Heartbroken Part 2

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Y/n pov

"I love you Shawn!" I whispered but he had already end the call.

I anxiously sat on my bed, waiting for Shawn to arrive. My eyes were glued on the moon outside that shined bright at the dark sky. After what felt like eternity I finally heard the familiar sound of small stones hitting my window. I jumped out of the bed and made my way over to the window. I motioned for Shawn to come to the front door and I quickly made my way downstairs. On the way I almost tripped over my feet but at this point I didn't even care if my parents would wake up or not. I wanted nothing more to be in Shawn's arms again.  As I finally arrived at the front door my heart raced and I felt like everything was spinning inside my head. I took a deep breath and opened the door, revealing Shawn in some sweatpants and my favorite hoodie of him. His hair was a curly mess and his eyes were red from crying. My view got blurry from all the tears when I suddenly felt a hand on my cheek, wiping the tears away.

“I missed you Shawn! And I'm so sorry.“ I cried out.

“Hey shh I'm here, everything is okay“ he tried to comfort me.

“No Shawn, nothing is okay! I broke your heart, saying no to marrying the love of my life. That's not okay! You can't imagine how guilty and horrible I felt these past weeks. And I miss you so much. Shawn I understand when you don't want me anymore but I need you in my life again. I can't live without you!“ I broke down crying. I felt Shawn lifting me up in his arms and walking into the house, closing the door behind us. He walked up the stairs and into my room when suddenly my mom was standing in front of us.

“Oh my god what's wrong honey?“

“I'll take care of her, go back to sleep Mrs. Y/l/n“

“Oh thank you Shawn for being here. You don't know how much it hurt seeing her like this the past weeks. I hope you both fix this again, we all miss you“

“I really want to fix this. I'm not letting her go a second time!“

“Good! It was nice seeing you again Shawn! Good night“

“Good night Mrs. Y/l/n!“

Shawn continued walking into my room and softly laid me down on the mattress. He was about to walk away again but I called him back.



“Can you stay here please?“ I asked quietly and lifted the sheets around me a little, trying to tell him to lay down with me. He understood and climbed into the bed next to me, a small, happy smile on his lips.



“Can you promise me something?“

“Anything honey“

“Please, never let me go again. Even if I'm the biggest bitch to you, please don't give up on me. I love you too much to ever leave you again.“

“I promise! I love you and I can't live without you!“

I cuddled closer to him and he laid his arms tight around me. I breathed in his scent that I loved and missed so much and finally felt safe again.

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