In My Blood

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I saw Shawn's car standing in front of our apartement as I came home. I went grocery shopping an hour ago when he was still at the studio. I didn't expect him to be home that early but I didn't complain, I was happy that he finally was home again. He was working on his new album really hard and was barely home the last weeks. I understood that he was busy with his career and I had much to do with my job as well but I missed him.
I parked my car and grabbed my bags before walking up to our door. I entered the apartement and called for him.
“Hey babe, I'm home.“
I reached the kitchen and put down the bags.
He didn't answer and I shrugged, thinking he would be out for a run or with his friends. But then I spotted his phone and keys laying on the kitchen counter. I knew that he would never leave the house without them so I made my way through the whole apartement, looking for him. I couldn't find him till I walked into the bathroom. Immediately my eyes land on him, laying on the bathroom floor, looking almost lifeless. I rushed over and fell on the floor next to him on my knees, as I held his head in my  hands.
His eyes were wide and he was starring at the ceiling without responsing to me.
“Shawn! Babe what's wrong?“
He still didn't look at me as he whispered quietly “help me“
“What's going on? Talk to me, please, Shawn!“ I whispered and played with his hair to comfort him.
“Someone help me.“ he mumbled again.
“I want to help you. I'm here. Everything is okay.“
Finally his eyes find mine and they had tears in it.
“Y/n what's going on? What's wrong with me?“ he cried and I held him thight.
“I don't know baby but Im here now. I will help you, everything's okay now. You're safe!“ I gently kissed his forehead and looked at him. He slowly tried to sit up and I helped him before I asked “do you want to bed? It's a little uncomfortable here, isn't it?“
He nodded his head and I took his hand in mine before I helped him up and led him into our bedroom. He let himself fall onto the soft mattress, pulling me with him so I was laying on top of him. Suddenly his stomach grubled and I chuckled lightly.
“Do you want something to eat? I bought muffins for you“
Shawn nodded his head excited as I got up from the bed. I was about to walk out the door when Shawn called me back.
“Nooo, don't leave me“
I turned around to look at him, his soft eyes full of fear and his hand reached out into my direction.
“I won't leave, I'm just getting a muffin for you baby“ I smiled at him before I made my way to the kitchen. I was about to get the muffin and walk back to Shawn when I bumped into something, almost letting the muffin fall down. I looked up to see Shawn standing in front of me, tears in his eyes. I took his hand in mine and walked him back into the bedroom where I sat down on the bed and Shawn immediately layed down next to me.
“Do you want to tell me what's going on?“ I asked him softly as I get comfortable in the bed. He nodded lightly and crawled into my arms.
“Lately J just feel like, everything I do, it's never enough. I'm so scared to disappoint everyone. You. Or my fans. And my family. I feel like I'm not working hard enough, like my music isn't good enough. I can't take it anymore. This album has to be perfect. I can't let my fans down.“ he rambled and let out a sob after he finished. My heart broke at the sight of him and I softly rubbed his back.
“Shhh it's okay. Let it out. I'm here“
After a while he calmed down again.
“Listen to me.“ I started. “I can't imagine what it feels like going though this what you're feeling right now. But I want you to know that I'm here for you. To help you. Whenever you feel like this, talk to me. Or to your parents or friends. You don't have to go through this all alone. We just want what's best for you. And so do your fans. They care so much about you, they don't want to see you hurt. And so do I. You have spent so much time at the studio, the last weeks you were working so hard, I think you just need a break. Take a day or two off, just relax. Everybody will understand that. Everyone needs a break sometimes. And always remember, I love you. And your family, friends, and fans, they all love you so much. Never forget that.“ I tried to comfort him.
“Thank you, y/n!“ he whispered.
“I have an idea. We could invite your parents over for tomorrow and have a barbecue. What do you think about that?“ I asked and he nodded his head excited. He yawned and layed his head onto my stomach.
“Go to sleep. I'm here“ I whispered and played lightly with his hair. His arms were tightly wrapped around my body as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

New imagine, hope you liked it. I actually started writing it at school so please ignore my bad English xx
(In My Blood music video is out go watch it😊 I love it!!)

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