Grammys |1

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Your point of view

"This is so exciting. I know you'll do great like always!" I smiled at Shawn who was walking in circles through the room, trying to calm down his nerves.

"But what if I mess up? Everyone will laugh about me or think I'm bad."

"Shawn stop! Nobody will think that! You're awesome, your music is awesome and your fans are the best of all. They will support you no matter what, I promise." I stood in front of him, holding his hands in my own.

"You're probably right." he mumbled and kissed me softly.

"And besides, I will be here watching you on TV and cheering you on!" I grinned.

"Wait TV? What are you talking about? You're coming with me!"

"You want me to come with you to the freaking grammys? Are you serious?"

"Of course baby, I want you there with me!"

"But I don't even have anything to wear and it's already tomorrow night." now I was the one freaking out and walking around but Shawn stopped me and laughed lightly.

"Honey, don't worry. My stylist already has a dress that will fit you perfectly!"

"Are you sure?" He nodded and I let out a sigh of relief before smiling lightly.

"Damn I'm going to the grammys with you!" I laughed.

"You are. We are!"

"I can't wait for it!" I smiled before I kissed him.


The next day

It was the night of the grammys already. We were sitting in Shawn's dressing room, getting ready to walk the red carpet together.

Shawn was right about his stylist. She picked out a beautiful dress that fitted me perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror as Shawn came up and hugged me from behind.

"You look absolutely amazing honey!"

"Thanks babe! And you look hot as hell in that suit!" I turned around and kissed him quickly.

"Ready?" Shawn asked.

"Ready!" answered and took his hand.

We arrived at the location after a short car drive and I could already see all the photographers and celebrities on the carpet and my heart started beating like crazy. I was so nervous. The car came to a stop and someone opened the door for us. Shawn got out of the car first before he helped me get out as well. As soon as I stepped out I was blinded by all the lights so I grabbed Shawn's arm.

Shawn started walking and led me over the red carpet where we soon came to a stop. We smiled into the cameras and posed for the pictures while everyone was screaming at us how we should stand. Shawn pulled me closer into his side and I smiled up at him. I heard someone yell "kiss her!" at Shawn and the next moment he looked down at me and crashed his lips onto mine. Everyone was going wild around us but I could just concentrate on Shawn. We quickly pulled away from the kiss and then started walking again, taking a few more stops to take photos before we finally reached the end of the carpet.

We walked into the hall where the ceremony would take place and started to walk to our seats in the front. On the way we met other celebrities and greeted them but they mostly only talked to Shawn since they didn't really know me. I was relieved when we finally found our seats and sat down. A few people were talking with Shawn and I felt a little awkward just sitting around but then I heard someone call my name.

"Y/n!" I turned around and saw Camila Cabello waving at me while walking over.

"Hey Cami!" I greeted her and she hugged me. Since her and Shawn have been best friends since forever we also grew very close and became best friends as well.

"Hey Shawn!" She waved at him and he came over to us.

"How is my favorite couple?"

"We're pretty good, thanks. How about you?" I smiled.

"I'm great. I'm so excited for tonight!"

"Yeah, me too! I'm actually so nervous!" Shawn chuckled lightly.

"You will be amazing I promise! Right Y/n?" Camila looked at me and I nodded.

"Of course you will! I know you're gonna rock the show, like always!" Shawn blushed and kissed my cheek.

"It was so great seeing you but I have to go now, we will catch up later again, okay?"

"Yeah, of course!" Camila hugged us goodbye before she walked away.

We sat down in our seats and soon the show started. After the first awards Shawn had to head backstage to get ready for his performance so he quickly kissed me before disappearing.

My heart started racing as soon as he stepped onto the stage and I smiled big at him. He started playing the piano while singing and quickly got into the song. After the first chorus he stood up and walked off the small stage and up to the main stage where Miley Cyrus was already standing. They started singing together absolutely killed it. After they were finished the crowd broke out into loud applause and I cheered them on as well before they walked off the stage. Shawn arrived at our seats a few minutes later smiling big at me.

"Damn, you were absolutely fantastic, you killed it Shawn! That was probably one of the best performances you ever did! "

"Thank you baby, this means so much to me!" he kissed me quickly before turning back to the stage and taking my hand in his.

It soon was time for the best song to be announced and I could feel Shawn tensing up beside me. This was it. We watched Alicia Keys and John Mayer who presented the categorie walk onto the stage and I squeezed Shawn's hand.

"And the grammy goes to..."

'Please, please, please let it be in my blood. Please! Oh gosh' I thought as I waited for them to continue.

"In my blood by Shawn Mendes!"

"Oh my God! You did it!" I screamed at Shawn who looked speechless.

"I did it Y/n!" He whispered and before I could answer him he pulled me closer to kiss me. After he pulled away he stood up and walked onto the stage to accept his award. He hugged both Alicia and John before he turned to the microphone.

"Thank you all so much for this! This means so much to me and I can't even explain what I feel right now. I'm speechless, this is just so amazing. I want to thank everybody for making this possible. My family, my beautiful girlfriend, my management and most importantly my incredible fans. This wouldn't have been possible without you and I'm so grateful for all of you. I love you all so much! Thank you!" he quickly wiped a tear out of his eyes before he walked dback to me.

"I am so fucking proud of you right now! You deserve this award so much!" I cried as I hugged him.

"Thank you baby! This wouldn't had happened without your help! I love you so much, you can't even imagine!" Shawn had also tears in his eyes but he tried to hide it as best as possible.

After a few more performances and awards we made our was backstage to meet up with the whole team. Everybody was congratulating him for his first grammy and an amazing performance and he almost started tearing up again, especially when his parents came up to tell him how proud they were.

We spent a few more hours backstage just sitting around, talking and celebrating together. I was sitting on the sofa with Teddy, joking around until Shawn suddenly fell down onto the sofa next to me and pulled me into his arms. We stayed like that almost the whole night the grammy award beside us and tried to just realise all of the things that happened tonight.

Okay I'm sorry for the weird ending...
So I know Shawn sadly didn't win a grammy last night EVEN THOUGH HE REALLY DESERVED TO WIN BUT WHATEVER so I just wanted to write an imagine about how it could have been if he actually won and I really hope you like this! Xx

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