Singing In The Shower

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“Hey Shawn, I'm home“ I yelled as I stepped thought the front door of our cozy apartement. I didn't get a response, probably because he's out with the guys, so I walked upstairs to our shared bedroom to change into some comfortable clothes. On the way to the bedroom I came across the door to the bathroom as I heard the water running in the shower. I knew that it had to be Shawn so I contuined walking when I heard him singing quietly. I stopped and started to smile while I listened to him. He sang a few songs of his own. I kept listening to his beautiful voice, when I heard him changing the song.

“Sunrise with Y/n on my chest, no blinds in the place that we live...“ he started to sing and I smiled big. I kept standing in front of the door, listening to his angelic voice for a few minutes till I finally decided to continue my way to the bedroom. After 10 more minutes Shawn kept singing in the shower as I walk to the bathroom door again. I tried to push it open but he had locked the door. So I knocked on the door, slapping my fist against it.

“Aaaahhh“ I heard Shawn scream and then there was a loud slam.

“Ouch“ I hear him mumble and I couldn't keep it any longer so I just started laughing at the thought of him falling in the shower.

“Y/n? Is that you baby?“

“Yes Shawn, it's me“ I answered still laughing.

“Since when are you home? I didn't hear you coming home“

“I'm home since 20 minutes now. I called you but you didn't answer“

“Oh okay“

“Shawn, babe, could you please hurry up!? I need to pee really bad“

“Sure hunny, wait a second“ a few moments later the door opened and Shawn came ouf of the bathroom. His hair was still wet and he had a towel around his hips. A few drops of water were running down his chest and his cheeks were flushed from the warm water of the shower. His eyes were bright and he had a big smile on his face as he looked at me. He looked really hot, standing in front of me like that but I couldn't think about that right know. I quickly hushed into the bathroom before I turned around again to face him.

“Oh I just wanted to tell you that it's really cute that you sing your own songs in the shower.“ I smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss. He laughed before he turned around to walk away and change into fresh clothes.

“Oh and I loved that new part of Fallin' All In You“ I called after him. He turned around, blowing me a kiss before disappearing into the bedroom.

Sorry for my bad English...

BUT WHOA 1K!! Thank you!!😍❤

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