting star catched my eye so I quickly closed them to make a wish.

I hope Shawn is doing well and will come home soon.

Just then I heard the door of the balcony open. My eyes shoot open and I turned around quickly.

"Hey honey." he smiled.


Just a short, cute little one but I promise the next one will be wayyy longer Xx

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now