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Your pov:

I sat on the couch in the living room, Shawn beside me with his laptop in front of him, typing something. Although he came home from the studio three hours ago he still was working on the computer. He has been like this for the past month and it started to really piss me off. I completely understood that he had to finish his next album and wanted it to be perfect and I supported him completely with his career but lately he started to get more and more distant. He never had time for me or even our daughter. We would just share a quick kiss in the morning before he had to go or in the bed at night before we fell asleep next to each other. Even at dinner he would be deep in though, if he even came home for dinner. I sighed and turned off the tv when I heard quiet footsteps enter the living room.

“Mommy?“ my 5 year old daughter mumbled.

“Yes, honey?“

“I can't sleep.“ I looked at the clock on the wall. 10:30 pm.

“Come here.“ I opened my arms and she ran in them.

“Can daddy sing for me?“ she asked me as she cuddled deeper into my arms.

“I don't know, you have to ask daddy.“ I smiled and she crawled over to Shawn.



“Can you sing for me? I can't sleep.“

“No, I'm busy.“

“Please daddy?“ She looked up at him with big pleading eyes.

“I said no! I have to finish this!“ Shawn groaned, continuing to type on his laptop. Without another word our daughter stood up from the sofa and ran back to her room, slamming the door shut.

“Really Shawn?“ I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What?“ he snapped at me annoyed.

“Your daughter asked you something and you completely ignore her? This has been going like this for the past month!“

“I'm sorry but this is important!“ He said loudly, not even looking at me.

“More important than your own daughter?“ I looked at him in disbelief. Finally he looked at me.

“You know that this is not true!“

“Oh do I? Shawn you're barely home and even when you're home you're still not here. When was the last time you sang her to sleep? Or even spent some time with her? Played games with her? I understand that you have to finish this album and everything and I always support you! But this has to stop right now! You can't put that over your daughter! She's five! She doesn't understand all of this right now. But she does understand that her dad has no time for her because she isn't as important as your work!“ I looked at him after I finished and he stared at me with hurt eyes.

“Go talk to her right now!“ I added before I stood up and walked away into y/d/n's room. She laid in her bed, her favourite teddy bear in her arms. The one Shawn got her when he was away for tour in Europe.

“Where's daddy?“ She asked once she noticed that I stood in the room.

“I talked to him. Maybe he will sing to you tomorrow. Now go to sleep sweetie, okay?“

“Okay.“ I turned out the light and was about to walk out the room but she stopped me.

“I miss daddy.“ That simple sentence broke my heart. And as I looked up I saw that I wasn't the only one. Shawn looked at me, a look in his eyes I have never seen before. A look of sadness and heartbreak, but also disbelief and frustration. His eyes wandered behind me and I motioned for him to go in. I stayed stood in the hallway.

“Hi daddy.“ Y/d/n mumbled.

“Hey princess. I'm sorry I couldn't sing to you tonight but I will sing tomorrow, just for you, I promise. Do you wanna hear daddy's new song?“

“No. I don't want to hear songs. I want to spent time with you daddy. Can we play dolls tomorrow? And get ice cream?“

“Of course, whatever you want princess!“ after that it stayed silent for a few moments.



“Do you love me?“ my heart broke again at her words.

“Oh baby of course I love you! I love you so much. You and your mummy are my favourite people in the world, I couldn't live without you! You're my everything!“

“Then why have you been weird the last time? I always have the feeling that I'm annoying you.“

“I'm so sorry about that. I just had so much work. I promise you're not a distraction, never! And I will spend more time with you, okay?“


“Good. Now go to sleep, it's late already.“

“Good night daddy. I love you.“

“I love you too! Good night princess.“ Shawn walked out of the room and closed the door behind him before he broke out in tears.

“Oh hunny!“ I rushed over to him and pulled him in for a hug. He cried into my arms for a few minutes before wiping his face, looking at me.

“I'm a horrible father!“ He whimpered.

“No you're not-“

“My own daughter doubtes my love for her! That's the worst thing I could do. How am I going to fix this again?“ he cried into my arms as I slowly lead him into our bedroom.

“Spend time with her. Show her how much you actually love her.“

“I'll stay home tomorrow! No, the whole week! And I-“

“Shawn, slow down. We will think about that tomorrow. Now it's the best for us to just go to sleep.“ He nodded and after we got ready we crawled into the bed.

“Thank you, Y/n!“


“For opening my eyes and showing me how wrong I've been acting these last weeks.“

“Always, love!“

“I love you!“

“I love you too.“ I cuddled closer into his arms and closed my eyes.

“We could go on vacation! Just us three! What do you think?“

“Let's talk about this in the morning. Good night.“ I yawned.

“We could go to Hawaii. Or Bora Bora. But Thailand also sounds good-“

“Oh shut up and sleep!“ I giggled before I placed a sweet kiss onto Shawn's lips, making him stop talking. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me closer to him before we pulled away, looking at each other. God how I love this man!

“Good night, Y/n!“

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