Missing Him

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I really like this one tbh 🌸 hope you have a good day! xx

You're just sitting on the sofa at home watching tv. You tried to distract youself, because you're missing your boyfriend Shawn like crazy. He's on tour and you haven't seen him in months, you just facetimed sometimes but he's really busy. Suddenly there comes something about Shawn in tv and you feel the tears building in your eyes. It made you miss him even harder than before so you turned the tv off as the first tear rolled down your cheek. You just wiped it away and unlocked your phone. You opened the chat with Shawn and started to tipe. “Hey Baby, I saw you on tv right now. I just miss you so much I can't wait to see you again, whenever that will be. I love you so much“ you sent it and waited for him to read it. But he didn't read it nor reply, so you put down your phone next to you. You lied down on the couch and closed your eyes. When you finally fell asleep you're dreaming just about him. As you woke up later, you checked your phone and saw that Shawn read your message half an hour ago but he still didn't reply. You decided to text Geoff to ask him if Shawn was okay because he didn't answer you back, but also Geoff didn't reply. You started to feel very disappointed and upset so you got up to get something to the from the kitchen before going to bed. Right in that moment the doorbell rings. Annoyed you went to open the door when suddenly your eyes grew big and you screamed in excitement. You jumped into Shawn's arms who held you thight and you just hoped that this wasn't a dream. You started crying happy tears as you let go to kiss him.
“Surprise babe“ he smiled after you both pulled away.
“The best surprise ever“ you laughed happy and hugged him again.
“I'm so sorry I haven't answered to your messages but I was too aftaid to accidently tell you that I'm on the way home, I feel so bad for that. I'm so sorry babe, I love you“ he tells you. “It's okay, actually i don't care, the most important thing is that you're here. With me.“ you smiled and kissed him again, before pulling him into the house, closing the door behind you.
“I missed you so much“ Shawn whispered as he held you in his arms again. You closed your eyes and breathed in his scent that you missed so much.
“I missed you more“ you mumbled. Suddenly Shawn pulled away and lifted you up and you giggled as he made his way into the bedroom. He putted you down on the bed before he went over to the closet to change his clothes. When he finally came back to you he pulled the sheets over you bodies and held you in his arms. Your head lied on his chest as Shawn softly played with you hair.
“I love you and I'm so happy to be back with you“ was the last thing you heard from him before you drifted off to sleep.

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